WOTLK was the best expansion

WOTLK was the best expansion

Only tryhards disagree


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>wow babbies
Oh god.

It was the beginning of the sheisty practices that contributed to the downward spiral we see today, and Icecrown wasn't all that engaging outside of Putricide's encounter.

Ulduar is of course at LEAST in the top 5 raids universally though.

>muh raids

WoD had the best raids ever but it was the worst expansion, because guess what? Only the top 0.1% autists actually care about raids

WoD had ONE good raid, the Foundry (and it was very good). Highmaul is to be written off as utter bullshit the moment you see the first boss, and Hellfire was just more of the same shit with a dull as fuck conclusion.

>Death Knights

What the fuck else would you play WoW for but the raids? There is literally nothing noteworthy in that game otherwise.

>hero classes should be overpowered!

The release wotlk up to toc was amazing. Then it all changed.

Leveling was at its best state imo. Still long but with full on worls exploration


can someone tell me the definition of this weird word ?

>Be Orc Warrior in Vanilla
>Proud, strong
>Love my setup for two reasons primarily:
>No Elves
>and no Paladins to steal my fuckin plate
>Then Burning Crusade comes out and JUST FUCKS MY FACTION UP
>then fucking WoTLK comes in with the nail in the coffin and spooges elf Death Kniggers all over the place

And that's how I became a Hunter main in Cataclysm

Another one of those cases where the idea is great on paper -- a tank class that specializes against casters instead of melee -- and then completely turns to shit because:
A) Class homogenization;
B) Blizzard can't play-test for shit and repeatedly releases game-breaking mechanics;
C) Not curing the slog that is Outland in a manner than doesn't require Heirlooms

i could listen to the invincible theme on repeat for days on end

>people who are better than me

>WOTLK was the best expansion

people who want to win

>rehashed baby tier raid literally the first months of release
>achivements implementation
>LFD implemention
>Trial of Garbage
>raid-wide progressive buffs to make ICC easier for casuals, literally pug heroic ICC
The one and only good thing about Wotlk was Ulduar.

Every expansion made the game progressively worse.

>rape the lore for good
>horrible quests
>aoe dungeons
>recycled raids
>classes designed was killed
>dalaran the worst hub city


where is
>playing wow in 2017

not to mention Stamina being the defacto stat for tanking in WotLK. Shit, i still remember Panzerkin being a thing for a few months in the upper tiers of dungeons back in Wrath.

why do you fags always post Grizzly Hills ost? Howling Fjord, Icecrown and Storm Peaks are superior.

If by best you mean the one that started killing the game by introducing shit like dungeon finder, then yes.

But I know Sup Forums's average age is such that WOTLK was the peak of all you kids' WoW experience

>mfw the endless maze for the Lucid Nightmare mount
its been 3 hours and my eyes hurt, when will this end