It really should've been a Banjo-Kazooie game
It really should've been a Banjo-Kazooie game
>for a game known for mediocrity in its series
So it succeeded?
damn shame desu. We need more decent collect-a-thons beyond just hat girl
It succeed in being terrible, yes. Even the reviewer who is a massive Xbot couldn't salvage this trash. Super Mario Odyssey remains king.
I wanted so bad for this to be at least decent. Maybe then Microsoft would force Rare to go back to Banjo and Conker proper.
Considering the original Lucky's Tale came out last year, it seems silly that people would expect a 3D platformer that has under 2 years of development from a new dev team to be good
damn, it looked really good from the trailers
I don't get how people can fuck up making a platformer. Just have some fun fast paced movements, put some fucking floating blocks and some hazards, and boom, you have a simple yet decent game that's at least a 7/10.
I think people underestimate controls in a platformer. Making a 3D platformer is 60% working on controls and 30% working on the camera.
What was bad about the game? Didn't follow beyond the E3 reveal, thought it looked like a decent 3D platformer.
>People unironically taking reviews seriously
>Let alone IGN
This board is dead
Can't fault then for trying something new. Now where's Halo 6 at?
the camera, had to follow in odysseys footsteps, and bosses locked behind collectables
reviewer looked like a shitter in videos tho
>option to skip gameplay
For what purpose
According to the review
>Camera is shit and doesn't let you fully pan
>Controls did not feel responsive
At least it's in 4K.
reminder that a new Bubsy game came out this year
It's shit even if you play it ironically
It did have some potential from what i saw. Shame we got another mediocre platformer.
>literally a shitty uninspired sequel to a vr game
>except without vr
Ayo hol up, whats wrong with this? I have it preordered, it was cheap as fuck
Or, you know, a game featuring the anthropomorphic, blue-and-orange colored, fluffy-tailed animal we thought it had at first
From a site called game revolution:
>Thankfully, the overall level design more than makes up for the camera issues.
A Tale of Two Levels
Each of the four main worlds have several levels to complete, granting you a four-leaf clover in the process. Similar to Super Mario Odyssey's Power Moons, finding Super Lucky's Tale's four-leaf clovers are your main motivation in the story. Accessing new levels and worlds require you to gain a specific number of them.
Game sounds fine. Journos are fucking casual faggots who cry about the camera in every 3D game ever made
I cant I spent 500 dollars for a shittier version of knack 2.
Haha still a better score than shit in time
This is what happens when you make a platformer but you are not Nintendo. No bonus points
I'm getting this game anyway.
Exactly. Fucking hell finally someone gets it. If Nintendo released this game for the Switch there would be 500+ threads every day, the score would be a 9+, and it would be used as a tool to shitpost with
>company that has 20 years of experience in making mostly plattformers makes good plattformer
>company that outsources development to indians with half a year of Java experience churn out a bad game, what a shocker
I can't tell if this is ironic or there are are people this delusional here.
Wow, it's almost like the first was shit.
What is it?
I doubt either even has an xbone
>you dont call my bing bing wahoos perfect and vote for them to be goty? you must be trolling me thats it!
>IGN review
Several things he complained about in this game were already present in highly acclaimed 3D platformers before this, even recently.
"Whose bright idea was it to have a 3D platformer where you can’t rotate the camera freely?"
Mario 3D world and 3D Land's camera acted similarly.
"And why is it even possible to die in the hub worlds, where there are no enemies?"
Mario 64, Sunshine, Banjo, DK64 and Spyro all had these.
"Miss a jump or catch an edge wrong and yes, you will plummet to your death even in a combat-free zone"
Literally why is this a problem
"...guilty of a severe case of artificially padding out the gameplay to get to the 8 or so hours I spent beating it. It probably should've only taken half that – which would've been fine for a $30 game. "
>Says 8 hours is too long for a game with a budget price
IGN's review is the least positive. Bad controls and camera are subjective, but other than that the game is being received somewhat positively. I think Ryan was spoilt by Mario Odyssey. I'm curious to try the game out myself.
If you want a 3D platformer for your Bone get fucking Rare Replay instead.
>recieved somewhat positive
>literally scored worse than knack fucking 2
the camera is a pretty common complaint across all reviews
I have played it and I can say it's much better than schmodyssey.
higher resolution
better graphics
no moons
better music
better movement
not on switch
no mayamoto weeb shit
I can't believe some of you nintendies still claim Nintendo bonus isn't real.
I'm not expecting anything spectacular from this game but it still looks fun, and for the reception it's getting what you get for $30 is quite inoffensive than if it were for $60.
It doesn't have MT or Lootbox shit either so that's double incentive for me to buy it, personally.
Some of you are trying too hard.
>Removes the context from a quote
>Shocked when the meaning changes
Let me rephrase his sentence for the comprehension impaired:
aside from the controls and camera, there's not much in the way of complaints.
>says the game is being received positively
>actually isnt
Great damage control. Besides who needs good controls and camera in a platformer anyway.
>He never played the Jak series
Japanese innovate, Americans perfect.
I have never had a playstation console besides a psp which i used for phantasy star and porn. I always remember the jax and daxter games having really dumb looking art styles and designs on the characters. Were they really that good?
it's the other way around ackshully
>westerners make open world games
>ninty responds with botw
>westerners make first person shooters
>japs make... uh... i mean, third person, and they make re4
>frenchman make cinematic platformers
>japs make ico
The Nintendo bonus is real.
thanks for the nightmare fuel
Did Uli have an autism meltdown?
didnt japs make re7
I saw it coming lol. It's a wanna be Mario/Banjo Kazooie.
Game devs should just stop making platformers as a whole, It's most likely going to end up being shit. Only Nintendo can make a decent platformer.
>following a IGN score
It's come to this huh?
>there are literal xbots on vee ubironically defending this garbage
O I'm laffin
i didn't buy an xbox to play jumpin games
You're comparing a masterfully crafted game made by vets with 30+ years of experience with some shitty salvaged VR platformer made by indians. I get it, you hate nintendo, you're still mentally ill, it's not healthy, you can't even objectively see reality for what it is anymore without inserting some infantile videogame war that's going on in your head alone.
Please come back user, your family misses you.
Bad games be on both sides of the isle
>Xbots hyped this shit
>MS unironically paid money for it
Literally worse than Knack 2, even the VR version
Lol youre talking about mental illness and you write up all this shit? An imaginary war is brewing in your head...because someone called your latest mario game shit. Go get some sunlight now or whenever the sun comes up for you, you are in dire need of it my man
Blame video game """journalists""".