Why do Nintendo games have such good controls?

Why do Nintendo games have such good controls?

No other company even comes close.

Rare was in the same league in the 90s and early 2000s and Retro comes pretty close. It's mostly just insane testing and quality control, I imagine.

Honest answer, they don't compromise tight controls for realistic movements. For example, the way characters have to turn around in western AAAAAAA open world games with crafting and light RPG elements.

Nintendo are one of the few companies that understand what makes games actually fun.
Most other developers just know how to do pretty graphics but fall short in paying enough attention to the gameplay mechanics.

This seems right to me. Nintendo characters are much quicker and snappier to move around than in other games. Bethesda and other faggot Western companies think immersion means detailed graphics and sound instead of perfectly fluid controls.

Nintendo knows their limits. That's the biggest reason. They don't screw everything up out of misplaced ambition like Team Ico did with Last Guardian, which would have been a 10/10 with Nintendo at the helm.

I've been playing the new Shadows of Mordor and it's the most awful thing. Your character controls like a sack of potatoes and walks painfully slowly in a game where you never ever want to walk for any reason. Turning around takes forever because he has to cinematically walk all the way around until he's looking behind himself.
In MGS2 you can pirouette like a ballerina even while hiding in a box or prone on the ground and it's so much better because your character moves in the right direction all the time.

Pretty amazing that even now, 20 years after Mario 64, a lot of devs haven't figured out that controls are 90% of a game's fun factor.

pretty sure there are plenty of fun non nintendo games. Not all game types would work with spazzy jump controls, stop sniffing nintendos farts

>spazzy jump controls

What does this even mean? Mario controls like a dream.

>they don't compromise tight controls for realistic movements.
Yes they do. Every 3D Mario game has done that.

You might even state they intentionally release underpowered hardware, which forces developers to a) focus on fun gameplay instead of wasting all that manpower on the prettiest graphics, and b) force devs to work around the graphical limitations. You can't do realistic graphics because they will look outdated compared to competitors, so naturally you end up with more unique, stylized art styles that mask the lack of graphical compute power and often look timeless. Which means they will stand the test of time much better and people will not move on as fast. In contrast with realistic looking games, which look outdated after a year, pushing people to move on to newer games. That's a never ending cycle.

If this is actually the reason for nintendo's underpowered hardware, that's fucking brilliant.

What's a fast as fuck paced game? Last game I remember that made me feel like I had to completely focus was... fuck I don't even remember, even Dark Souls has slow timed movement.

Enter the Gungeon is the only game I play that kind of fills that need for me but fuck, what's the fucking point of 60 fps if it takes the character 30 frames to jump after I press a button?

Pretty much in every mario game, Mario has a huge inertia. He's slipping on every surface, he literally takes 1.5 seconds to stop from running. Of course, without that the games would probably bee too easy, but, you know, that's not to the games' benefit

Rockstar games tend to control pretty well, which is impressive when you consider how many vehicles they have to code for.

About controls. I've just started playing SMW for the first time. Is there ANY way to get Yoshy from standing to running without releasing whatever it is in his mouth? I couldn't find the way yet.

Hotline Miami?


developed by platinum

Blizzard also puts a massive focus on tight controls

D3 is the worst ARPG in terms of content, but people keep going back due to controls

When Capcom cared, the Mega Man Zero games has really good controls. Air maneuverability felt amazing and dashing made movement extremely fluid.

>developed by Platinum
Stop this meme. Platinum handled background assets.

Pretty amazing that no Mario game until Odyssey realised that either

One of my funnest things to do is long jump as Mario, only to hold back on the control stick, making him basically hover in the same place. Keeps me from bonking my head sometimes.

Changing momentum in the air is not realistic, and yet it feels so much better

Graphics can turn into shit but tight controls and fun gameplay last way longer. Appealing to graphic whores is useless because a PC will always be the better choice for good graphics.

Because they don't care about gameplay

this, maxed out Ass Creed Origins looks like shit compared to stylized Odyssey grahics

post proofs
I forget where I heard this, it was some quote from an indi

>"No other company even comes close."
>he hasnt played GZ and TPP

Say what you want about the story and content but those controls and how Snake responded to them were tight as shit

They're neither toys nor art, but worlds.

That's what he should have said, not because it's true but because it sounds more confident.

>I forget where I heard this, it was some quote from an indi
accidentally hit post.
I forget where I heard this, it was some quote from an indie(?) studio trying to pitch a concept for a game to a major publisher. They mentioned how western publishers/developers expect you to pitch them a story - a design document that focuses on the characters, their roles, the setting, and any kind of 'wow' moments int he setpieces. Whilst japanese publishers/developers expect a pitch about how the game functionally plays and what mechanics the game uses to set it apart.

see that mountain?

When Super Mario 64 was made, the dev team spent about 2 months or so just having Mario on an empty field and tweaking his movement and controls until it was fun enough to just control Mario, no matter in what environment. This development philosophy is what leads to Mario games always being fun to play.

Serious Sam

>arrive at work
>Miyamoto wants you to spend weeks making it fun to catch a rabbit before you do anything else

RE4 was a pretty cinematic game, so i don't get why the "art/film" answer is a bad one

Mikami is a hack anyway

The more I hear about Miyamoto the more he seems like a Lewiss Caroll character.

Fun fact: Nintendo usually designs the controller of a new console first. With the design they then focus on what kinds of games would feel fun with that controller.

Microsoft and Sony first focus on how much power the console should have in order to process movies and graphics.

I fucking hate how catching those stupid fucking rabbits has become a running thing in 3D Mario games.
It was fine in 64 where you only had to do it about three times. Then in the remake you had to catch a shit ton of them to get the mini-game keys, and now Galaxy and Odyssey make it a thing you have to do throughout the game to get stars/moons.
It wears thin really fast.

Nintendo always gets the basic movement/mechanics down first and the worlds are mostly copy/paste. It works well because the simplicity enhances the world around it.

I would say they are ok overall, but in the modern era, characters move like sludge. I recently played some GTA 5 and the player character feels so slow to start moving. Turning around feels like a chore. I miss the instant responsive turns you could do, even if it comes at the cost of realistic animations.

Glad I actually decided to look up this article, this image is some misleading bullshit that cuts it off before the end of the story and makes it look like Microsoft said the wrong thing.

He never got to give Mikami his answer. The guys doing the meeting never told Mikami about his philosophy, they just didn't have an answer when asked.

Fucking this. It irritates me to no end that it stopped me from playing AAA games. I pull back on the stick means I want to go backwards. Not fuck around doing a little wheel thing then move. Also to add to this faster movement which is also just any game ps2/gc era and back. If they expect gamers to have suspension of disbelief for realistic games make the shit we need to suspend disbelief for stuff that makes the game play better or be more fun. Fuck their slug pace. If its an action game I want to see fast paced action not generic hollywood setpiece #3034251

because they control the hardware and the software, they have a better understanding of their controllers than anyone else. it also means they aren't going to shit out crappy analogs (except on the 3DS.) when i first picked up a dualshock i was appalled at how horrible the analogs are, anything being released with that in mind is just at a natural handicap.


I suppose you could hold down before you start running so you just spit out whatever is in there instead of it getting away?

Doom, Quake

But good controls don't exist user, my favourite eceleb told me so.

do we even still get third person games that control like the original max payne? With strafing and all?

i just finished odissey and yeah i can agree with you op, i dont really play bad games so the controls are never an issue with me but this new mario game and ninja gaiden on xbox were a few games that the control did exactly what i wanted all the time.

>Forcing motion controls while they had buttons on the controller completely unmapped

Dismount, hold Y, mount

Titanfall 2