>all this political bullshit on Sup Forums
let's have a comfy thread about video games for once.
What are you playing right now, user?
All this political bullshit on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
There are plenty of threads about video games, dumb shitposter.
What are you, a leftist?
>the state of your reading comprehension
comfy isn't leftist at all
Just beat Wolfenstein 2 and Mario Odyssey's Story.
How bout OP?
LOL leftist isn't comfy you fucing idiot
wolfenstein 2. im enjoying it. i dont think its as good as the new order though.
Gw2. Made a gamepad setup for the thief where i only need to hold down one button to activate all spamable skills to concentrate on movement and placing and some situational skills. Feels good not to rotate and actually like the class itself but fashion is kinda whack unfortunately. Grinded like, 10 levels in the past 2 days and am soon to hit max level so i can finally start playing fractals and doing some maps with strangers. Im still not quite sure if i should go full damage or intergrate some defensive armor pieces but we are speaking about 30% damage cut which is pretty huge, on the other side, i wont be oneshot which might help my group more.
>saltright trying to co-opt comfy
inb4 yall try saying pepe is political too
Bo2 and 3. I dunno what I wanna play anymore.
I'm playing Fire Emblem Warriors right now.
Shit thread
Trying to get into a Gigantic match. The publisher just fired the Dev team today, which is a shame because the game is so deserving of being played- it's really good for the genre. I know it's too late but I seriously can't stop shilling for this game.
Really don't want my favorite game to die. :C
This word doesn't even make sense when describing videogames.
anders breivik did nothing wrong
not the first or the last thing. some stuff should stay apolitical
Are you the Lala-user from the Friday night threads?
Since it's Friday, I'll be looking forward to your post in those threads when I get in from work. I hope you have a nice day today.
Games are innately political now. Truly we live in bleak times. That said it's almost December so comfy season is here. My comfy games are usually Civ 5, Factorio, OJ 100%, and maybe RO2. Wish I had my 3DS still; So many comfy games in it.
I'm kinda enjoying playing through Skyrim for the first time.
I could've sworn my pair of maces sheathed properly last week, but now I only see one if I zoom out and sheathe
Very few games are political recently, it's the annoying empty lived/clickbait atmosphere around them. The neogaf quarantine to Sup Forums along with this vapid ad campaign for wolfenstein has just ruined any sort of discourse.
Thanks! I didn't know people read mine.
>Very few games are political recently
Replaying RDR
Name something besides the Wolfenstein shitshow.
Skyrim with sex mods
Just finished Yakuza Kiwami
It was good but boss fights ranged from mediocre to terrible, also the whole story whith Nishki felt a bit underwhelming in the end, I was expecting much more from it.
Still a very good game tho i would say 7/10
Gonna play the new thief spec? I personally still play Staff thief cause I don't like the rifle gameplay.
Should we exclude obvious ones like Law Breakers? Do we exclude subtle ones that push agenda or add things for the sake of diversity? Can I count devs who cause political drama? Does it have to push an agenda overtly? Need you to spell out the boundaries so I don't get a reply going "B-but that isn't political!"
I'm thinking about finishing up Yakuza Kiwami, how bout you user?
Yakuza Mind
>tfw finally building a gaming pc to become fully idort
I'm on my way, guys. see you in a couple weeks
The post said few and it's obvious you're looking for justification to post about politics. Fuck off to other threads.
these people need to fuck off
thank god they dont work near the financial district or else my condo value would plummet
E.Y.E. is pretty comfy. I've played like 5-6 hours and still have no clue what's going on though.
Way to go ruining your own thread with your first line, unless you are a falseflagger and got exactly what you wanted.
Recently finished Dead Rising and now I'm playing Return to Castle Wolfestein. This game does not fuck around.
Your post makes absolutely no fucking sense. I was asking for clarification since I already had justification because he asked another user to post recent political games. kys
That's sounds like something numale beta cucks say.
Caveblazers. Lost my save so I get to unlock everything again. Got only 2 perks unlocked before freeing the whores. Trader is the best perk.
Dragon's Dogma for the third time, gonna actually try and reach level 200 this time, I'd like to be able to breeze through bitterblack
Playing Dofus like a retard and during the might playing VA-11 HALL-A
Playing through all DaS gamea with my gf. She never got to play them, and I have to say that the experience feels really lackluster without a bunch of people not knowing what the fuck is going on.
Its pretty sad that all pvp now is about twinks.
Nobody's trying to "co-opt" anything.
Read this: And if you want to argue with an overpolitical faggot like yourself, argue with
What's up with all the newfags?
You mean the apolitical millenials?
Anyone else think gamergate can be blamed for all this?
>gamergate attracts Sup Forums shits to Sup Forums
>Sup Forumsacks make it their new home
>/r/ the donald joins as well
>neogaf gets rekt
>neoshit refugees come to Sup Forums and now its those stupid fucks making every thread a political battleground
1 post on Sup Forums = 1 week lockout from the rest of Sup Forums
You sound like a leftist...
OP here.
What a shame, literally wanted to download this today. May also try battleborn while I'm at it, but finding a game might take a while
your reddit spacing already confirmed that you need to go back
lmao stay mad nu-male
>The publisher just fired the Dev team today
what the fuck
Does that mean they cancelled the game, or are they all getting replaced for some fucked up reason?
This thread reeks leftism
The cancerous mix of Sup Forums and reddit that is Sup Forums ruins everything it touches. I'm not surprised
Been playing a lot of Stellaris recently and always getting boxed in or my ass kicked by the AI. Had to go down to a medium galaxy and turn off a lot of the endgame stuff until I git gud.
Wanted to play Mortal Empires but CA as usual released a broken mess, so I'm gonna wait a couple months for them to fix their shit. Also picked up the new Mario, though I haven't started on it.
Trying to play my MMO but since they announced that the game is gonna die it is hard to do so
All my shit will be lost anyways
It's it okay to be white? I saw this poster yesterday...
Playing this because I've never finished it the first time around. Still good despite the sometimes clunky allied AI.
Unreal World
>It's winter
>cozy inside my cabin by the lake
>cellar is full of salted elk meat, smoked trout, bags of rye and beans
>tons of firewood keeping the chill away
>I'm processing my hemp crop and crafting arrows
No snow today, thinking about chopping a hole in the ice and having fresh fish tonight.
no u
Want to see them in game
Shut the fuck up, sweetie
I WAS working on my backlog and playing Megaman Network Transmission but when I try to go to the undeenet I get a disc read error.
If this doesn't work, say goodbye
Can anyone recommend me some comfy games to play while I listen to music?
It's okay to be white.
Great game
mining is ffxiv is top tier comfy, but it's a subscription based mmo wich i know isn't everyone's taste.
Been playing Vice City lately. Strangely enough I didn't play it when I was younger, but I really enjoy it now, where as I can't stand San Andreas now, even though I loved it as a kid.
>t. lefty pretending to be right wing
>posting shitty Sup Forums propaganda
Fuck off.
Replaying DOOM on PS4. Pirated it last year and got close to the end before I dropped it - don't remember why because I was enjoying it. Lost my savefile and figured I'd start it again on PS4 so I can play it in a relaxed way instead of tweaking over my mouse and keyboard.
It's a bit of a constant personal challenge to be better than that Polygon guy at the game, but I'm having just as much fun as the first time.
>taking the bait and derailing the thread
Blue Reflection
>Leftists flood video games with politics
>giving the electric jews electric ((you))s
Don't give them publicity, don't give them sales. It's the only thing you can do.
>Not an american
>Don't give a shit about your stupid politics
>Still have to read about them everyday because you shitpost about them everywhere
I can't even do anything about it I just want you to fucking stop because I don't care and I can't do shit about it anyways
Leave me alone
The Witness, maybe? Doesn't have much in the way of soundtracks.
I don't. I've never made a thread about politically charged games on Sup Forums, I never buy them. Ignoring the problem isn't going to make it go away, they'll just entrench themselves further in your hobby.
>Devs make a shit video games with a black character
I'm not American, I want video games to remain apolitical as much as you do, but when one side is clearly poisoning the well it needs to be discussed.
Im playing COD Advanced warfare single player campaign.
I enjoy those fps campaigns and i skipped this one , Kevin Spacey being back in the spotlight actually made me go check it out since he plays the main villain.
Im enjoying myself.
You're being deliberately disingenuous.
Stop pretending to be right wing.
Also, take this shit to Sup Forums
I'm playing Eagle Flight on my PSVR I got in the bundle I bought with GT Sport.
This game gets a pretty mixed reception. Some people get motion sickness from it, some people find the FOV narrowing awkward and others dont like the simplistic gameplay.
I quite like the game. It feels fast and fluid and the controls work quite well. It hurts the neck a little after a while, but its mostly because I forget to tilt my head and start turning my body because Im so into it.
I like exploring the little nooks and crannies in the big map. Building up speed is fun.
I think if you like Pilotwings you would like this game.
Best thing for VR is to make sure you breathe. Because the headset can sit on your nose a little and block the airways a bit. And have a fan blow in your face at a mild speed.
This works so well for this game because it almost feels like the air resistance from flight.
I'm genuinely really enjoying my PSVR.
Recently got an SP, replaying Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Thinking of picking up a couple of GBA games, but people charge too much for them. Might get a flash cart instead. Fuck the used game market.
Is there a fucking point if you shitpost it when I can't do shit anyways? you are just annoying everybody that isn't american day and night and when people gets tired of it Sup Forums pretends that they are libtards or whatever boogeyman they hate that week.
And despite whatever you say some people just don't give a shit and just want to play games.
what a swell fellow
OP here,
I'm a right winger, but I hate politics taking over my hobbies.
Talking about politics is shitty and exhausting, that's why I made this thread. But Sup Forums is a paranoid heap of shit, no matter which political ideology the posters identify with
I tried but i couldnt get past the "unresponsiveness" of the controls.
Too bad cause the game seemed to be right my alley , i might give it another go in a month or so , see if the patches helped it in any way.
>I'm ok with one side politicizing my games but if the other side points that out I'm not ok with it
Nah, fuck off retard.
>And despite whatever you say some people just don't give a shit and just want to play games
Then what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?
Do you see any other video game board in Sup Forums, fucking idiot
>answering to shitpost
Hi neogaf