ITT: games only you played

ITT: games only you played

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This was actually pretty good, kinda like the new Syphon Filter we never got (no, that "create your own character" multiplayer title crap doesn't count).

Dunno if this was also good, but it was one of the most entertaining and fun games on the Wii.

This was complete trash, almost unplayable garbage. Not even bad in a funny way like Ride to Hell.


Hot Wheels had some great games under their name.

Fuck me that was a great arena shooter. I have no idea why it was so low profile.

i played so much of turbo racing it's not funny


too soon...

I have this and the other one they released on ps1. I have no idea do I like Hot wheels or Micro machines more, but for the latter I haven't played anything that came before ps1


For some reason I remember finding it super eerie

Have any of you played this?

This is a cult classic and regarded as one of ps1's best adventure platformers, what are you talking about?



I give it /10

I remember this being unironically a great fucking game.

>actually canon story as an inbetween season
>actual actors from the show
>unique gunplay mechanics
>used the same NFS engine for the driving parts like Everything or Nothing did
>dedicated Jack Bauer Yelling button
>stealth missions, action missions, multiple different characters
>hacking minigames

Shit was tight

I loved that shit It was my third favorite JPRG for psx

pic related is obscure


This was pretty fucking good, except it was easy to get lost and to have no idea what to do next. One of these days I will go back to it and finish it.

I got stuck in that house with the magic circle
I can't remember much besides the boss fight at the end and the start

Ah also I remember that weird maze thing

I really enjoyed this.

Are there any detective-like games that deal with you investigating paranormal/alien stuff?

I remember Nibiru, the point and click game with exploring nazi stuff but that's it.

this was killer

I remember the big marketing fad for this was how it would include 1000 different combos and attacks. And the game had maybe 15.


Wasn't Path of Neo way better though?

it just remember that the slow-mo looked badass n shiet

I always wanted to play this but I never could find it anywhere.

I got that game because someone here said that it's kind of similar with Deadly Premonition

i don't know, didn't play it

Played it on xbox hueg and it was pretty good. I, too, found it super eerie. Also, it had lots of stuff that would be later introduced in Left 4 Dead. Could be a coincidence. When I played L4D for the first time I was amazed of how much it reminded me of Land of the Dead.

I have no idea how I even found this in my house, my parents don't even play computer games.

Yeah, Path of Neo was definetely better, but Enter the Matrix was fucking good.

It is, yeah.

this fucking rocked


ohhh shit seeing my friend's older brother playing this, and i remember it had a fucking annoying water level

Made by the Medievil guys. It had a bit of that Legacy of Kain vibe to it too.

Good albeit slow paced adventure game. Interesting mechanics.

I loved Path of Neo. The devs were clearly giant weebs, the game is full of extra-shit where the story just goes full anime for the sake of extra levels.

I got stuck at the fucking jumping out of the plane to catch the woman part. It just didn't fucking work for me. Still mad today. Fuck this game.

Why were there so many fucking mediocre ps2 games that would have a nearly impossible ending sequence that would make you get stuck on it for a decade, and remain there only to sporadically make you remember it?

A Star Wars educational game.

You're reminding me of so many of these fucking things now. A lot of them I went back to years later and finally finished.

My nigga. Zax was the coolest shit back then

I could never beat that afro dude in killer 7 because I never knew you were supposed to shoot his head

shame is I liked it
D&D warriors of the eternal sun


>mfw OG Xbox controls had shoot mapped to the black button


Death by Degrees.

Got stuck on final boss of ps2 version of Quantum of Solace. GOAT bond game, unlike its nextgen port

I don't really remember much about it other than having fun.

it's basically smash with onimusha and capcom characters. I liked it a lot more than smash though the counters and shit were savage megaman and zero are broken as fuck range spammers

I remember feeling like it was a knock off Max Payne but with a dog. Definitely enjoyed renting this one a couple of times.

This game makes Myst look like that child's toy where you match shapes to holes.

I wish this game had a cult following. It's not very good game, not even average, but I liked it a lot. It feels like a game that would have a cult following, but it doesn't.

Watched a Let's play of it by Yahtzee and his boyfriend. It looked like something hilariously bad.

Nah. I played that as well.


It's pretty meh. Also doesn't help it that "tripper" is a name of venereal disease in my country.

A friend and I beat most of the Conflict games on the original xbox thanks to adderall.

A game i created for my gf with RPGmaker, we broke up before i could give it to her, so i'm sure i'm the only one who played it.


Pretty mediocre battle racer, but some of the vehicles had cool designs.

man i remember playing the demo for this, it was one of the first games that came out for the PSP wasn't it?


I had no one to play with, pic ralated

The concept and level design were really good, but the controls fucking sucked ass.
Perfect Weapon for PS1 suffered the same fate




great five min game

just found out it was pulled from steam a while back because some nu-male streamer play and it followers flooded the game with garbage.
played it day 1.

played this and desert storm.

Was this any good?


I loved the Anime, how is the game?

fuck, i remember playing conflict vietnam on ps2 with my buddies, shit that game was hard

Unfair, posting anything on PSP