Just realized that nuDoom's plot is symbolic to real life globalism and immigration politics

Just realized that nuDoom's plot is symbolic to real life globalism and immigration politics.

Samuel Hayden - The Man, the establishment, powerful and ruthless, the guy who is behind it all. Doesn't have strong feelings towards anything. Sees the opportunity in Hell and uses it.

Hell - a complete shithole but has bunch of resources that the human civilization wants

Demons - immigrants from Hell

Olivia Pierce - the fanatic female leade of a demon-worshipping cult. Originally part of the establsihment, but since gone rogue-ish and wants to bring the demon immigrants into civilization.

Doomslayer - the awakening anger of the human civilization. Ancient and usually impractical, knows only destruction but sometimes it is necessary. In an uneasy alliance with the Man.

Vega - the true intelligentsia in its ivory towers. Detached from the real world and its issues. In times of crisis, ordered by Hayden to be destroyed. Doomslayer almost kills him as well, but since he's ultimately a good guy he decides to preserve Vega.

i wonder what that baron is smelling haha i wonder what doomguy's crotch would smell like haha just wondering haha

>smelling anything through power armor

Maybe demons are like dogs and have a really good sense of smell.

Doonguy is literally Trump

>sam hayden
wait a minute
>sam h(a)yde(n)
mother of God

smell comes from air and it's an airtight suit stupid

Samuel Hayden makes it clear he's all about the greater good. Until they really elaborate more on his character he is just a very powerful humanitarian individual.
As it points how he made the on switch for his unlimited energy production only usuable by him. Which is to say he sees himself as the only being that can do what needs to be done for humankind.

But Hell themselves conquered those resources from another civilization. Hell was kangz. Still are.

>being this much of a brainlet

that doesn't follow. Doomslayer's people were the source of the energy.

I'm not the villain in this story

hmmmm diversity visas are like lootboxes
makes me think

Olivia Pierce is pretty much Angela Merkel.

OwO what do you mean?

>Doom threads on /aco/ came up with some setting that practically has demon refugees

There's Doom-threads on /aco/??


Dude weed lmao


Samuel Hayden is literally satan you moron.
>Samuel Hayden.

You guys are the reason why AAA video games became harmless and dull over the years.
You cannot stand that these are just not all about having "fun".

They're obviously referencing Sam Hyde

No it isn't. Demons stopped wanting to leave Hell since like Doom 2 when they realized Doomguy was the literal incarnation of Anger. There is no deeper meaning, some scientists tampered with stuff they shouldn't have, pulled Demons out if Hell, and then Doomguy rips them all apart because he's motherfucking Doomguy.

Samuel Hayden is to Samael.

he can't get away with summoning demons

Or there’s just this guy that really REALLY fucking hates demons