Is 2004 the greatest year of games?

Is 2004 the greatest year of games?
>Doom 3
>Half-life 2
>World of Warcraft
>Ninja Gaiden
>Prince Persia 2
>Rome: Total War
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Halo 2
>GTA: San Andreas
>The Sims 2
>Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
>Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
>EverQuest II

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it is one of the pinnacles of the late-golden era, yes. However, 1998 is a very tough contender.

none of thoese games hold up.

MGS1 is still great.

That's like, your very poor opinion, man.
I replay tons of those almost annually, and some of them I've only very recently played for the 1st time (Grim Fandango, PE1...), and they've been superb.


Put Unreal on that list.

1998, 2004, and 2017 are godlike

honestly? abe's exoddus is the only one that does. and you didn't even list it. shame.

Two good Nintendo games is hardly "god like" just yet.

Honestly? You are wrong.

There hasn't been a wide selection of good video games since 2008.
There's only been a few amazing games, thrown in a pile of mediocrity.

2015 is good to
>BB, Witcher 3, Phantom Pain, Fallout 4

>Fallout 4
It's a good sanbox but a shitty rpg.

>all those mediocre, disappointing openworld trash
2015-16 was the fucking rock-bottom.

Needs Final Fantasy Tactics

Best year goes to either 1997, 1998, or 2002. All other years need not apply.

But let's talk about 2017.
>Gravity Rush 2
>Yakuza 0
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
>Persona 5
>Sonic Mania
>Tekken 7
>Splatoon 2
>Maybe ARMS
>Metroid Sandwich Returns
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Wolfenstein II The New Colossus
>A Hat in Time
>Divinity Original Sin II
>Middle Earth Shadow of War
>Maybe Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Solid ass year.

>some random astro boy game but not the DS

year before that was pretty gud as well...

>remembering the big debate being which would be the better game doom 3 or half life 2

Half Life 2 won.

you mispelled 1994
>Doom II
>Earthworm Jim
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>Super Metroid
>Tie Fighter
>Demon's Crest
>Wing Commander 3
>The Elder Scrolls: Arena
>3 Ninjas Kick Back

>no South Park
>no Battle Chasers
You make me sad.

HL2 & DOOM 3 came out on Xbox in very late 2005, fuck the stupid consolefag who made that pic

doom 3 is kino, half-gay 2 is a flick for retards that makes them feel smart
no contest here

I remember arguing over whether MGS1 or Ocarina of Time had better graphics.

>tfw born in 96
i missed the golden age, i got to listen to people argue about CoD vs Battlefield and jizzing over Skyrim in High School. Tell me, what was the transition to 3D like?

Honnestly. Battlechaser is okay. And I had been waiting for it for years. Story should have been better. Also, the new assassin creed is actually decent. You can tell they put a lot of heart into it (although the big bosses are still greedy jew trying to milk everyone who buy's the game)

it was cute. Just as people got controls of 2d perfected we were flung into the wild west of controls.

OOT put it to shame, MGS1 looks like shit

I wish I could have had my entire understanding of how video games work be flipped on its head. What was the first game that really made you go "holy shit how can video games do this?" in terms of graphics or mechanics?

I remember being more excited about consoles getting save game abilities.

well I got started on NES at age 3 and never stopped going hard. the real first time I was in awe was probably Morrowind. you could literally pick everything up off the table. WTF

>makes them feel smart

look up 2012 and find out what real misery looks like.
>when dragons dogma and Sleeping dogs end up being the only good games of an entire year.

The Kino Within 2 tho

>there's still shit i missed
this is only a good thing

>>Doom 3
>Implying it was any good
Game had incredible graphics, but it was a very boring shooter.

There's also Danganronpa v3 and Hollow Knight.


>"holy shit how can video games do this?"
you're talking about a time where everything was really new and exciting, and developers could create anything they wanted, it's really hard to pinpoint a single thing.
though recently I've been thinking back on Dance Dance Revolution and how that became so popular in the west despite being so fucking weird

Kawai as fuck

2017 was very good. Probably at least top 3 since 2000.