ITT: games with shit gunplay/combat

bullets don’t even travel realistically and editing game files is required to fix it
what were they thinking

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pictures not related, I assume?

>requires massive overhaul mods to be a good game
STALKER apologists should be banned


vanilla stalker is ass but once you mod it it becomes pure gun p0rn

The product of a few underpaid Slavs stands the test of time

The market is so saturated now who will be going back to 2017 releases 10 years from now?

the devs made it so bullets have a base chance of missing even if realistically it shouldn’t
gayest design

>never ever

we must have played two different games

nope. Patched vanilla is great, and all you need.

this ONLY affects NPCs, not the player.

this mod will never be released

I'm not that guy but I pirated vanilla SoC when it came out back in the day and it had a system where you could have your crosshair dead center on someone's head and it would take at least 2 to 4 shots for one to connect

It's communicated badly but if you ever tried to shoot a gun for groups offhand it kinda makes sense but I usually mod that shit out and focus on making low ammo count and high accuracy being the challenge

I thought that was only on easier difficulties to give the player more of a chance in combat if they were garbage, but it applied to everything because of shitty Ukrainian coding.

The hardest difficulty was the only read difficulty in those games.

>games aren't worth playing unless you play them with exact original settings
It's been years and I still can't understand these people. unless they literally work for the people who made the game, why should they ever care if someone plays it with mods?

I believe they tried to factor in weapon sway even though your model/crosshair didn't exactly show it to the full extent, so it was difficult to account for.

>third worlders can’t program weapon sway

I imagine the new Zelda and Mario will still be interesting to people the same way that people still talk about Mario Sunshine and Windwaker today even though they're 10 years old and considered by some to be the worst entries of their respective franchises but still worthy in themselves. Other than that I'm sure there are at least 1 or 2 other games people will remember from 2017. I wouldn't know because I haven't played any games from 2017 except RE7 and I know people aren't going to be talking about that one.

>huge brick of text

>less than 100 words
>huge brick

I didn't know illiterate people actually posted on Sup Forums.

>vanilla stalker is ass but once you mod it it becomes pure gun p0rn

There are games that do just have good gunplay right out of the gate.

I mean, you could mod out all sorts of games with shit gunplay until it's some holy grail of guns.

I just highlight the whole thing and get a text-to-speech to read it out.
Saves time, really

phoneposters re

STALKER has shit gun play and gun mechanics, models, ect. It's not even close to realistic out of the gate by any conventional sense. Any Battlefield completely wipes it in terms of both gunplay and exceeds it in realism in many ways. What set STALKER apart and made it such a cult classic was it's overall difficulty and unforgiving nature, and the environment, setting, and atmosphere.


cunt classic more like

>any Battlefield
most BF games do not have bullet physics with travel time, arching, ricocheting, different ballistical effects that are affected by armors, etc.

Not to mention
>regenerating health

Yeah, STALKER ain't simulator-tier realistic, but it is way MORE "realistic" than ye typical console-shooter Cowadooteh.


>You know raytracing doesn't fit our game, let's make simple arching bullets and make them tracing so everyone would see where their bullets go
>Autists on Sup Forums

Stalker has regenerating health too. You can stack artefacts to make it even more regenerate-y! Or just hotkey that stack of medkits you gathered from those bandits and soldiers.

But you do know. They go left, right, sometimes just straight up, sometimes they pretend they're actually bullets and sometimes they just hit people in the face.

No you're bullets don't go all over the place, your bullets have BIAS introduced after third bullet but first two land directly where you are aiming at.

This basically just shows how fucking god awful you are at video game you are trying to criticise.

>Stalker has regenerating health too.
Yeah, maybe +1hp per minute, if you're in tip-top shape, not radiated / hungry / bleeding / etc. If anything, STALKER has DE-generating health, most of the time. Sure, you can help that with RPG-like stat-boost items, but even then it's nothing like modern-BF's "Oh, I just took a belt-full of .30cal MG rounds in the chest? Better sit down and be in full health again in 10 seconds!"

>hotkey Medkits
Were nerfed in CoP to have time-delay, fortunately. And having to perform manual healing still requires more player input and situational awareness than just waltzing around with your HP going up on its own.

>They go left, right, sometimes just straight up, sometimes they pretend they're actually bullets and sometimes they just hit people in the face.
The shots always go roughly to the direction of your sights. There's just big differences between various calibers and ammo-types, plus the weapon you fire 'em through also affects their trajectory and ballistics.

>This basically just shows how fucking god awful you are at video game
So awful I managed to almost complete it on Master it seems. Wait, I thought it was supposed to be hard?

Master is double edged difficulty, both parties take less damage to die and basically it's THE only difficulty setting in the game.
>Wait, I thought it was supposed to be hard?
Game is very balanced and if you do not try to make stupid moves like attacking people in the city, game is not hard but challenging,

>managed to ALMOST complete it
wew lad, you still suck

>Master is double edged difficulty, both parties take less damage to die
That's a myth, stop repeating it REEEEE. You do less damage on Master.
>Game is very balanced
Well that's contrary to my experience.

I got bored after turning off the Brain Scorcher because the game kept trying to force me into large scale battles with allies and it fucking sucks at that. I just wanted to explore spooky underground labs but they all last 30-40 minutes. And long ranged combat isn't that fun once you get good guns since they're, well, good, and enemy AI is not.

Are you the same faggot who keeps making these threads?

I had a blast with SoC without any mods or patches. Are people just really bad at the game?

Vanilla STALKER is the ultimate redpill.
t. over 1k hours in all STALKER games and all kinds of mods

>That's a myth
No, myth is that you're guns have less spread, you fucktard.
>Well that's contrary to my experience.
Because you do not basics of balance, fighting 1v1 with inferior equipment is stupid, you should gear up and not hoard your money.

Yes, they are.
Been lurkin'n'posting in Stalker threads for years, and it seems that people just get worse and worse, every year.

But who can really blame them? Especially the current generation of gamers have had to make do with some absolutely brain-numbing casual trash, potentially for their entire lifes.

Why are Sup Forums's opinions getting so awful every year?

>right clicks scope in inventory
>automatically appears on top of gun
>no installation, no adjustment necessary
Wow so immersive. STALKERfags are retarded

>No, myth is that you're guns have less spread, you fucktard.
No, the damage part is still a myth. You do LESS damage on Master, read the whole thread:

>fighting 1v1 with inferior equipment is stupid

The game is not very well balanced. Early game guns are bad so shootouts take very long time since both you and your enemies can't hit each other. Late game you just kill everyone and it gets boring pretty fast since AI is kind of bad.

GenZ just got old enough to legally post here.

just go play Survarium

>Some rando tested it by hitting boxes
Yep, that's a fact right there
Thanks for proving my point.

The worst offender is Shit Sky. You won't really enjoy it if you don't fix the bullet sponges.

What mods that are actually good? I tried Oblivion Lost and Lost Alpha didn't really care for them. Also didn't like CoP as much as SoC.

The fuck are you talking about, CS with SRP works perfectly fine.

how sad is it that you critical theory fucks define yourselves by media consumption?


Any 3D Fallout

>Some rando on Sup Forums didn't even test anything, he just heard a thing somewhere so he believes it unconditionally.
Wow you really proved me wrong.

Also, if you haven't noticed, when I'm talking about balancing, I'm not saying your favorite game is too hard. I'm saying it's weird in the beginning (since neither yours or enemy firearms are particularly deadly) and casual trash in the middle-end (since guns are good but AI is bad at using them).

>CS with SRP works perfectly fine.
SRP fixes the bullet sponges so you're proving what I said. Vanilla CS is shit because of bullet sponges and awful grenade spam.

AMK 1.4 is the only acceptable mod, but without the Arsenal addon. Every other mod turns the weapons into hitscan laser guns.

Stalker is not that hard you retard, just git gud

You are claiming it's a myth, you have to prove it.
>I'm saying it's weird in the beginning
Just like a game should be, it should be slow in the start, play Fallout, Jagged Alliance even fucking Dark Souls if you wish. You will see that start is slow and you progress slower than a fucking turtle unless you know what you are doing.

There is good reason for this, it's to teach you basics to an extend that will prepare you for mid game it's tactic that was used in games for as long as games existed. The fact that I need to explain this to you.

>most BF games do not have bullet physics with travel time

Actually, I think almost all of them do past the BF2 era, they have velocity and drop. Not realistic velocity and drop, but then again, neither does STALKER. And Battlefield had much better modeled guns (they can get the ejector ports on the right side of the gun they're modeling) and far better gunplay for aiming and shooting.

And yeah, you've got to press a button to heal instead of automatically healing, but I mean, you can go from 10% to 100% with a medkit and a button press. You can slap 7 bandages by banging on the ] key and instantly be 100% again. Pretty much small and large health potions, packs, whatever, that're about as realisitc as Doom guy getting health back walking across a medkit.

I'll give you that it's more realistic than Call of Duty, but all things considered, it's around Battlefield, and probably only a hair above it. It's not WAY MORE, just barely above. COD and Battlefield are further apart on the realism scale than STALKER would be to Battlefield.

I just did, you just dismiss my proof because it conflicts with your worldview. Which isn't even founded on anything.
>play Fallout, Jagged Alliance even fucking Dark Souls
Not FPS. And no, Stalker isn't an RPG. It's an FPS with RPG elements, and some of those are badly implemented.

Aren't ballistics in modern BF apply only to sniper rifles?

>I had a blast with SoC without any mods or patches

Don't get me wrong, I love STALKER as a series.

But I can't stand people who go "STALKER is so realistic and the gunplay is so good" when it's fucking not unless you're adding gigabytes of mods to unfuck the game, to where people might as well have just made a new game from the ground up with the amount of effort needed.

>I just did
And I just did dismiss your proof with the same amount of credibility, just because someone wrote something on forums doesn't make him an authority, show me actual proof.
>But it's not an FPS
What does camera placement have to do with anything? It's game that takes heavy inspiration from Fallout.

>It's not WAY MORE, just barely above.
When a typical guy in BF3 and up can literally take an assault rifle bullet to the head and walk away afterwards, it's really NOT realistic at all.
BF also does not simulate protective gear in any way. Plus I think the only ammo-type variant in them is slug ammo for shotguns.

This is bait.

>Aren't ballistics in modern BF apply only to sniper rifles?

No, BF3, BF4, Hardline, BF1, all weapons had ballistics with speed and drop. Again, not really realistic speed or drop, some had shit like 20 m/s^2 drop but all weapons operated on projectile arc, not hitscan.

Talking with you is like talking to a religious person - you don't need proofs for your beliefs, and any proof that challenges them is obviously false.

FPS isn't "camera placement", it's a distinct genre. Wizardry is very much not an FPS.

The inspirations from Fallout are mostly aesthetic, which makes sense as Fallout was a huge cult in Slav land.

Yes user, anything that contradicts your worldview is bait.

I see, cool.

this pretty much
vanilla stalker is a great framework, and I've had good times with it, but it shines with mods
shotgun slugs

>bullets miss a lot
Oh look, another dumbass who played only an hour of the game with the starting weapons(starter pistol, double barrel shotgun, AK-74U, etc.) and said the gunplay was bad.

You do realize that the guns you get in the beginning are purposefully made to feel underpowered, to make you desire toplay more of the game to get the better weapons, right?

Either bait or genuinely stupid.

>It's an FPS with RPG elements
no it's an FPS with gear progression and a persistent world
fuck off with your "stalker is russian fallout" nonsense

Arguing with you is like arguing with a fucking moron.

They've got a helmet. I've seen guys in STALKER take shots to the dome too and keep fighting. I mean, if you really want to get into it, nothing quite breaks the realism like a bunch of physics breaking anomalies, powered exoskeleton suits, mutants, psychics and mind controllers, radiation poisoning that can be cured with vodka in seconds, ect. None of that is particularly realistic and yet central to the game.

yes yes, I'm sure your game about having terminal radiation poisoning for a week and then shitting and vomiting yourself to death would be a real treat to the masses

>shotgun slugs

Even slugs have speed and drop.

stalker's combat is good shit, git good

>You do realize that the guns you get in the beginning are purposefully made to feel underpowered

AKA, unrealistic. Being made to feel underpowered means it's not actually representative of the reality of that actual weapon. Pretty much means the opposite of realism.
Meaning you just played yourself, dumbass.

>children complaining about difficult games
Is this reverse-MLP autism?

It's a game that takes place in a nuclear apocalyptic land of Ukraine with mutated animals and magical artefacts.
Yes, it is unrealistic

Again, I've got no problem with STALKER. Just don't claim it's particularly realistic when I can regenerate like Wolverine as long as I've got a supply of medkits and bandages and fix radiation sickness with a fifth of vodka of questionable origins.

Huh? Are you saying that because Stalker isn't realistic, it isn't immersive?

The whole fucking point of immersion is to make you feel like you are in a different world than you actually are.

Stalker doesn't present itself as a "realistic game", which is why things like that aren't immersion breaking.

>They've got a helmet.
Not even half of the characters in BF games do.
In STALKER, there's at least the element of ammo-types and calibers playing a huge part on what a shot does to a target / to the player. A guy with Sphera-helmet or full Exosuit can obviously take a pile of 9mm to the skull, but switching to AP-ammo on a rifle usually results instant death.

All that other shit is besides the point. Nobody's claiming that STALKER would be super-realistic simulation that 1:1 represents the reality in all possible ways, at all times. The discussion is purely on gunplay, which is still several notches above the most common contenders today. STALKER falls into the "realistic" side of the spectrum because of its down-to-earth style and pace. If you'd want to take all the other crap into account, then BF goes extra bonkers with its implications of every soldier carrying a magical parachute, being able to control any vehicle all alone, etc.

That's my point though, blind fans keep spouting "STALKER is so realistic and has god tier gunplay" like a cult chanting and it's clearly not even close on either front, at least not without so many mods that it becomes more mod than game.

>Are you saying that because Stalker isn't realistic, it isn't immersive?

I'm not. Literally, my only points of contention, are with people who keep saying over and over 1) STALKER is realistic.
2)STALKER has good gun play.

Because there's a /k/ thread every other day, it's own general, ect where this meme never dies and just keeps expanding like the damn Zone itself.

>blind fans keep spouting "STALKER is so realistic and has god tier gunplay"
You keep bringing these "blind fans" and their implied statements up, but I've not seen a single one of them yet. Nor any other sources for your claims.

The gunplay however is good. It requires more input and effort from the player, but dropping a cheekibreeki from 100 meters away with nothing but irons is always satisfying.

>The discussion is purely on gunplay, which is still several notches above the most common contenders today.

Again, unless you're adding a fuck ton of mods, the gunplay in vanilla STALKER is inferior to many games who give far better right out of the box. I'd claim again, that Battlefield for a long time now, has had better gunplay, and superior gun porn compared to STALKER, you need mods to just bring it up to parity with what most vanilla Battlefield games past 2 would give you.

It's our OP with his HOT FIRE OPINIONS again.
Oh shit, m8 it's inferior!!

But here is my counter hot opinion, you are WRONG! now what bitch?

but battlefield has no cheeki breeki

i bet 50 bucks all the people crying about STALKER played it on something else than master

Now that is a point I cannot dispute. Battlefield seriously lacks in both Cheeki and Breeki.

Also lacks in game drinking to match my real life drinking.

lawl ecks dee nice b8 dood!


Fallout 3/NV its best example of shit physics

>there are still people in this world who make a distinction between Call of Duty and Battlefield
They're literal carbon copies of themselves.

Just like Fallout and STALKER, right?

>no it's an FPS with gear progression and a persistent world
It's an FPS with inventory and stats like bullet resistance, shock resistance, which are RPG elements. I never said it's anything like Fallout.

Are Ukrainians just good at making shooters? I had a blast with Metro: Last Light

>I've not seen a single one of them yet
You don't have any mirrors in your мaзaнкa?