Not even the creator of Linux advertises his own OS in his tech youtube videos

>not even the creator of Linux advertises his own OS in his tech youtube videos
Could it be that Linus knows that Linux is simply not fit for vidya? Which is why he keeps it out of all of his tech videos aimed at gaymers?

Linus Tech Tips? more like Linus succ dick!

you're fucking stupid, OP

wow, great thread idea OP. Simply Eric.


You're a genuine, good to honest, tech illiterate retard. If you think for one second this is the creator of linux. I bet you fucking visit Sup Forums too and think everyone there's a genius hackerman, while they all use dual booting macs or shitpads. Here's a (you)

ITT: triggered lincucks babs

I'm honestly not sure if this is some reverse-baiting or if you're just genuinely unable to understand a joke.

I'd just like to interject for a moment

I'll let (you) decide on that one.


>tfw op thought this was funny and clever

Why Linus only uses Windows?

That guy made his own Linux distro?

based mungposter

>watching his videos for the cool tech I wont be able to afford
>slowly start to imagine him as a trap
>can't escape thinking him dressed a girl sucking my cock
>begin to have feverish dreams of trap Linus
>stop watching cold turkey out of fear for my sexuality

Fun fact: Torvalds named Linux after himself and his favorite food chicken nuggets
Linux = Linus + nuggies (>nugs>nux)

linus is a cool name desu

wish I was linus bros

hey man, you do you.

who's lingus?

I want to think that this is a joke. Originally posted on Sup Forums but they told him to fuck off to Sup Forums

In all seriousness though, Linus is a fucking idiot.