Name 1 game with better pacing than Uncharted 2

Name 1 game with better pacing than Uncharted 2

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Love that game. I replay every summer since it's better than most summer action movies.

Doom 2

Close but like a lot of people that fucking Ashley section almost ruined the entire game for me

The Lost Legacy

which one?
>forgetting the escort missions in uc2.


The chapter where you actually play as Ashley? That's easy as fuck and it's over in like 20 minutes.


any game that isnt uncharted

>10 minutes of gears of war with worse guns
>15 minutes of climbing across a linear path with no chance of failure
>10 minutes of gears of war with worse guns
>10 minutes of platforming with no chance of failure
>15 minute cuscene

>this is called good pacing

The escort part, it wasn't that bad but her ai was fucking awful

No the escort part with her, and come on that escort mission in U2 was easy as hell compared to RE4

not gonna lie, I barely remember a thing about this game other than the train. also, the last boss was horseshit. so much for great pacing. also, no replay value.

Idk why people insist that Gears has better gunplay than Uncharted. Uncharted is similar only without every enemy being a bullet sponge and it has actual melee mechanics instead of 'le edgy chainsaw goooree wooaaah!!'. Gears gameplay sucks ass and the story does too compared to Uncharted


she doesn't have ai. she simply follows you. and you shove her into dumpsters while you fight. but you probably didn't know that.

I didn't really take the time to learn the controls honestly, I really am not a fan of that franchise. I played it but never got used to it like I did Metal Gear or other games with clunky controls

>good gun combat

Crash Bandicoot 2. NaughtyDog has to go back.

I liked it a shit ton more than most third person shooters. Give me an example of something better other than Gears

Why do people always post this shitty webm?

Game is great, and this is the part people always post, some scripted cutscene bullshit.


I missed it on the first time too.

>taking ashley into that area with the chainsaw bitches

I personally enjoyed uncharted 4 more

All max payne games are better, especially 3 which has the best third person shooting ever crafted.

>inb4 some shitter complains about cutscenes as if that somehow invalidates the perfection that is the gameplay

4 had to much down-time in my opinion, I liked the smoothness of the movement but it took up too much of the game

>the escort part

You haven't played the game.

That's surprising you brought up that franchise because it's my second most played next to Uncharted. You're right though, it might have the edge when it comes to gunplay

I've avoided that game like the plague because it looks like a visual novel at this point.

The cutscenes DO ruin the game since you're barely allowed to do something without the game taking over and the general gameplay seemed to have made shootdodge too strong in addtion to the level design being bland

still better than every single UC, but not like that means much

why do third person shooters exist? first is so much better. seems like a dead genre.

is this game bad or something? it's 2 bucks at gamestop.

Third person games are better when narrative is a bigger factor.

There's also mechanics that you can do in third person that are a lot harder to design in first person.

I've always enjoyed them more then first for some reason, Uncharted and GTA have always been my favorite games. Even after switching to pc 5-6 years ago and replaying all my favorite fps's I still enjoy third person more

It's one of my favorite games of all time but it's divisive on Sup Forums.

If you can get it that cheap it's absolutely worth it.

No it's amazing, it's probably that cheap because it didn't sell that great for some reason

>Third person games are better when narrative is a bigger factor.

God tier OST.

I could post more, but literally every track in this game is good, and I don't want to spoil the last level song for people who haven't played.

>Third person games are better when narrative is a bigger factor.


Everything else


He's talking about when you have to snipe clear her path in the castle I think.

gears is trash though. It is just wave after wave.

Her AI still isn't a factor, she just runs to the crank and turns it, all failings are on the player for sucking.

Because it looks cool? Just a guess.

Gears 2 & 4 have some variety. But UC2 definitely has more.

>uuuh sorry you're not allowed to bring up the fact that the game bans you from playing for longer than 5 minute sections