Holy shit this game is so good...

Holy shit this game is so good. I just got to the part where you find out the two girls are the same girl who was the victim of sexual abuse.

Such a good game. I heard the balance was off later, do I need to dump points into combat stuff even using the community full patch?

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Combat is most important, the only social skill that matters is persuasion, everything else is useless.

Yeah, things get a lot more combat orientated later on so it's best to invest in some offense-orientated stuff.

Even with the community expansion patch?

Are guns worth using in this game? I just got the SMG and its recoil is horrendous.

I don't know what that is but yes, everything is mostly combat once you get to Hollywood.

If the clan you play has the Auspex discipline use guns, any clan with potence use melee, and if you're playing as best clan Gangrel then go unarmed.

I don't know what it patches, but a lot of the main quest lines have strong bosses that you will have to fight and the guns in the game are absolute dogshit meaning you have to rely heavily on melee weapons and that means you have to get in close range of these strong bosses.

Side questing will allow more use of speech, stealth, hacking, alternate means of completion, but advancing the main story is almost always an encounter with some big bad motherfucker that can rip your ass in half with ease

I'm playing as a Tremere, and I've just been running up to people using Blood Purge on them.

VTMB is an unfinished, incomplete game

at the end of the game I got fed up and just turned on the god mode cheat to get through the last three bosses

but then if you don't focus on guns at all you'll get fucked over by the last boss fight

Then use guns

Also all Tremere are scum and deserve death

What do people think of the Arsenal mod? I was looking at maybe trying out the clan quest mod and wondering if I should use that optional version integrated in it. I like the idea of new weapons like rocket launchers and shit but wish it just ADDED them instead of replacing them. Especially since some of the models seem... of lesser quality, shall we say...

You can use the spotlights to make the Sheriff stop flying

They're especially good for Toreadors.

B-but why? Strauss seemed like a pretty cool guy

>VTMB is an unfinished, incomplete game
>at the end of the game I got fed up and just turned on the god mode cheat to get through the last three bosses

Same here

I mean, they got the environment, the ambiance right. The story and character conflicts were fleshed out well enough. But on the technical side it was fucking crap. And the saddest part is, you look at the first couple of hours of it and you can see it had the potential to be excellent, but that standard of quality just isn't there throughout the later sections of it. And yeah, it got so frustrating that I just cheated just to see the ending and be done with it

You should read up on the lore fledgling, everyone hates them and for a good reason too.

Tzimisce's clan weakness is really fucking annoying in the Antitribu mod, especially in the later parts where your forced into those long levels not being able to rest at your haven.

Antitribu mod?

>came out in 2004
>still the best vampire game
why is nobody making vampire games?

How does it work?

Because CCP are cunts.

Magefags can just FUCK off.