IGN gives a game I'm looking forward to a 5/10


Tell me how to react.

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really nigger
out of all the platformers that released this year you chose to be hyped for the blandest one?

It's one of several games I'm interested in this season, thank you very much...

Kill yourself

I only care about this game because i hope there's a MALE sidekick and no female love interest for Lucky, so that i can sell gay porn to those furry degenerates.

no bonus no 10 sorry kid

>xbots are real

Don't give a shit

The OP is a faggot and a furry probably.

Where's the porn?

im just saying many great platformers released thiss year that showed much more promise from day one
this game is a bland sequel to a game that was supposed to promote a VR headset

Lousy control and crappy camera are going to doom any 3D platformer.

The state of the Xbox library. Will the One X be Microsoft's final console?

The Switch has been out for 6 months and it already has a more appealing list of games.

It's like the only game Microsoft showed at E3 that wasn't dull shit. It was colorful, charming, and a good throwback to when games like this were prevalent.

As someone who actually owns one of these pieces of crap, I wanted something fresh and different.

If the game isn't good not even furfags will give a shit
Yooka Laylee barely has any porn and it is 6-7/10 game


Because the characters are het AND more scaley than furry.
I work in the sector, i know what i'm talking about.

> releasing your platformer in the same window as mario and bubsy

There is no distinction. Every furry is also a faggot.

Ouch, i was interested in this one too, well, i'm going to pick it up on a sal-
>Windows 10
Nevermind, back to playing a hat in time and poi

childrens fox game


>5/10, not Mario


Post examples of bad games that have shitton of furry porn
I am sure you can prove me wrong if you are what you claim

again more furry shit? fuck off

He's blatantly just a furry.

ITT: butthurt bing bing wahoos shit on OP because he didn't buy a switch and their bing bing wahoo game

You should of seen this coming though man. The game looks mundane as hell, a very cheap knockoff of a Mario game.

Hopefully this will be Microsoft only 3D platformer.

If this was a Nintendo release it would have gotten 8s and 9s

But...I did.

I'm up to Bowser's Kingdom...

Stop pretending to be me

Then why would you even care for this shitty game? get your shit together faggot

>blue fox
Do I even need to name it?

That game was just "okay". I woudln't call it "shit".

>Sup Forums gets mad at a furry game. episode 262

this board is beyond autistic

>brainlet kazooie

Undertale :^)
Freedom Planet

Except everybody claims that the first three sanics were ok
So try again

>make a thread about IGN shitting on something I want
>hope people will tell me that IGN is garbage and to make up my own mind
>instead they side with IGN

How did this go so wrong?

To bad for the devs

>Many excellent 2D and 3D platforms released this year
>Hyped for fucking Super Lucky's Tale


>furries are real and walk amongst us
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.


Besides, you think Yooka-Laylee is shit too and everyone was hyping that.

Nobody said ign was right, we are telling you the game looks like garbage on it's own
There is no need to be a genius to see that
Wait until you get more reviews or watch the gameplay if you want to see if you like the game or not

Oh so its because you're an autistic furry


Looks a lot like Kingsley's Adventure.

Stop looking forward to shit looking games, faggot.

>make unambitious platformer
>get scored accordingly

Nothing wrong here.

I looks unironically better than the Crash Nsane Trilogy, but with none of the nostalgia or marketability of Crash.

I will just pick up A hat in time when it hit consoles i guess.

We want the furry audience

I always back the wrong horse without fail.

Whenever I look forward to something good, it's usually because other people pulled me into it. Making up my own mind about what to look for usually results in me anticipating a dud.

I hate myself.

I still want to fuck him

The only slightly attractive character in yooka laylee is Trowzer, and even then he doesn't have any potential for widespread appeal. Most of Yooka's character designs are just unattractive - has nothing to do with the game's success itself.
Lucky is a gay cub furfag's wet dream

If not for the nostalgia and marketability of the "Super Mario" name and brand, Odyssey would have received 7/10s across the board.


People thought the Metro Kingdom was the coolest shit when it first was shown and that looks so unlike a Mario game it's unreal.

It has to do with quality gameplay and experience, friendo.

Trowzer is shit compared to the qt snake from Snake Pass.

I'm not surprised at all. It's legit the most generic thing I've seen all year, more generic looking than Yooka-Laylee.

I forgot that you childish nintendo fans run this forum.

You say that in a time where we are drowning in brown and gritty.

I say it's excusable. We need more color and life in video games.

not an argument

You're implying way too hard, Super Mario Odyssey shows a level of excellence in level design not matched within it's own sub genre.

No Nintendo bonus.

All I want is to be respected for what I enjoy instead of attacked for...I'm not even sure.

I mean does it make you feel good to accuse people of having shit taste?

This was reviewed by the same person that reviewed Super Mario Odyssey for IGN. Must have been a big downgrade

I won't deny it

This game is just a crappier version of Yooka Laylee which is also a crap game

More colour is great, but the art direction looks generic as all fuck, if you told me that Super Lucky's Tale used stock Unity Assets I'd believe you without thinking about it. I think it's good that we have more platformers, I'd like to see the developers put in more effort next time, or for Microsoft to make a new entry in one of their already existing platforming series.

That probably explains why it didn't get a "middling" score by video game standards, imagine taking a step back like that.

It isn't 2008 any more. If anything there's more art variety now than there ever has been

>M$ wants to release a 3D platformer THIS bland and uninteresting
>When they own the fucking IPs to Banjo-Kazooie and Conker
Nobody at Microsoft deserves their job.

>upset people make fun of his 90s mascot beastiality
>they are the autistic ones

Okay you need to stop unless you have a real argument.

>calls people autistic and that’s it
didn’t know insults were arguments, well I mean except when I do them. Please stop getting so fucking triggered over the fact people like to make fun of retards

>banjoo & conker
Rare don't want that retard, it has nothing to do with microsoft

>"I've also laughed when people have tried to use the word, what I 'force' them to do. If you're around any independent studio, or like Rare a studio that's independent-minded, you'll know that forcing a studio to do something is never a successful equation," Spencer told OXM.

even ex employee: arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/12/rares-management-to-blame-for-kinect-focus-and-not-microsoft-says-ex-employee/

It's too fucking bland, the most generic cartoony game I've seen a while.
Literally nothing grabs your attention. You forget the game after 2 minutes you finished watching it.

It's a sequel to a VR exclusive platformer that isn't VR exclusive anymore, so it lost the thing that made it interesting so it's now just a generic mascot platformer. No one will remember it except the degenerates that lewded him.

fuck. I'll still buy it. but man, why microsoft exclusives shit the bed every time? last year it was recore. this year it's lucky. Next year will probably be Halo

find a youtuber with similar tastes as your own and judge their reaction to the game before purchasing. IGN's opinion means dog shit and is only useful as a metacritic average.


I fucking love colorful game AND I love platforms.
But just because a game has nice colors, it doesn't mean it's good.
The character design, the gameplay, everything is too damn forgettable.


Oh shit Lucky has a sister

>Looking forward to this piece of shit


It's not like it would be hard to split Rare into like 4 teams and tell them graphics come behind performance. There is no reason that in 2017 we can't have Rare working on a slew of new AA games in series they've already built.

Banjo Kazooie, just take the old level design style and improve it.

Conker's Bad Fur Day, well Conker Himself has already fucked off, I have zero hopes for a new Conker ever.

Jet Force Gemini, that title never met it's potential, why let it languish in it's single analog form when you could punch out a sequel with even more character abilities larger levels and fun ways to mow down enemies.

Perfect Dark, Stylize the visuals, no-one cares, give me a new shooty with the same emphasis on small sandbox level design, open ended objectives, time limits and a massive arsenal of weapons, how is this honestly a hard thing to do.

There has to be some next level fuckery occuring at the Xbox division right now, it seems like anyone could do a better job running that fucking place.

not lewd enough but i-it's okay i guess
The other cat is difinitively better

It ain't W10 exclusive.

Not exclusive

It's a console exclusive like Super lucky Tales. You can play Super lucky Tales on PC too. Microsoft also funded Cuphead partially. Try harder

I watched some preview footage of it. It's nothing SPECIAL but it certainly seems like I could get something out of it.

I recommend check out rand AL Thor or the bgst community. The gaming media and journalists never give xbox any decent spot light and are too harsh over Microsoft and their games. Seriously tho, super lucky tales is no way a 5/10. May be a 7/10.

I hope you're a furry who's hyped for this shovelware just because you want to fuck the fox till it passes out because otherwise what the fuck

Maybe, but not for 30$.

and the marketing is about Xbox & windows as well. It will also get a "physical" release with code rather than a disc next week

If it's on anything besides Microsoft's store, it's not exclusive

But you can play Cuphead on any computer you want, while you need W10 to play Super Lucky's Tale.

Well I spent a little less so fuck you.

strong womyn who is also super genius and never needs help xD

I really miss when you could make cute animal characters for kids without furries moving in and creeping on them.