The visuals look so terrible. It's very saddening.
The visuals look so terrible. It's very saddening
Other urls found in this thread:
>life meter
Your mom is saddening.
I played nes games and I think they are perfect quit being a little girl
this part looks rather bland, but the other footage with her in that new area looks pretty damn good.
metroidvania games feel like slow shit till midgame when you have your double jump kicks and shit
Looks ok for a Metroidvania.
haha next MN9 amirite fellow anonymous?
forgot trailer
the graphics are terrible but in a weird way where the individual elements are passable but when combined just look unrefined and mashed together
I don't understand why they wouldn't just go sprite-based like Azure Striker and have it look good
i wonder how many people are responsible for these 24/7 shitpost threads
the game already looks better than i expected it would
Looks okay, I prefer sprites but it's not bad maybe my standards are lower after seeing MN9. If you ever look at the assets up close, they're actually pretty good but is right, they look worse thrown together in the game
so what is this supposed to be? some sort of fan made castlevania?
Looks miles better than that shit shilled game hollow knight.
You still have all the good castlevania games. This game will be as good as whatever that Kickstarter megaman game was.
This looks really weird in 3D
Couldn't they do something like GG where it's a 3d model underneath but drawn like sprites?
Did they let an intern do the jumping and walking animations? It looks terrible.
Looks fine visually its the combat that looks cack
Looks like a cheap weeb porn game with gameover rape
Yeah. I would prefer that one porn game.
>exemplified recently in Samus Returns
I thought I wasted my money on the game until half way through. Then after I beat it, I started another game on hard and it beat it again for the best ending. I've never even beaten any other metroid game on hard before besides Zero Mission and I've played them all. It's slow but once you get all your equipment, the combat is super satisfying
That's a crazy amount of work man. To do that for every single character model would be way more work than the GG guys did since it would out number the number of characters in the GG roster.
>open the source video for OP's webm
>change the speed to 1.25
>actually looks playable now
Damn you're right. Looks fun.
holy shit, it does
You know shit's fucked when even the font for the damage numbers looks terrible.
What am I looking at?
Stop this "bloodstained is fucking slow" meme.
painting with froggies
i know this enemy is probably a boss but he seem to be annoying as hell with room for one hit on him whenever he stops attacking. i supposed the game will have some items to help on that but having no items there seems a little shitty.
Because they're aiming for a HD release and Azure Striker was done for 320x240 and then upscaled to look as shitty as possible on Switch and Steam?
I really can’t stand 2.5D, It looks like trash.
>but when combined just look unrefined and mashed together
The backgrounds are detailed and noisy and the character colour saturation doesn't make up for it, which makes them blend together, rather than stand out and ultimately contribute to the overall bland look of the game.
who likes inconsistency
Now stretch it to a 30 inch or more tv.
That's what it looked like on my switch.
Even in fucking handheld mode they kept the grainy logo and menus because it was such a lazy port, Blaster Master Zero is so much better in comparison.
So many people cite graphics as uninportant but the single metric that gets people to drop hope for games the most is if a game looks good
>It's very saddening.
Open your eyes.
Look at the tone of the project from the start, all around IGA's name and even face.
This is another Inafune.
i think it's more style/animations than graphics. Lets be honest though like no one looks at dwarf fortress and thinks this will be a good game, to have a proper opinion on a game you have to see how it feels to play
thats why you play it on the 3ds, which is what it was designed to be played on and looks fantastic in 3d
3d was a mistake
why did they think it was a good idea
All the shit drones threw at Inti Creates with the Inafune scam and now this one with all the same staff (what a coincidence).
Look at Gunvolt and Dragon Marked for Death.
Inti would've made a much better 2D not-castlevania than the literally who mobile dev Iga is using now.
It would likely be done already too.
Look at the MC in the menu.
A lot better right?
It seems like the character models were made to be viewed closer than the standard gameplay displays them at.
The details on everything just end up blended together and smudged looking from far away.
It looks much better on Switch than on Steam.
You realize it's good that they make the characters more readable on screen right?
>not removing life meters and desaturating/smearing the screen with disappearing strawberry jelly when you get hit
when will japanlets catch up?
I don't give a shit about graphics.
The combat and animations look floaty as fuck though.
Trying to replicate 2d sprite movement in 3d feels wierd.
Everything looks bad.
Movement looks stiff, it only works on 2D, on 3D you expect proper animation or it ends up looking cheap.
It's so stupid to go for the realistic backgrounds when it's going to result in cheap unity looks.
It's a shame really.
I even considered backing.
Not gonna dismiss it without trying a demo or something, but I hope that rumor of Castlevania on the Switch is true.
What the fuck do you even think you're doing?
You saturate the colors on the character models and then you darken them (and in one of the screenshots you blur the background)
Do you really think this is some huge improvement? What are you trying to accomplish here?
They really should limit it to 30fps. 60fps is just giving this cheap quality to it 2bh
are you vision impaired
Why not put fps cap in the options so normal people can enjoy high framerates?
No, seriously, what the fuck is the point of your shitty hack job photoshops?
It's like trying to decipher the message of someone who only speaks through cave drawings
that's paint buddy
Are you legit retarded?
Is the port at least in 60fps? Couldnt stand how choppy the original game felt after replaying MMZ
That's nice?
And still doesn't explain what you think you're accomplishing
retards who have never played a Igavania
Arcsys themselves say now the pipeline's in place it's same amount of work as when they were using sprites. Which is why they can do stuff like have extra models for all the stuff like Ginyu's special squad who are fully detailed characters who only appear for single moves.
What generated big amounts of work in xrd wasn't the actual model creation or animation, it was changing the way their team created characters. The approach in itself is not particularly time-consuming.
apparently getting you think those are darker and blurred :^)
that's fucking it? we wait a long ass time for more footage and only get 1 minute of edited stuff?
Maybe all igavania should be faster then
>not having your little brother nearby to bash or slice you IRL in the place the enemy bashed or sliced you in the game
i signed a waver and sent it to my own house via US mail so when my mom called the cops they told her it was a "civil matter" and that she was pretty much shit-outta-luck! i love my fucking brother, man.
Did you remake the game with the exact same file/filename and everything?
Well whatever floats your boat.
they are plenty fast when you have abilities
Thats because they're experienced with the approach. Now try to get an indie group accustomed to it and see how long that takes.
Well, do the 1.25 yourself and see if it doesn't improve.
the reason it LOOKS slow is that her animation is a running animation
while alucards (that's alucard right) bitchin' strut looks like a walk.
So she looks like she is moving in slow motion, while alucard looks normal.
I see, that makes sense
it's the same speed as SOTN you fucking retards
looks like a porn game with a high budget
>a fucking PSX game has better graphic than a 2017 game
Indieshit, never again.
Look at
When she's jumping repeatedly, it doesn't look slow anymore, even tho her actual speed moving horizontally is the same. The entire problem is the running animation.
And the fact that there isn't COOL vampire dash effect.
>2.5D graphics
hurr durr durr
Looks very drab and colorless. The only touch that reminds me of SotN is that very 90s cloud timelapse in the bg that was in pretty much every music video of the era. Other than that drab, grey and forgettable visuals and disappointing music.
>better graphic
>some literal who indie faggot made a better looking game with premium 2d graphics for 6 dollars
>proffessional dev father of metroidvanias cannot make a better product for millions of dollars
really makes you think
>the normal attacking is significantly slower but I guess the response to that is basically "lol if you aren't animation cancelling"
No the reason is because they aren't using the same category of swords in the comparison.
It really is a shame. For the efforts gone into comparing the games it would have been nice if he had at the very least equipped the same weapon. If he had, it would have looked the same.
You've clearly never played Symphony of the Night if you think it's not simply due to the weapons being different.
It's 60fps and looks great on Switch.
Can someone explain the slow meme to me? Is it just forced shitposting?
Why are you judging the project on its graphics? As long as it plays well who gives a fuck?
People REALLY want another MN9 to shitpost about
But this game literally looks like shitty flash animation and is floaty and slow as fuck
Graphic is the most important aspect in modern games, bruh.
there is a huge drwaback to their style. they cannot develop new costumes
you're so smrt
The asset reuse and pattern on backgrounds really really doesn't work in 3D.
Just like MN9.
>b-but muh unfinished
No excuse, especially when you've got 20 years of technological advantage.
only just got to the thread but if you mean the people saying the game looks slow, they aren't exactly wrong. it looks like it's stiff and rigid which is in stark contrast to something like metroid which is pretty fast. though I hear it's a staple of old castlevania games. I've never played one but I think personally, I'd prefer breakneck fast gameplay. it's just harder to get slow gameplay to be fun than it is for faster stuff
neo/v/ has fukken evolved into full blown neoga/v/
Gameplay looks good, the game is good. Fuck off cunting fuckolds.
I'm still looking forward to this game, but it for sure could look a lot better. A lot of things look like they're plastic, or made out of wax or something.
People keep complaining about the game being slow and that Symphony of the Night and other Castlevanias were faster, in pretty much every Bloodstained thread ever.
Even though it's objectively false. And people keep pointing it out every time and people keep claiming that it's slower every time.
Even though they make bold accusations between Bloodstained and other Castlevanias, it really just makes them look like they've never played the games before.