Game is sold for full or half price

>Game is sold for full or half price
>Game has microtransactions
>Pirate game
>The price to my copy has already been paid by those that buy microtrasactions so it isn't "theft" anymore
Prove me wrong

You're a poorfag, you've already lost all arguments by default.

It's never theft, it's copying (without being allowed to copy it). The terminolgy is different. Thats why they call it "pirating", so they make us sound evil

Just don't bother discussing, just don't get caught. What the ref doesn't see, never happened.

>Produce is sold at full price or at a portion if you're not buying in bulk.
>Take potato out of a bag of a dozen potatoes or so.
>The price to my potato has already been paid by those that buy the whole bag, so it isn't "theft" anymore.

Prove me wrong

You are a corporative dick sucker, you have already lost all credibility by default.

>The price to my potato has already been paid by those that buy the whole bag, so it isn't "theft" anymore.
If they decide to pay more than what the bag demands sure

>food analogy

*pirates himself*
*teleports behind you*
*smashes your moralfag boipucci with 3 seperate cocks at the same time*
Pshh, nothin personnel moralfags.

Say what makes you feel better, kid, but I don't go around validating my poorness on a chinese cartoon image board.

>having an adult conversation with peers
>a child comes in swinging a sack of what appears to be potatoes while screaming and crying
>we attempt to ignore him and continue talking

I swear I don;'t watch animu guys, it is chinese right?? hurr shing shang shoo

If you were homeless like I was then you wouldn't give a shit about giving that corporative turd a few more bucks for his stupid new sports car.

>food analogy

i don't have to prove you wrong, i'm just gonna sit here and laugh

Get a fucking job poorfags, pirating will never be ok, stop trying to argue about it

hey mind if i pirate that reaction image? thanks

not at argument

not a grammar

It doesn't matter how much others payed or how much profit the company made. YOU didn't pay for it.

Companies are not you friends and the moment you end homeless then say goodbye to games
If they don't care about you why should you care about them

>Being a petty thief who thinks digital piracy and theft aren't synonymous.

>Proceeds to performing feats of philosophical acrobatics in order to make his petty thievery look like some sort of struggle against good and evil, resorting to "muh evul korporashun!" to legitimizing his actions like some college-aged, neon-haired Marxist.

>Equating all this as "an adult conversation."

All this self-delusion, though.

Hi, you must be new here.

There's a guy that spent 15K on Mass Effect Andromeda (I didnt play it just an example), he'll probably stop playing it in the near future so all those 15K will be obsolete to HIM, but not the COORPORATION, hence why I'll just assume he bought me a copy.

also not a argument

Shhhhh, don't tip off neogaf and reddit, just ignore them

Why do people respond to these threads. Since 2012.

I can steal anything from walmart because other people buy stuff there and give them money instead of me. Wow makes perfect sense

>There's a guy that spent 15K on Mass Effect Andromeda.


People spend gob-loads on games every year. If not on MMORPGs and loot boxes, then on slot machines and other gambling devices.

If one or more people with some sort of problem decides to invest an unhealthy amount of money in a game, how does this affect you or anyone else?

Stop trying, you are pathetic, you have to pay for a videogame like any products you want to use

Jesus was a pirate and Im sure most people are Jesusians

What if I buy the game at a later time at a reduced price, used?

The irony of this post is palpable.

Weird you don't have to pay for music or porn or even comics. But with video games suddenly you have to pay or else you're pathetic.

>If a country is using oil to burn its people with it you shouldn't steal their oil

Jesus was feeding hungry people.

Pirates just want to play a video game for their own pleasure without spending money.

Big difference.

But user those tell you if you like the product you should support the artist and buy it, oh wait so does pirates, what a weird coinciwence

You are pathetic defending companies from "loses" that don't even personally affect you just so they can buy their expensive bullshit.

>People are not accountable for their own actions and decisions, so it's the company's fault that they're spending money unwisely.

Pirates just want to listen to a song for their own pleasure without spending money.
Pirates just want to watch a show for their own pleasure without spending money.
Pirates just want to read a book for their own pleasure without spending money.
Pirates just want to masturbate for their own pleasure without spending money.

Big difference.

The reason for doing it may be different but its still piracy.

>A company is in no way culpable for targeting the type of person known for compulsive spending

I;m sure you pay for all the manga and comics you read, all the anime, TV shows, movies you watch, and all the music you listen to,you do that right? Or are you just a hypocrite?

It's called "relative sympathy," user.

If you were a business owner and people were stealing products from you and then had the nerve to justify their actions by claiming "LOL U MAKE ENUFF MONEE ANYWAY, SO I DONUT SEE THUH BIG DEEL!", you'd probably be pissed off, too.

I've never seen porn pirates tell people to support the creators and buy porn

Sure but everything else does, just read any manga chapter, and so do crackers in their installers, but of course when you have no argument you'll only focus on one part of the whole deal.

>he doesn't pay for comics and manga
>youporn is free

i'm not defending companies, but stealing shit is never right, even if it's just a shitty vidya, are you 12 years old with no money ? if not you are pathetic

I have money now but when I was poor one had to emulate and pirate games to go by
It was either pirated games or buying food and paying the rent

Your entire premise is that there is no right or wrong way to sell video games. These companies don't owe you anything, they are selling a product/service to people that like it. There is no integrity, morality or ethical consideration to it.

So why should we the consumers be expected to adhere to some moral or categorical imperative to not pirate while these companies get a free pass to act amorally in pursuit of profit above all else? You have the nerve to justify their actions by claiming "LOL U ARE ENTITULD PIRACY IS STEEEELING PAY FUR YER PRUDUCTS I have just as much of a right to act in self interest as these corporations do.

Oh yes let me just buy PC-98 Touhou thats readily available everywhere

>he doesn't pirate comics and manga
>implying copyright material on youporn isn't "stolen".

>i'm not defending companies
yes you are.

There is literally nothing wrong with pirating vidya and if you think it's stealing you are more intellectually deficient than a 12 year old. Trying to argue against piracy on Sup Forums of all places makes you beyond pathetic.

>A company crafts something to make a profit and markets it to people most likely to spend money on it.

What a wild and radical concept! Surely, this hasn't been practiced in one way or another for centuries, so we should act bewildered and amazed that this is happening right now!

You should quit trying to paint companies as trying to target "vulnerable" consumers. In fact, you need to stop pretending that consumers are "vulnerable" in any sense.

Stop trying to garner sympathy for people who are under no obligation to purchase stuff. Understand that people, and not the companies who sell them products, are responsible for their own actions.


>Sure but everything else does
Not really.

Scene releases for movies and albums don't encourage you to support the artist or buy it either. It's almost exclusively shit like magna translations and vidya cracks that do because they're put out by enthusiasts. but of course when you have no argument you'll try to ignore and deflect from the hypocrisy.

>You should quit trying to paint companies as trying to target "vulnerable" consumers. In fact, you need to stop pretending that consumers are "vulnerable" in any sense.

You need to get a clue you reductionist shithead.

Any game that has microtransactions is an auto-pirate. The developers have already paid the price.

Weird how the companies who sell these products are never responsible for anything and consumers are always to blame no matter what.

it's like if you pirated music but said it was ok because the money is mostly in live concerts and touring anyway

>You should quit trying to paint companies as trying to target "vulnerable" consumers.

Yeah, these microtransactions are just coincidences. It's not like huge publishers specifically go out of their way to make the games as manipulative as possible to wring out every penny they can. Companies can do no wrong.

Microtransations are optional user, you can play the game without them and win with your own skill, even if your enemy bought a weapon 100x stronger than yours for 9.99

wtf i love opiods now

>p2w apologists on Sup Forums

>Your entire premise is that there is no right or wrong way to sell video games. These companies don't owe you anything, they are selling a product/service to people that like it. There is no integrity, morality or ethical consideration to it.

Integrity, morality, or ethical consideration are best left for the subjects in life that clearly deserve it, such as the things we depend our very lives on.

Video games don't fit in that spectrum anywhere, so lamenting about the lack of morality or ethical consideration and pretending this is a serious and relevant issue is beyond stupid, all things considered.

>So why should we the consumers be expected to adhere to some moral or categorical imperative to not pirate while these companies get a free pass to act amorally in pursuit of profit above all else?

Because the buying and selling of a product from a corporation is, in it's core essence, no different from buying and selling a product to or from a friend or family member. To steal or burgle from one person is just as morally abhorrent as it would be from a store or company.

And you have no legitimate reason to justify your actions due to the perceived actions and attitudes of companies. We live in an age where everything is documented and covered more so than ever before, including the deeds and misdeeds of these companies. If your moral compass is guiding you and your practices on how to acquire video games, all you must do is research a company through testimonials and reviews and make a decision for yourself.

You live in such an informed age that you literally have no excuse to resort to piracy as a means of some sort of consumer revolt. The most harmful thing you can do to a company you don't like is not only rob them of profit, but to take that profit to another company who you feel is more deserving of your money.

No matter how you break it down, pirates are just petty thieves. The best of them have the stones to admit that they're freeloaders.

why do we opt to ban things instead of teaching people not to use them in the first place

Technically playing the game is optional. Just because you buy the game doesn't mean you have to play it, you don't have the right to criticize games and if a game is broken its your own fault.

>What are product recalls?

>What are damages paid out as a result of class action lawsuits?

You act like none of these things ever happen.

It just doesn't happen too often regarding video games because you'd have a hard time trying to convince people that a video game actually harmed anyone.

you basically described how the music industry works. labels have taken the vast majority of revenue from album sales even before internet piracy became viable.

Fucking this.

>Technically being alive is optional, you can always kill yourself, you don't have the right to criticize life and if you were born in a sewer and your life is broken from the beginning its your own fault.

Because people are stupid, and video game enthusiasts in particular are mental midgets. In a proper market with smart consumers, the cancer would've stopped at horse armor, but now people are paying hundreds for a chance to obtain content that would've been unlocked in-game through skillful means just 5 years ago.

Not that I agree with pushing legislation, but vidya consumers have weak wills and weak hands. No one actually likes these new mechanics outside of a few gambling junkies, they just grudgingly put up with it because they think it's a completely optional part of a game they enjoy.

>To steal or burgle from one person is just as morally abhorrent as it would be from a store or company. You have no legitimate reason to justify your actions
>Video games don't fit in that spectrum anywhere, so lamenting about the lack of morality or ethical consideration and pretending this is a serious and relevant issue is beyond stupid, all things considered.

>If your moral compass is guiding you and your practices on how to acquire video games, all you must do is research a company through testimonials and reviews and make a decision for yourself.
>the buying and selling of a product from a corporation is, in it's core essence, no different from buying and selling a product to or from a friend or family member.

Congrats you defeated your own argument.

No matter how you break it down, antipirates are just petty shitposters. The best of them have the stones to admit that piracy isn't actually stealing and they're just shitter shattered over people getting to play free stuff.

why opt to ban fraud instead of teaching people not to fall for it in the first place

Piracy lets me to play the game without having to support such retarded practices like microtransactions and other inane marketing schemes.
That's more than enough justification to resort to piracy, fuck your testimonials and second hand opinions that are practically worthless when actually discussing the quality of these games until you decide its suddenly sufficient enough to base a purchase decision on.

they're stupid because every opportunity to teach is replaced with bans

I'm one of those hungry people. So you'd be okay if i pirate games, right?

>Because the buying and selling of a product from a corporation is, in it's core essence, no different from buying and selling a product to or from a friend or family member.

Media and marketing have greatly distorted traditional market values, you can make superior or better value products than your competitors and still go bankrupt or fall in last place just like HTC is. The best phones I've had have both been Samsung or HTC. Apple sells overpriced antiquated tech to people at a premium that is built like utter shit and will break under normal use. HTC makes top of the line, mid grade, and low end phones that all hold up like tanks and rarely fail from even blatant abuse at a fair and competitive price point. And yet Apple flourishes because people love buying over marketed bullshit based on that marketing, and don't give a shit about getting a good value.

Even if you disagree with all that and think Apple is the greatest, just look at Sennheiser, Fostex, and Audio Technica vs Beats by Dre. Beats are openly known as base heavy over priced garbage yet they control a vast majority of the market because most consumers are slaves to marketing. Nothing more. Sales has nothing to do with selling a quality product anymore, throwing money at marketing sells a game more than making a good one.

Video game companies are not your friends, they are not your family and treating them as such just reveals yourself as a sociopath who's brain has been rotted away by brand loyalty. Corporations are for profit entities and cause of it they just care about making as much money as possible above all else.

>"I'll just break up what he posted and take things entirely out of context to make him look self-contradictory."

nobody banned any of the things he mentioned though. almost as if "teachable moments" rhetoric is empty and not an actual solution to anything.

But you're not stealing.
You're creating an unauthorized copy (Of a product which has been willingly released to the public) from data derived from someone else's authorized copy and not even for the purpose of selling it or passing it off as your own but for your own personal use.
This is a victimless (((crime))) as it deprives the (((injured))) party of nothing at all and does no damage.

You can't. People are idiots.
If a philosophy or a set of standards is inconvenient to them because they can't play the latest release that all their friends are playing or that marketing convinces them is good then they will drop it like a hot potato and buy it.

>Implying we're completely able to ban all forms of fraud.

You might as well argue to ban hate speech and bullying as well.

Because why not greatly limit our freedoms in the vain hopes of stopping the actions of a deranged few who will find some other way of doing harm?

shut up krillian

Digital piracy isn't theft. Neither one's definition matches the other. The only acrobatics here are performed by those who try to change these two different illegal acts to fall under a single category.
It's like me saying homicide and tax evasion are identical, just because I see them both as offenses punishable by imprisonment, and saying any argument you give as to how homicide and tax evasion are different is philosophical acrobatics and mental gymnastics. It's just not a viable form of conversation or argument.
The fact is that these two offenses are different, and they are being portrayed as identical by people or bodies who claim to lose profits from the lesser offense and they want to raise the perceived severity of the offense. That's also why unauthorized distribution of digital copyrighted materials was named "piracy", which is a term depicting actual acts theft, murder and rape. There's a difference between killing people and taking their boats and clicking on a download button on a computer. Both are illegal, but they are different. And so are digital piracy and theft.

Digital piracy and theft aren't synonymous.
Corporations aren't your friends, either.

Nothing was taken even remotely out of context m8. Sorry you can't call someone stupid for lamenting about the lack of morality or ethical consideration how companies do business while holding consumers to moral/ethical standards and then pretend it's not inherently self contradictory.

Nearly every other company has ways of making money outside of their main product

Comics and manga also have tons of merchandise and tons to support the IP even if the books dont sell.

Sites like youporn are all owned by the same companies that produce the content at this point so they're still making a ton off of ads and "premium" subscriptions.

With vidya there aren't any other avenues if the product itself isn't selling. That's the problem with vidya piracy.

>Piracy lets me to play the game without having to support such retarded practices like microtransactions and other inane marketing schemes.

And yet, by playing the game, you stand the chance to subsequently talk about it to friends, you're marketing it and more-likely-than-not selling it and making the company a profit anyway.

The best way to hurt a company is the boycott their products if you don't like their practices, yet you go about playing the game anyway and inevitably become a walking billboard for them anyhow so they can make money with the crummy practices which you hate.

You cannot even fight against the things that are ruining the hobby for you effectively because of your decision to pirate. Arguing that you're not supporting certain practices by pirating a game is self-delusion.

>Implying we're completely able to ban all forms of fraud.
Implying I even said they are.

Why bother banning any form of fraud when you can just teach people to avoid fraud? Not allowing people to run ponzi schemes and sell fake eggs as if they were real is greatly limiting your freedoms. Buisness regulations and bans on things like child labor and anti-trust laws are exactly on par with banning hate speech and bullying as well.

>With vidya there aren't any other avenues if the product itself isn't selling

Not him, but that's why we have microtransactions up the ass, companies aren't selling so they need money from their most dedicated buyers.

And I thought the "it's optional" excuse was bullshit Jesus

>Various merchandise like shirts, Amiibos, etc
>*Game not included* Collectors Editions

Then you just don't talk about the game? Or you recommend that your friends pirate it?
You will also give publicity to a game with a boycott and will have to do the same things I just mentioned but you don't get to play the game either.

Because pirates are rushing out to buy that stuff if they didn't buy the game.

>Nearly every other company has ways of making money outside of their main product
And so do video games.

>Comics and manga also have tons of merchandise and tons to support the IP even if the books dont sell.
And so do video games.

>Sites like youporn are all owned by the same companies that produce the content
And they still host copyrighted material illegal that they don't produce. Other than weak DMCA claims no one outside of the biggest porn companies have enough power to actually challenge them.

>With vidya there aren't any other avenues if the product itself isn't selling.
That's complete bullshit and you know it. If you think piracy is a problem unique to video games you're a braindead subhuman who isn't worth reasoning with.

I'm not advocating for the practice, just explaining it.

>Video game companies are not your friends

I never argued that they were. Choosing to purchase an item legitimately from a company is not a matter of "blind brand loyalty," it's about personal integrity.

Just because Apple has a world-class marketing firm and made their logo the most valuable thing on their products isn't a "distortion." Anybody can do a simple Google search and be informed. Just because many choose not to and simply follow trends for some vain reason isn't a reason to resort to petty thievery.

You even encounter this sort of thing in other facets of business. You can choose to get your car worked on at a chain company like Midas and pay out the nose for something like brake pad replacement, or you can take it to a local business where they'll do it faster, better, and cheaper. Alternately, they also could screw you over. Again, better to stay informed and do research before deciding where you can take your car. We can do that so much better in this day and age that anyone claiming to steal stuff as their way of fighting back are just ignorant to the fact that there are other, more legitimate ways of tackling this issue, but we all know why you're doing it. You're a freeloader who wants things without paying for it.

I don't know about your society, but in the one that I live in, we regard thieves very lowly.

I steal from walmart because walmart stole the American dream from many Americans and pays slave wages. But I don't pirate PC games because I want to support our hobby and fill our library with more and more PC releases. Praise Gaben.

>But you're not stealing.

Here we go again!

>person buys two copies of game instead of one for their brother
>I can steal now

No, that's retarded and only is an argument from malfunctioning brains.

I mean, you could just make the argument that pirating is okay for you because you're too retarded to produce money so you wouldn't be a customer anyway.

But, you're too fucking stupid. It's a damn shame.

>companies aren't selling

Companies are selling more than ever. The new strategy for AAA publishers is to make fewer higher budget games with shoehorned microtransactions and inflated marketing budgets because it guarantees more returns on average. Destiny already made back its entire budget day 1, but they still implemented microtransactions during a later update because they could, and they were already pushing out barren overpriced DLC for a regular cash flow.

>I steal from walmart because walmart stole the American dream from many Americans and pays slave wages.

Just because Shirlena decided to not go to college or join the military and instead do drugs and have five illegitimate children and screw herself over so badly that the only place she could get a job is a low-wage and low-skill place like Walmart doesn't mean Walmart killed the American dream.

Well this whole image is pretty bad, cause i mean it acknowledges the argument that "pirating doesn't necessarily mean loss of sale", but doesn't really refute it. It's perfectly valid, however it doesn't justify piracy either or in the case of the image that you're actively distributing stolen goods.

If you're distributing stolen goods, you can no longer make the personal argument of "no loss of sale" cause you're actively contributing to the potential loss of sale.

The guy buying a dozen potatoes gets 12 potatoes because the guy pirating potatoes made a copy of 1/12th of the original product, for personal use.

Nobody is talking about "petty thievery" except you my dude. Also lol if you think marketing doesn't greatly distort market values. It's literally the art of making you want to buy something you wouldn't have otherwise. How can you be this delusional?

>You even encounter this sort of thing in other facets of business. You can choose to get your car worked on at a chain company like Midas and pay out the nose for something like brake pad replacement, or you can take it to a local business where they'll do it faster, better, and cheaper.

Unless Midas buys up or drives out the local buisness in town and your only option is to either take it to Midas or haul your shitheap of a car 50 miles over to the closest independent shop.

>are just ignorant to the fact that there are other, more legitimate ways of tackling this issue,
There aren't, you haven't mentioned any that isn't just straight up abstinence.

>You're a freeloader who wants things without paying for it.
That's ultimately the core of your arguments. You don't actually care about the morality or the ethics of pirating, or it's supposed effects on gaming companies. You just want your sanctioned 15 minute hate so you can rant and soapbox about MUH THEIVES and demonize pirates because you're an industry apologist