is this just going to be a movie? Why doesn't kojimbo/sony show some gameplay: don't tell me we have to wait until e3...
Is this just going to be a movie? Why doesn't kojimbo/sony show some gameplay: don't tell me we have to wait until e3
How should we know? Most likely not.
>Why doesn't he show gameplay
Because there's nothing to show?
A year ago, he didn't even have the engine for the game selected! No proper team either. As weird as it may sound to the modern kids that have used to the Ubisoft / EA style, assembly-line pace of pushing out games all the time, making big, AAA-tier games from scratch takes YEARS.
It's gonna be some kind of Kojima magnum opus, where you run around naked and extract naked butts and boobs to your motherbase, but then you learn they were nanomachine butts
Except Kojimbo claims the game will be ready before 2018 ends.
>2020 ps5
screenshot this
Game journos and devs who have played the current version say it's unique and crazy and shit.
I'm more excited for pic related. Death Stranding will be fine, but what you want is more Metal Gear, and Left Alive is probably the closest thing you're ever going to get. (It is a Front Mission game but that series has been vaporware since last decade and everything about Left Alive screams prime era-MGS, including Yoji Shinkawa and real ass mechs).
>Game journos and devs who have played the current version say it's unique and crazy and shit.
So the kojima bonus is gonna be a thing now too?
Why so much mystery? if they are secure that the game is so "great and outstanding" why not show anything or talk about the gameplay? hidig things to falseflag hype never talks well about a game.
Because Kojimable doesn't owe you shit faggot
Kill yourself fucking kojima fanboy apologizer
checked. also, agree. Don't know why Sup Forums rides this guy's dick
>Show no gameplay
>Everybody still hypes your game just because of your name despite your last games being fucking dumb like MGSIV and V
>Some fanboy dick suckers even claim those were great
i'm actually kind of hoping you do run around as naked norman and that there's floppy dick physics
>Punished Norman
>Created by Hideo Kojima
>Produced by Hideo Kojima
>Original Story by Hideo Kojima
>Chapter 2
Just buy a ps4 bro they're pretty cheap
>Game journos and devs who have played the current version say it's unique and crazy and shit.
I haven't played a single metal gear. I am just pissed off that everybody praises this hack for doing nothing but manipulating people with big words and fancy camera takes.
>but what you want is more Metal Gear
No, I'm quite alright with Metal Gear being over. I want more Kojima craziness.
>I haven't played a single metal gear
So how do you know he's a hack? I think you're just parroting shit you hear from others instead of finding out on your own and forming your own opinion
Watched walkthroughs of the games
They are nothing if you aren't american and you don't fall for his tricks of epic music and cheap drama
>Game journos and devs who have played the current version say it's unique and crazy and shit.
>and shit
So they're saying it's bad? Kill yourself.
Who are these journos and devs?
Mgs 1-peacewalker are genuine good games with good gameplay. 4 went batshit with cinematics but the gameplay was still good. 5 had a terrible story but it it's the best controlling third person stealth shooter ever created. Zoe2 is great, snatched and policenauts were great. I also can't take you seriously for watching walkthroughs instead of playing the damn games yourself.
PS4 has only just barely come out and the Pro had rejuvinated it even more. PS5 isn't coming for at least, at LEAST 6 years.
Maybe because it's been little more than a year into development and what's there to show isn't in a state worth showing?
MGSV took 5 years to make, and only about 3 years into development did we start seeing something other than le ebin cinematic trailers.
The PS4 has been out for almost four years, man.
>5 years to develop half a game.
Crazy times are what we live in.
>wow is like it is not the same people saying these things
That's nothing.
Final Fantasy XV took more than 10.
They were barely working on the game at all for most of that time though.
Sounds right. 10 year cycle.
So you want to be spoiled of everything, and will ignore that Kojima has been making the games more gameplay focused, while lowering the relevance of the plot over the years?
Dumb kojimbo cultist
It's been 1 fucking year into development, what the hell do you want them to show?
Some levels full of texture placeholders, and enemies with literally no texture on and missing sounds and animations?
He only did that after MGS4, because Sup Forums complained about it being too cinematic.
And 9 years after that piece of shit you still claim his future game will be a movie, when precisely what people complained about MGSV is that it wasn't a movie?
Fucking checked!
Well, that's why you don't announce your game with a cinematic trailer before you even have an engine or development team.
Kojima only did that to secure relevancy after the Konami departure, it was the smart move.
Well, it's understandable considering the videogame community is the media with the most braindead userbase who thinks something worthwhile can be made in just a year.
And also the ones easiest to rip off.
Oh, I know why he did it. But you don't get to do that and then complain when people want some gameplay, or hell, anything substantial two years later. If he doesn't have something big to show at PSX or Dorito Pope Show this December, people are going to stop caring.
Who in this industry made you expect gameplay videos 1 year after the development of the game begins, aside from Call of Duty?
>thinking Sony would let Microsoft have the more powerful console of all time for 6 years.
No, also rumors say Sony will release a new hardware in 2018.We'll see.
It doesn't matter, it'll just be a completely scripted and pre-rendered mock mission.
Even that would be an improvement over what we have now. It would give us a vague idea as to how the game works.
They just started development you negro
P.S. Kojima already said the trailers out for it have nothing to do with the game, they exist to introduce the cast
I don't really know how it is going to be when it comes out. Seems like 50 percent chance it's going to be pure kino and 50 percent totally insane mess. But i'm hopeful.
It's Kojima, so it will probably be both simultaneously. The only question is whether it will be fun to play.
There is no game, Kojima will just waste all of Sony's money on hookers until he can no longer cover up that he isn't actually working on a game and then he will have a plastic surgery to change his identitiy
Yes, it will be. Mgsv was slammed for having no cutscenes , while it's obvious now that mgs4 was overcritisied and simply needed better editing. Kojima will go back to mgs3 levels of cutscenes.
What do you get this from?
>But you don't get to do that and
Who says that?
> then complain when people want some gameplay
Why do people keep putting words in Kojima's mouth?
I remember people saying he complained about Konami when he never did such thing.
Because, just like there's no reason to adore him, there's no reason to hate him.
People never had a middle ground stance on Kojima, so everyone's opinions depend on their own asspulls.
According to people who love him, he's a "visionary" and he always had in mind everything he did, even though his stories are B movie-tier.
According to the ones who hate him, he has never finished a single game, he always wastes the budget of the games he makes and he only makes movies.
As you've seen, neither have any valid arguments, so there's no point in listening to anything anybody has to say about Kojima.
He's an average developer who puts a bit more emphasis on the story than most devs, nothing more.
Why do people always mention the fact that it hasn't shown gameplay and they are super smart for realizing this? These days hardly any games show finalized gameplay in a first look at a game. MGSV had damn fine gameplay.
No one who hates him says he has never finished a single game. You obviously do not understand the mindset of other people. That's a sign of autism.
>MGSV has no cutscenes
People who spout this one extreme or the other bs shock me. MGSV had plenty of cutscenes and exposition.
He also has a very unique sense of style that you won't find anywhere else. Nothing in the gaming industry is similar to the games he has made, and he has a very good track record. Also his games definitely do have a lot of good value wether you want to believe it or not. I don't think I've ever heard someone call him a visionary.
These console/movie hybrids are starting to piss me off. Just make a movie OR a game. Not some press X to continue bullshit. Fucking hacks.
Good thing there are more and more decent indie devs.
Because he’s busy.
People who say kojima is pretentious or thinks so highly of himself annoy me, his Twitter is like a kid having fun.
>Because there's nothing to show?
Sony executives said the game is in a playable state sometime before E3, Kojima has claimed otherwise, there is a big difference between what is being told to the public about the game and what the game actually is. Just like how there are over 300 people working on the game, Kojima has claimed only 100 to keep up the illusion his studio is still small and new.
They wouldn't dare show gameplay because it'll become very obvious what the game really is.
Caramel, the game has been in production for what a little over a year? There's nothing to show yet, probably at E3.
TPP took so long before they were also developing the Fox Engine. So much of TPP was done in 2013, look at the red band trailer, all cutscenes related to major setpieces were already finished, what the fuck was Kojima doing for two years? I would not be surprised if he was developing MGS5 and Silent Hills during that time.
It had 5 or ten 2 minute cutscenes. The only good one was the jet vs chopper cutscene that plays after you rescue Quiet.
You have autism. Sorry.
For a Jap that spend most of his life around Westerners his engrish is till terrible.
Kojima once called someone a nigger because he literally believed it was a term of endearment.
>promoted Kojima to vice president
But thats a lie.
He wasnt VP of Konami, he was the VP of Konami Digital Entertainment, a tiny subdivision of Konami hat was only responsible for publishing
He was a VP of nothing, a VP of one out of 16 !! yes, sixteen Konamis holdings, he hald no position of power.
He wasnt even the President of taht fucking subsection, there might have been 5 different VPs.
>we could have had Silent Hills instead we are getting incomprehensible pretentious garbage
How does that at all refute anything just said?
u r homo
It's probably so far off they'll have two versions one for PS5/PS4/PC but they'll push it as a PS5 system seller.
Said where?
In that pic?
I guess it dosnt, but it shows that such pasta images are often full of shit, also konami didnt gracefully "allow" for the kojima studio ruses.
Kojima was the VP of publishing and together with marketing department it was up to them to decide how to spend the marketing budget for those games.
Coming up with hit like that was literally his fucking job at Konami and the position he was promoted to.
As for your post? Yeah, its probably true kojima Productions worked on more than one project, Obviously Fox engine + MGS5, but also we dont know how long Silent Hills was in development, and how long PT took to produce and if it was mad fully at the studio or partially outsourced which it seemed to be.
>I haven't played a single metal gear
>Watched walkthroughs of the games
This is what Sup Forums has become. A bunch of fucking retarded children that don't play the games they shit on 24/7 and instead watch letsplays and youtube walkthroughs
Absolutely not happening.
Holy shit kys
what a garbage human being
Holy shit. Big if true. Any pics?
Remember the rumors of miller calling the Africans in mgsv niggers
That was Jackie Chan in Rush Hour, user. Easy mistake to make.
It really does make it impossible to have discussion. Especially when people want to be so opinionated in something they haven't experienced
Death stranding threads will be nearly impossible because of brain damaged platform warriors and ironic shitposting. Sup Forums has been beyond saving for a long time now. It's a shame because there's once in a blue threads about niche/Older games that are good.
What we know so far
>open world action game with vehicles
>will have an online component but not in the traditional seperare campaign/mp modes
>can play completely solo
>you can work with players through "connections" in this case I guess it's strands. Maybe something to do with parallel universes
>dying in the game will be something completely different than what were used to
In the original script for MGS, Snake called the DARPA Chief a nigger and only during the voice recording session did the english actors bring up how that wouldn't be ok.
Here's my theory of it all. The babby is being fought over by different groups, the babby is probably the link to restoring the earth back to its original timeline before some entity/force fucked up our dimension and sent us into hellish parallel universes with different outcomes of earths most pivotal moments in history. Different groups are jumping through timelines trying to one up each other for control over humanities destiny.