In COD WW2 you can have a transgender and lgbt calling card

In COD WW2 you can have a transgender and lgbt calling card

>not playing as a black Nazi trans woman

thanks Activison-Blizzard

Nice bet they sell 50 million copies #resistance

Well multiplayer's don't mean much anyway so I don't really care.

>he doesn't know about the black transsexual Nazis
they was heilin dem fuhrer n shit homie

November 4th the resistance will rise
We will change history
Join us #resistance.

No one cares faggot. If seeing a pink flag in a fantasy game triggers you so hard, then don't play it.

Are you fucking serious

Yeah because LGBT people didn't exist in WW2, right? They just popped up out of nowhere. A modern phenomenon.

the only banner for trans lgbtqxyz people should be a picture of where they would be in WWII: Auschwitz

i don't give a shit

Yeah but you're not going to see them waving a fucking flag over a battlefield you fucking mongaloid


reminder people gave their lives for this.

This is truly the worst timeline

They were all locked up in prison or mental hospitals.

In fact there weren't, no. Not as today's histerya filled autogynophilia.

you know, the board and jokes aside.. you are not wanted by the most beautiful people in this life. gay faggot.

Are the former dudebros of the original Modern Warfare and Black Ops days now trannies, or did Call of Duty really lose track of their audience?

have you guys ever considered just relaxing and not giving a shit?

i find that it's a much easier lifestyle than being perpetually butthurt

maybe you should try it

ill take the latter

hahaha dude


>your great-grandparents died for this

>First they came...

you don't even need weed bro

you just need to not shit yourself because some video game offended you, like you're an old woman or something

dude wtf who needs to care about anything man

they should make a new Saving Private Ryan with female transexual nigger nazi's.

they didn't lose track of their audience, they stopped caring about their audience and they're trying to get brownie points from anyone that pay attention to them.

>oh boy pol deffo needs another 999 threads about a game i wont play because it hurt my fee fees

Youre as much a fucking SJW yourselfs , thread after thread about this shit and blacks etc. Ph wait its okay for dota2 or minecraft halo or even pedo chink anime games but not in cod oh no thats SJWS!

a bloo bloo bloo, a bideo game suggested that trannies might exist

lol, you're your own punishment you fucking dipshit

one who doesnt care is one who shouldnt be

dude im so chill and tranquill, check my sick skateboard tricks

I know you're trying to be sarcastic, but yes actually.

so that's why they're doing a 1:1 battlefield clone with LGBT theme?

Muh realjizms!

>game for kiddies
>inject all this real life political bullshit into it

Just what on earth happened to games who just focused on fun.

Man, the soldiers in WW2 never would have had this shit on THEIR multiplayer calling cards.

>Sup Forums suddenly cares about the historical accuracy of yearly rehashed shooters
it's alright boyos, if you say you aren't triggered reverse sjws i believe you

Trannies having a flag is retarded in itself.

Can they all fuck off and form their own nation now?

>game for kiddies
Stupid feelsposter.

>its okay if my gales have SJWS politics and stuffs like dota 2 and halo and minecraft and super mario but not in a game i dont like!

>Ban this game that has same sjw politics as all my favourites because i dont like it wahhhhhh

>muh sjw
Enlightened centrists are the new SJW. Far more obnoxious really, at least the screaming lesbians had opinions.



Since when have flags had to represent nations?

>hi im a reverse sjw please buy my mass effect andromedia so i can lop my cock off

I can already picture

>In recent news Troonistan has gone through a massive suicide epidemic inside sources say


They don't. Since when did they represent mental illnesses though?

This timeline is getting worse by the every second.

Exactly! The Allies were a coalition primarily made out of colonized Natives who came to free Europe from the evils of the Nazi's. My Grandfather remember how he met a beautiful transexual furry in a French cafe after Normandy was taken. She immediately took out a machine gun and gunned down four german soldiers who attempted to storm into it!


Because that shit stopped us from playing GTA when we were kids. They know who their target audience is, and it's not fucking 30 year olds.

>if you have opinions on things you're a reverse sjw and not a rational centrist like myself

>when we were kids

Do I even have to fucking say it

>cute harmless doggo.jpg

Why does historical accuracy matter on the calling cards? It's not like real soldiers had multiplayer profiles for their teammates to see in game lobbies. It's purely personalisation bullshit.

Code word for "everyone that doesn't agree with me". Seek help immediately, autism is treatable.

>modern phenomenon
It pretty much is, yeah.

>exactly why halo Minecraft half life and even super mario have SJW politics but these SPECIFIC games CANNOT because I DONT LIKE THEM so BAN this game for SJWS but not my precious xdrone or nintenvirigin games ;_;

>playing GTA when we were kids
Hello reddit.

Goodbye reddit. The conversations is over.

>transgender flag

>he wasn't a teenager in 2001
ok grandpa

>if i claim im centrist they wont think im a reverse SJW trying to force my politics down your throats xd


>Comparing sci fi and fictional games to games based upon real life events
oh boy

>SJWs sure are annoying, acting outraged all the time, offended by everything that they don't agree with them
>"yeah dude, fuck them"

But trannies literally popped out in the mass scale. One day there was like a gorillion of them.

>teenager 2001

Hmmm so youre underage and a newfag neogaffer nice nice, complained about white people in ass creeds or sumthing yet?

>have you guys ever considered just relaxing and not giving a shit?

thats how niggers live

When Allies rushed Omaha beach, they did it for LGBTPQ+ rights

Nigga its a character card, the fuck is wrong with you. That's like getting mad at there being national flags for countries that were founded after WW2

Ok now this is getting ridiculous. I'm here to shoot Nazis, not here to represent my fucking sexuality. Why in the hell would they rub this PC garbage against everyones face?

>2001 was 2 years ago

you know that it was almost 17 years ago?

>its okay for sjws to ram politics in my pedo games or half life etc because its non fiction Xddd

>implying activision don't know that their playerbase is 90% boys aged 12-16
actually maybe they don't considering the OP

Its only gonna get worse if you just ignore it, like cancer. Are you a retard?

For real though, I would watch this.

You are trying too hard to fit in, stupid newfag

>Its only gonna get worse if you just ignore it, like cancer.
I can confirm this.
See: the Sup Forums, then /r9k/, then Sup Forums infestation on this board.

>5 years ago
>Who cares, it's just a parade they do every year, if you don't like it don't watch it
And now they're everywhere. When you start giving a fuck it'll be too late.

>Based on real life events

Bitch have you ever even played COD in the last 5 years? Just because they're going back to WWII doesn't mean shit. Half the game will still be fictional bullshit propaganda.

ya im not buying it
but it's not just because of some calling cards, I played the beta for free by getting a HK PSN account and something felt weird
I think there's a big speed penalty after you land from a jump, it's kind of annoying because I like jumping around corners

Yea man, because that worked so well for black people, huh?
>You know what guys? Who cares? Nothing matters, why bother?
It's amazing how white people can basically look next door and see the end results of their shit behavioral patterns and SOMEHOW not learn a god damn thing.
Makes me wonder why Sup Forumstards are so obsessed with "saving muh white race" when so many of you are this fucking stupid.

Why do you care so much about call of duty? It's just annual mediocre garbage. And besides, it has been proven that companies don't give a shit about Sup Forums's complaints about politics.

Politics aside.

I really dont see the reason why there would be a need to show your sexual identity in online multiplayer.

This is purely done for pandering and getting attention towards the game and should be seen as a cheap grab for attention no matter where on the political spectrum you are.
(protip; it works we are discussing the game right now, only because of this, they knew exactly what they are doing)

Good thing Pol, B and R9k are devloping major Triple A games, but these brain dead SJWs are.

And IW had calling cards that were implying teenage girls giving a handjob, what of it?

I'd sell my kidney to see that.


Yes because we all know that Minecraft, Halo, and Mario games are all based off of historical events.


>Why do you care so much about call of duty?
>Why do you care so much about a parade
>Why do you care so much about the media getting invaded with LGBT shit?
>Why do you care so much about a little bit of censorship?
>Why do you care so much about getting arrested for saying something that's not PC?
I used to be a neutral fag but then my brain started to work.

>its okay if half life or my choice of games has sjw pandering and child poen but not the games i dislike because i can try and get my Sup Forums followers go follow my bandwagon and not play this game just because i dont like it xddd


Ask me how I know you have only been here for a few months.

Where's the pedophile card? I'm suing Activision for discrimination against the LGBTQP community!

*Sick bongrip* Listen, user *burp*, nothing matters, everyone is doing, like, like, wabalabadubdub *coughs* , but no really, listen, nothing matters except things I care about, *burp*

Yea man, because Half Life and panty quest XIVV totally have tons of leftist propaganda in them.
It can't be that this game is particularly annoying in this regard, nah, it's "muh anti-CoD bias, stop insulting my favorite brainless AAA trash."
Kill yourself.

>Pandering to people who won't buy your game as it involves killing and shooting guns.

>>its okay if half life or my choice of games has sjw pandering
No one ever said this
>and child poen
There's literally nothing wrong with child poems

Did you guys notice that when nu-Sup Forums can't come up with an argument they just greentext bullshit no one even implied to?