Daily reminder not to trust Yoshi's lies
Zenos did nothing wrong.
Thread theme: youtube.com
Daily reminder not to trust Yoshi's lies
Zenos did nothing wrong.
Thread theme: youtube.com
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Friendly reminder that Eorzea is rightful Elezen clay.
>tfw you couldn't protect his smile
Rightful Allag clay
Allagans were hyurs
>You will never live in the steppes as a based lizard, wild, pure and forever free
Life's not fair
>He still doesn't have Midas gear
What's your excuse user?
That's a cool armor
Makes me wonder if I should get back into FF14
Who is that?
Main villain of the latest expansion
Only midan anything I like is the gun
Would be really fun if I didn't have to be a disgusting scalie.
He's actually a black woman, as evident in this picture.
How does this general avoid getting sent to /vg/?
The same way the overwatch, persona, donpagonga, wow, gta, etc threads do
Actually that's a lie, janitor are blizzards fanboys and send xiv threads to vg some time or just delete thm
It's not a general, we are discussing the new patch here.
is ffxiv worth getting into or is it just different wow with same community?
i'm thinking about it redpill me pls
wow clone with a worse community and getting less content with every expansion.
DPS queues are so fucking bad
It's a slower WoW with an even worse community.
Ninja or Machinist? Already have bard leveled, and I plan to level them both, but which should I do first?
It's also 9 am
Wait 5h and your queue will be 12m instead of 18m
I'm on JP data center
I would say Ninja because you already got a ranged dps
Why is this general on Sup Forums?
One of my squadron members is lecturing to nobody...
He did nothing wrong
>yfw Arenvald dies protecting Lyse
>found a treasure
>must give it to mhiggers who I saved
The thrill of adventure won't buy me a mansion in Shirogane
>find mhigger treasure
>go to Shirogane
>"Oh sorii (ga)ijin-sama no moaru plotto no buy poshiburu"
Zenos did a lot of things wrong, faggots.
Gaius literally did nothing wrong. He was someone that truly had Eorzea's best interests at heart. Prior to the new Eorzean Alliance, Gaius would have run Eorzea better than any of the current governments in 2.0.
I hope we get to fight her in 5.0 or beyond, we haven't had a cute girl primal yet
What is your opinion of Shisui?
you can always remove the scales and horn
Nice dungeon, trashy gear
When quality boys collide
Fordola is my wife!
I want to marry Fordola!
What's the % chance on Elidibus taking over Gaius during 2.0 and showing up in 2.1 using his body?
Nice looking dungeon with slutty gear and one of the worst bosses (the second one) in any dungeon this game has.
>do expert
>me good
>party bad
Really good slut glam
Scales okay...but horns?! That's their fucking ears!
What retainer classes are worth it right now? I have a FSH and Battle class retainer but I want to pick up a third. Is CUL or any other crafters any good?
>this is your healer for the day
What do?
Retainers can't be crafters so your only options are MNR/BTN if you don't want another battle retainer.
all femroes are disgusting people
Oh I didn't know that. Cheers I guess it's time to finish getting BTN to 70
Cute! Pap!
Let me guess: you'd keep a cat though right?
Fucking furfag.
I wish the character creator let you customize characters like they do with the NPCs.
Every race has something that annoys me terribly, but NPCs from said race in the game often don't have this problem.
>Miqote are small af
>Male Highlanders have no eyebrows except if you use sharpie markers on them
>Male Midlanders have no beards
the list goes on
I know it defeats the purpose somewhat, but I wish I could mix and match more things in the character creator. I feel the urge to fantasia almost every month.
Good thing I can't because I'm poor
Anything that isnt a feöroe
Hell I would rather have a neon haired lalafell healer rather than a fucking femroe
All Roe are memes.
I had a Roe Warrior in 3.4 that never passed 50 percentile the entire time we were raiding.
I was just so happy to see best boy again in Stormblood.
I just don't get the appeal of that faggot. Most cliche and generic anime villain ever.
>Tfw youtube.com
Best moment in SB MSQ
Someone has mommy issues...
He was so awesome, glad you got to meet him in DRG class quests
What is with the best moments on Stormblood being related to Heavensward?
Because HW was good despite 3.1 being shit
White haired hyurs make better moms I dont want a gorilla mommy
WoW has the better players but FFXIV is way, way more social. It's also miles ahead of WoW in almost every aspect, the only thing it's missing is some better "day to day" content if you know what I mean.
t. ObviousMommyIssues
You're worse than my ex and her massive daddy issues.
Because it's almost impossible to hate most of the Heavensward cast.
Best dungeon OST coming through
>way,way more social
>No one talks outside of their FC or discord
>No one talks in the towns, out in the field, in the dungeons
>People in FC barely talk and if they do it is on the discord
>Game is designed to be as solo-friendly as possible
>being on a dead server
agreed, orchestrion scroll fucking when
Sounds like you're on a really shitty server then, which is something that can happen in any MMO. Also it's hilarious how you blame your own FC for being too silent.
>It's also miles ahead of WoW in almost every aspect
Except for things that matter.
Races in WoW: diverse, distinct body types, each have their own unique starting zone with their own storylines - Races in XIV: humans with decals
World in WoW: zones are all interconnected within a continent and generally stay relevant even when you're capped - World in XIV - boxes, invisible walls and instances everywhere
Endgame progression: WoW is built around it, XIV is scared to make people feel like they're forced to do anything, M+ vs EXDR isn't even a competition, even glamour and mount collecting is better in WoW due to transmog log and mounts being account wide
Movement and mechanics engine: Despite being much older, WoW has much smoother mechanic implementation, you can actually platform in that game, castbars and animations relate to damage intuitively, whereas in XIV jumping is largely an illusion, lag compensation causes ridiculous rubberbanding and animations are only in tentative connection with what actually happens.
I'm actually struggling to figure out even one thing XIV does better.
nice meme, 1.5 sec gcd doesnt make gameplay faster if you spam 1 button 70% of time or have 40%+ downtime due to energy generation
>do expert
>me good
>party bad
>doesn't matter since I play healer so the run goes smoothly
>it's a "FFXIV thread turns into WoW discussion" episode AGAIN
Au Ra girls have such a bad case of shovel face, it isn't even funny, especially when viewd from the side.
WoWtards and FFXIVfags are sworn enemies so it's to be expected. Even Blizzard trades blows on social media against Square Enix.
FFXIV does raid bosses (not raids) better, despite all of them falling into mechanic burst-downtime-mechanic burst-downtime category, especially since creator
Zenos was just as much of a victim of his father's ambitions as everyone else was. He just wanted a friend and he was kept away from his younger sibling and kept at the fringes of Garlean society where he had to quell rebellions. Everyone will eventually break given such situations. Thankfully, he's probably not dead due to having an echo. I wonder if he went to the world where the WoD and Minfillia are now?
Why the fuck do WoWtards even go to these threads though? Just stay the fuck out. This is worse than console wars.
I like Ultimate because it doesn't really have much of that downtime phase. It just keeps going.
>he was a gud boy
>he dindu nuffin
Nah, the guy was an edgy shit. He's better dead.
I object to this as a former wowfag. The community there was vile and only gotten worse with each expansion.
The people in XIV though way quieter are also a lot more patient overall, seem much more friendly and most of the time actively help out others when they screw up during an instance instead of immediately hitting the vote kick button.
Post female highlanders
>implying XIVfags and WoWfags aren't the same people
Okay yeah spectacle in boss fights is better in XIV, though if Guldan and Argus the Unmaker are any indication Blizzard is hella jealous of that.
Have a femroe instead.
he was just a useless psycho his father kicked out so he wouldn't cause any troubles and they lost both doma and ala mhigo because of his: muh rules of nature
>Races in WoW: diverse, distinct body types, each have their own unique starting zone with their own storylines - Races in XIV: humans with decals
Races in FFXIV have at least a proper lore, Roegadyn even have their own language that you can look up and decipher their names with. Races in WoW are just visual flavor with no real meaning.
>and generally stay relevant even when you're capped
Biggest pile of horseshit in this entire thread. WoW zones are notorious for being dead ever since BC came out. They're also really fucking ugly and nowadays only a setup for gay world quests.
>Endgame progression: WoW is built around it, XIV is scared to make people feel like they're forced to do anything, M+ vs EXDR isn't even a competition, even glamour and mount collecting is better in WoW due to transmog log and mounts being account wide
M+ is just the same shit as Rifts in Diablo 3, blizzdrone. There's no need to have anything "account wide" in FFXIV because you can do anything and everything on one character. Also enjoy your weekly lockouts for 10 year old content.
>Movement and mechanics engine: Despite being much older, WoW has much smoother mechanic implementation, you can actually platform in that game
Ever since WotLK people have been complaining to Blizzard that their engine and netcode are unsuitable for any kind of advanced platforming or bullet hell style encounters. FFXIV is shit in this regard too but don't pretend like WoW is any better. The rest of your post is pretty much a huge fucking hyperbole as expected of a Blizzdrone.
OP video doesn't even have the right lyrics. Try this one:
>World in WoW
Someone has not been into Argus, I see.
>Monsters everywhere, even on roads, they daze, too.
>They can be elite randomly, depending on the world quests
>Teleporters every five steps
>Labyrinthine layout, map doesn't help a shit
>Forced CRZ, even with other languages
>LFD for quests
Blizzdrones really are something else.
>Races in WoW are just visual flavor with no real meaning.
This kind of shit only deserves a (You)
>WoW zones are notorious for being dead ever since BC came out.
Within their expansion they're not. Older zones are obviously only useful for leveling but current stuff is incomparably more active.
>M+ is just the same shit as Rifts in Diablo 3, blizzdrone.
So what? PotD is just a shallow Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon, what's your point?
It was a fantastic addition to the game that reinvigorated small parties at the endgame.
>Ever since WotLK people have been complaining to Blizzard that their engine and netcode are unsuitable for any kind of advanced platforming or bullet hell style encounters.
How to spot someone who hasn't played retail since WotLK: the sentence
>Monsters everywhere, even on roads, they daze, too.
>They can be elite randomly, depending on the world quests
So? It's an endgame zone.
>Teleporters every five steps
I wish it was more like Timeless Isle as well but it's whatever
>Labyrinthine layout, map doesn't help a shit
How is this bad?
>Forced CRZ, even with other languages
>LFD for quests
There's no LFD for quests unless you're one of those retards who thinks Party Finder-like systems (recruitment without automation) are bad.
The Blizzdrones are here, abandon thread (or another mod Blizzdrone shows up and deletes it anyway while leaving one of the daily dozens of WoW threads hit bump limit).
>XIV is so much better than WoW
>no it's not here's why
>this is a FFXIV thread, I like FFXIV because it does things better than WoW for example
>I don't think so, see these arguments
>okay fuck off Blizzdrone
Things that never happened.
>XIV is so much better than WoW
>no its not heres why
>that argument cant be substantiated though
FFXIV ARR is bad
Midlanders are cute!
Can't be worse than the initial release.