Was it really just a FOTM that's going to die?

>check steam vierwership 2 months ago
>120k people watching
>more viewers than league of legends

>check viewership now
>35k people watching
>less than half of the viewers of league of legends

*flavor of china

it's still pretty popular, but just in a trend way, nothing that looks like will live forever

Definitely was the flavor of it's month but the game is pretty good.

Even it's direct competition couldn't measure with it.

>using twitch views as standard
fucking retard

>still calling it flavor of the month
>despite it just reached the all time peak in this month

Soon we will have retards saying that Honking will get you banned.
I had enough with Sup Forums trying to meme and bait with this game.

90% of those "players" are Chinese bots.

It LITERALLY has the highest player retention (how long people return to it) of any game on steam, ever.

It realistically has the highest player retention of any game in history aswell, at 80 percent.

most players are from china and the game is about to get banned there
thanks communism

So are those league players

New Map & Vaulting is coming this month, watch it skyrocket

Also Xbone release

Xbox release, a new map and 1.0 is happening late december. It will be huge.

Yes, I think it has maybe a half a year to go before we see serious drop offs. The game is hyper addicting for a little but as you play more you slowly start realizing all the issues it has and the novelty wears off. It's not that good of a game. The top two streamers, shroud and doc I have heard talk shit about the game numerous time and we all know this games kept alive by its streamer shit.

quite literally a flavor of the year


who cares, game dying won't take away the millions the devs have already made.

Literally 90% of my friends on Steam have the game and half of those play every day. These numbers are real. I'm not asian.

Is it releasing on Xbox later this year? That will be pretty cool to see actually

IF china bans this game like they say there gonna do you can bet your ass that the player base will drop by a decent sized quarter

December, 12. Bone users aren't getting new map for a while though.

>but da release is right around the corner!
seriously, I hate this "the game isn't out"" meme when it has clearly been out for months now

China just wants a piece of that cake or some deal to be made, the communist party there must have a stake in everything.

Loot boxes prices will go up again. So I'm all for it.

I guess 1.0 is supposed to fix every problem

>brainlet checks how many brainlets watch the game instead of playing it

More like bot retention.

>check numbers when americans are fast asleep
>wooooow this game is dying
sorry europoors, but you're not as significant as you think

Wait, isn't that feature going to be released when the game is released?

if anyone seriously thinks every issue is going to be fixed in less than a month they're part of the problem.

They already fixed most of the problems. Performance is up since the summer, no server crashes in two months, you can now return to match after disconnect if you're alive. Most server locations are opening, South Asia has a server as do Koreans/Japanese. Russians gets their own next.

The playerrates for LoL and PUBG are probably pretty similar across both NA and EU. Why would higher percentage of EU fags watch LoL than in NA? Doesn't make sense.

>Performance is up since the summer


No idea desu. I'm just a bit sad that there's this massively popular and thriving game out and I can't be a part of it because I don't really enjoy it.

Simple, the chinks are playing and the cucks are watching.

>35k people watching

Shroud by himself gets 50k viewers on his stream. Comparing peak numbers to "nobody big is on" numbers is pretty weak.

I'm kind of wondering what kind of people don't enjoy it. I guess it's a very PC game in it's design like ARMA and some people find it overwhelming?

I bet is Tencent which means PUBG days in China are over.

I'm not sure what you meant by that, but personally I just never enjoyed open world deathmatch a.k.a. battle royale games. Never got into day z nor anything after that. I guess I can't really be bothered to put in enough effort to get good, and without that effort you're just fodder for the more experienced players.

It's not that popular outside of china desu

not this thread again

People got bored and moved on. Just like with Minecraft. Until the next big FOTM comes.

Quarter? More like 60%

Just wondering why some people don't like the gameplay. It seems so addicting and well thought out. There are many approaches. You can be stealthy and hiding, you can go guns blazing, you can drive around the map avoiding gunfights.

Post yfw didn't fall for pubg meme

>a game is only as good as the amount of people watching it

they're all playing it now instead

>80% of the 120 player servers immediately run into the ocean and drown themselves because they are bots farming coins

>8 years and counting

I wish this had stayed as an ARMA mod. I'm sick of seeing BR games already and the AAA industry hasn't even started pumping out their inevitable clones yet.

BR is the new zombies.

whatever you're talking about has no effect on my game play experience.

With all its bugs, it's about as close as you can get to a multiplayer STALKER (which I do appreciate to some extent)

People forget it's still massively popular with children and on consoles

BR is an improvement over zombies, at least

I think TDM was better as a Half-Life mod, but that didn't stop Call of Duty

It's fucking shit:

>Heavily dependent on RNG (loot is randomized, circle location is randomized)
>You spend 10 minutes sitting in houses, with barely any gunplay

Why the fuck would I ever play this when Quake Live still exists with an active playerbase

>3 game approaches
>it's so addicting and well thought out guize xD
you do realise that mechanics like stealth, cover fire and vehicles have been around in shooters for like 2 decades now, if not more?

it was a month that lasted too long