>Sup Forums says a game is good
>it's actually garbage
What's her name?
>Sup Forums says a game is good
>it's actually garbage
What's her name?
virtually every game published by bethesda
ace attorney
vampire bloodlines
take your pick
skyrim is actually good thouh
skyrim is actually dogshit though
"Overrated" is a sure sign of a tool who thinks their opinions are more valid than others.
any game involving anime and fanservice
I thought Sup Forums hated western trash?
Metal Gear Solid 2
if by good you mean "help todd is holding a gun to my head if i say anything bad about skyrim he'll shoot" then yes, the game is good
waifu emblem
The MGS series in general. They’re so fucking dry and boring, no amount of stupid shit and wacky plotlines will change that.
This. Fallout 3 was boring shit. Fallout 4 was even worse. Skyrim had the shittiest main quests ever. All Games are full of bugs and muddy graphic. Fuck Bethesda.
>do I fit in yet
Resident Evil Remake.
Fire Emblem 4.
Nier Automata
Demon's Souls.
AM2R, Super and Prime.
All of these games are fucking trash but they get their dick sucked on Sup Forums for no reason at all.
>they killed advance wars for this shit
New Vegas, just retroactive dick sucking because of how bad 4 was.
Nah, MGS1 (PS1) is perfect.
Persona 5
Uncharted 4
The popularity of Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night is pure Internet-era revisionism. Nobody played those games when they came out.
The only good Advance wars was Days of Ruin, the rest of the series is fucking garbage.
morrowind still has cred as does the sex mod vehicle. fallout opinions are mixed but generally leaning towards positive, especially for NV. haven't played NV yet so that might actually be decent but i have 0 faith in the siddy boys.
>All Games are full of bugs and muddy graphic
Don't forget that Bethesda requires devs they're publishing to use Bethesda's QA so every single Bethesda published game has that touch of quality
Sup Forums is constantly bashing bethesda games you dumb fuck
Ocarina of Time
No baiting. I played Twlight Princess and going back to Orarina felt like a downgrade.
Paper Mario TTYD, I have no fucking clue as to how anyone with a funcional brain can like this toddler garbage.
ITT: shit taste morons
i agree
All of the fucking Half-Life games.
>t. brainlet
Citrus fucking sucks
Person 1: Damn I like this game
Person 2: Damn I like this game
Person 3: Damn I like this game
Person 4: Damn I like this game
Person 5: AAAAAAHHHHHH STOP!!!!! OVERRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>A game made 8 years later on a newer platform is a downgrade
And the sky is blue are you perhaps retarded?
Pretty much Oblivion, Skyrim was better
spicy opinion coming in hot
You clearly haven't played newer Fire Emblem games if you think new automatically means better than the old. Fire Emblem was never good, but the new games make the old ones seem like goddamn masterpieces.
Nierfags always warns people that the game might not be for everyone, so probably for some it's overrated
Invalid, even people who like this game agree that it's garbage.
no shit
why do you think its here
How can one man be so incredibly wrong?
user everyone knows that people think OOT is better than TP so you're just making yourself look like a uneducated retard.
>Witcher 3
>Hollow knight
They're good games and I enjoy them, but stop treating them like the second coming of Christ
I’ll cut you.
>Pass user
Witcher 3, hell the Witcher series in general are bland putrid shit that I have no idea how got popular in the first place. What a trash game.
Now listen here you little shit, people were raving about symphony and metroid in magazines and shit as far back as I can remember. Don't pull shit out of your ass.
out of those 3 hollow knight is actually the second coming considering its now the best metroidvania available.
Oh and Skyrim will also be the second coming as soon as the skyrim vr pc version exists.
Breath of the Wild
Incredibly buggy and ugly game. I think one of the main reasons Sup Forums sucks it's dick is because of who made it.
If you liked persona 4 I dont understand why you wouldn't like persona 5.
Her name was Samus Aran.
Only felt that with ME 3
>Sup Forums says rhe combat and gameplay is its only strength
Its the biggest fun killer of the game
Though most of the time I see Sup Forums saying a game is garbage, but it's tolerable at its worst, and enjoyable at its best
i'm talking about DmC
Both games sold poorly. Super in particular was a huge drop in sales compared to the original.
sucks about Persona how everything about it is great except actually playing it
Even if that guy was talking about Persona, pretty much everybody shits on Persona 1.
Oh god metroidvanias as a whole. Second worst genre after twin stick shooters but at least no-one pretends those are any good.
OP is a faggot, what a surprise.
It must be hard being so stupid
>Second worst genre after twin stick shooters but at least no-one pretends those are any good.
How can you hate a genre that is pure gameplay and action?
you're too young and wrong to be taken seriously, kid
Why cant i just pick all of them
>New Vegas, just retroactive dick sucking because of how bad 4 was.
Regular NV threads were a thing long before 4 came out.
>How can you hate a genre that is pure backtracking
The gameplay isn't fun.
Any normal Fallout fan would see New Vegas for what it really is, the proper Fallout 3 and not some cheap knock off who happens to have bought itself into using names and setting but is really just Elder Scrolls "What if a apocalypse happended in the future" spin off.
Any Animal Crossing game. They bore the shit out of me.
I played some of the old ones for ages but I dropped the new phone game after like two days. I don't know whether it's because it sucks or I'm older or both.
Kill yourself, child.
both these games got critical acclaim. SOTN is still overrated shit though
10 years. This game came out almost 10 years ago. I was younger, didn't have much extra cash for things like video games, and I wanted something to play on my Wii that wasn't Smash Bros. For some reason, Sup Forums, you convinced me to waste $60 of my money on this piece of hot garbage. I still haven't forgiven you.
You did win back some points for introducing me to Elite Beat Agents, Ouendan, and Rhythm Heaven around the same time, though.
>For some reason, Sup Forums, you convinced me to waste $60 of my money on this piece of hot garbage. I still haven't forgiven you.
i'm sorry. i was still high off k7 vapors and didn't even play nmh.
Every single game that takes a tad of effort or abstract thinking
>>Sup Forums says a game is good
ITT: Things that never happened
I remember when Sup Forums spazzed about the second Neptunia game, saying the gameplay is finally good and it's amazing.
I played it and it was shit. Just like the first one. Even 5 years ago I never trust this board's metric when it comes to JRPGs or eastern games because most of the popular ones on here tend to be shit.
Pretty decent fun game
>Witcher 2
It's playable I guess
>Witcher 3
Worst piece of shit I've ever played
>vampire bloodlines
I don't even love that game as much as most people here, but I'll fight you nigga
This. M'lady.
I'll never get the hype for the series. I even upgraded my PC at the time to play Witcher 2 and was severly disappointed. Then I got as far as the Blood Baron in 3 before I realized I was bored.
Metal Gear Rising
Compared to DMC and ninja gaiden it is just so lame and boring and easy
the hype isn't enough to keep me interested
I am glad I got it with a massive discount
every nintendo game made in the past 17 years
The indie games that came out when indie was still a fresh meme. They sucked.
>Cave Story
>Team Meat games
>Papers Please
>Hotline Miami
>Risk of Rain
If you look at the indie bestsellers on Steam now, there's a lot more quality than there was before. Still a lot of crap, but it's better than how it was between 2007-2015 or so.
>Fire Emblem 4.
Take that back immediately
Half Life 2
Demon's Souls
Nier Autismo
Killer 7
No they don't. Whenever you point out the gameplay is shit and the story is pseudo-intellectual crap for retards you just get called a shitter because they never have any actual arguments as to why you're wrong.
Witcher 3 as a game is just mashing left click, that's it. There's no point in the "open world" because everything you can find is worse than crafting your own gear which costs nothing. Gold in the game is worthless, there is nothing you should or would need to buy. There is nothing difficult in the game, the final boss fight is easier than killing a random nekker you're passing by on your horse. Every single NPC looks exactly the same. Good graphics is not an argument, that's not what makes a game good. If I just wanted to see generic story #932 I would watch a movie instead of playing a game.
Hotline Miami was great though.
You FEfags overrate that game so fucking hard.
Overrated is the word for people use when they don't like good an popular games
Hollow Knight lost me the moment I found out that attacking enemies in air pushed you back.
I've enjoyed every game I've played because of Sup Forums, but I feel like most of them are not for everyone and they tend to be overrated on how good they really are
Like EYE isn't as great as some say, but it was a lot of fun for me anyways
>Sup Forums saying Skyrim is good
Cup head
The gameplay is probably the weakest in the FE franchise. The plot twist was glorious though. If they remade it with FE6-9 gameplay it would be perfect.
>Shitting on Cave Story
>Shitting on Risk of Rain
>Shitting on Hotline Miami
but most importantly
>Shitting on Dustforce
I'll fucking fight you,
b-but user it doesnt have muh waifus
The Witcher
That's what makes the air combat good. You can continually bounce yourself upwards and around as a form of mobility.