How would you fix Overwatch?
Custom maps, ammo pickups instead of unlimited ammo bullshit
How would you fix Overwatch?
What's with fetish artists and not being subtle? Like damn, the feet are literally bigger than a fucking ape.
i just played overwatch during their free weekend thing, and it seemed fine to me. not really my deal but i had fun
can't speak about the foot fetish shit tho
So if you remove unlimited ammo you "need" someone with the ability to make ammo (eg dispenser in tf2)
less white people
Copy Paladins on everything
except graphics,bugs and designs of course
They did an experiment where a goose sat on a volleyball that was painted the colour of their eggs. They see "bigger egg=healthier chick" and disregard the fact that it'd be impossible for the goose to actually lay an egg that big.
You can see this concept in a lot of fetishes that get too overboard- big tits/ass can devolve into BBW or feederism or giantess. In this pic the feet are bigger so they can be drawn more detailed.
Or fetish artists are just shit so they have to pander.
This. More brown qts
>that girl
shes just another white washed minority because they are the only types who dont hurt the white peoples fee fees
>ammo pickups instead of unlimited ammo bullshit
You would just end up with characters that are much better than others based on their kit and character design alone.
Shut down game completely.
Focus on producing Overwatch related porn.
Make your own games them faggot
And if you're so mad about 'white privilege', then move to a country where you are part of the majority
Turn it into the mmo it was supposed to have been.
As an FPS it's unsalvagable unless you redesign it from the ground up to be something other than Overwatch.
Is this brown enough for you then?
Rework reloading so that only some characters reload their entire weapon at once.
Give ammo pickups and rework the non-healer supports into being able to provide buffed ammo(more bullets in mag, more damage, whatever).
Buff Torbjorn's turrets and disregard all the casual tears. If Mercy is allowed to be literally 100% pickrate for months and the dev team considers it just fine, what's wrong with having Torby being viable at the expense of 100% pickrate in lower tiers.
is that a real skin?
No-one will quit because there's two Mercys in every game but everyone will quit if torbjorn isn't useless.
how about white people dont invade half the world and push their shit on the locals?
I really want to give Ana lots of grandchildren
>Buff Torbjorn's turrets
The maps are designed around Torb's turrets like TF2 is designed around Engie's turret.
They aren’t, for either
>when Muslims & Mongols invade half the world it's okay though
shitskin logic
Arabs invented Math while Whites invented Slavery
>replying to bait
That's a lie. TF2's maps are designed based around what the Turret can and can't see, particularly at specific points of the maps that emphasizes defense over offense.
Of course, that become cloudy when the Wrangler became a thing.
If you're gonna make a feet thread at least make the picture pleasing to look at.
>whites invented slavery
Nah mate, they didn't. They bought them off someone else. Just like the Arabs bought Irish slaves from other white people.
The sight lines aren't the issue. It's the fact torb's turret has no health or damage. Engineer's sentry is a powerhouse, even at level 2, and he can repair his sentry fast enough to tank lots of stuff.
Torb can't even outrepair a Genji at long range. A tracer can just run right up to torb's encampment and tear his sentry apart if Torb doesn't land a headshot. The only time a scout can do that is if he's corner peeking or he pulls some ninja shit and spins around the sentry faster than it can turn
>Torb can't even outrepair a Genji at long range.
Because that's not his main playstyle. His main playstyle is based off of offensive Engineer with the mini sentries.
Fix the people not the game