Just picked this up after seeing all the threads, what am I getting into?

Just picked this up after seeing all the threads, what am I getting into?

Other urls found in this thread:


S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl

Of course

An enjoyable game. Shoot mutants, drink vodka, etc

any bonuses to drinking the vodka?

It removes radiation

play on the hardest difficulty to prevent bullet sponges
A lot people find the first hour a struggle because the guns are shit until you find a better one later on

Drink as much as you can before a gun fight to stack the aim steadying bonus

A shit half finished Russian game about spooky monsters with terrible combat.


This but you have a 50% chance of getting addicted to it and playing the other 2 games + all the mods.

That's not how it works, but it's still best to play on Master

i have like 15 anti-rad medicine sticks anyway

use mods on your first playthrough, don't listen to anyone that tells you to play broken vanilla

>Sup Forums is getting back into stalker
Nice. Just wait until you guys all get to call of pripyat, the superior game.

>Last Stand

>You can only loot stashes once you learn about them and they're placed on your minimap
Wow, way to remove the incentive to explore!

incorrect. Where is the accuracy? Master means you can 1shot kill headshot with good guns, novice you can't

Wait, so I'm getting hit 5x more than I think I am?
What the fuck?

Difficulty does not affect your accuracy.

>call of pripyat, the superior game

But CoP is the worst of the franchise. It has a significantly smaller game world with almost nothing to explore in it and literally zero plot. There's even less reason to play it than Clear Sky.

>There's even less reason to play it than Clear Sky.
Take. It. Back.

I remember there being a mod to fix that. Plain, unmodded stalker is an unfinished game at best.

Anyone know what this mod is called?

No. I won't.

CoP is cheap, lazy and fucking boring. Without question I would sooner replay CS than it again because at least the maps in CS aren't terrible and there's an actual plot to follow.

Well at least we agree that unmodded CoP is superior to unmodded versions of CS and SoC, right?

no, SoC is better patched. Lab16 and 18 as well as army warehouse for first time was best in franchise

I'm pretty sure it's an optional patch in Zone Reclamation Project.

Wow, fuck these assholes on the steam forums. Acting all high and mighty because I just don't understand the true intent of the devs.

Well, it works better. I don't think I'm going praise then for having the third iteration of the game being slightly less buggy and crash prone than the previous versions. As for actual engagement, no. CoP is a boring game unless you want to RP as a Stalker not really doing much of anything because there's not much to do. Even from an RP perspective it's not very good because the game is so mechanically basic and devoid of content, it's just slightly more accommodating than the previous two is all.

Reminder that it's always the same faggot who starts these threads.

finished soc yesterday vanilla 0 mods whats the problem with it

enjoy shit combat and retarded AI

Nothing really, just some minor annoyances with those idiots at the trash getting attacked 24/7 and some sticky markers on the map.

I've just handed in documents to barkeep and some cheeki breeki asked me to go get his gun back from bandits in the death valley
Man, the combat sure takes some getting used to, I can't tell if I'm inaccurate or just doing 0 damage to enemies when I shoot them in the head

Headshot means instadeath in most cases. Your weapon might be too inaccurate.

There is a silenced Makarov in the wagon near the first injured rookie loner in the beginning of the game.
There is a hidden Merc Suit in one of the attics in the Rookie village.
There is a silencer with plenty 5.45 ammo on the roof in the abandoned barn with the dead bandit.
There is a hidden P99 in the top level northernmost outpost in the Cordon.
The military squad leader under the train bridge has a unique Fort-12 pistol which is a really good starting weapon.

oh yeah. i had to let go of my perfectionist no failure autism to actually complete the game because anytime i entered the garbage or any fucking zone for that matter it was always "kill these faggots you killed yesterday at point a", "kill the rabid horny dogs in this rads infested nondescript area with 100 army guys there too for some FUCKING reason. oh and even if you complete the objective itself in time you fail if you dont turn it in in time, fuck you run all the way to sidorovich from the dark valley within the very next 5 minutes or fail."
also my first ending made me rethink my usual playstyle of being a greedy jewish faggot picking up literally every single thing worth more than the ppm starter pistol and hauling it overencumbered at walking speed to either sell or stash at the bar. ended with around 600k ru i think, didnt spend shit throughout the entire playthrough.

Never had problems with accuracy but i always try to use a good weapon anyway

I play with amk 1.4 and arsenal, most of the time i just use mp5, a small benelli, and an ak74

git gud

NO! Nonononono

You can fix them with Sky Reclamation Project. The optional addons have a faction war balance mod.

Wasn't the merc suit removed in older patches ?

Is Stalker Complete 2012 any good? What are the alternatives?

It isn't the original arsenal mod anyway, it just adds like 15 shitty weapons like Tecs, Macs, etc

Not him, but I have been playing this recently, unmodded as this is my first complete playthrough.
My point is, the merc suit is still there as of this week in the current version of the game.

What's last stand?

The Merc Suit is still there even in the latest version.

I think some mods removed it because it was the first thing everyone did after starting. Seem to have gotten them mixed up.

It used to be the regular stalker suit until like 1.002 then they switched it to the merc suit.

I'll have to do modded when I beat it. Also play it on Master, because things not dying in one headshot is irritating.

>The NPC's hit probability starts at 100% (if his shot hits your hitbox) if the NPC is shooting you from point-blank range, dropping off to the aforementioned value of gamedata\config\defines.ltx's hit_probability_gd_novice at the distance set by hit_probability_max_dist (in gamedata\config\weapons\weapons.ltx), which defaults to a mere 10 meters. It remains at the hit_probability_gd_novice value (default 20%) beyond that. Set hit_probability_max_dist to a higher value (like 100 or 1000) for a tougher game at any difficulty level.

>For proof of the statements in the above paragraphs, set the two parameters mentioned there to 0 (zero hit probability beyond zero distance from the player) and play. As indicated, the difficulty you select doesn't matter; master difficulty is fine.

>Did you notice how you are just as accurate as before, but the NPCs can't hit you at all? See the "Vanilla Bullet Sponges? Well, Yes and No" thread, page 2 for more details.

>Yes, there are those that claim hit probability affects the player's accuracy, but many of the mods claiming to fix this change other parameters like the fire_dispersion_base of some weapons and/or the k_disp of ammo. The effect of wide dispersion and limited range of early-game pistols and sawn-offs (especially if in bad condition) lead many to apply such a "fix". They notice an improvement with rifles and wrongly credit this parameter "fix".

>Hopefully the proof above will put an end to this "hit probability for the player" nonsense.

from metacognix.com/stlkrsoc/WhatYouKnowThatAintSo.html

Stop being retarded about the damn accuracy

Test nintentoddler

Always wondered, who's the guy in the cover image?


AMK is just few tweaks/fixes here and there, get AMK if you want a complete overhaul + fixes

Does anyone have a link to the 'song' that plays inside the CNPP, but without the Monolith yapping over it?


>Stalker Complete 2012 any good?
Like we've been saying for a decade now, Completes are to be avoided. They're obsolete, casual as fuck, and can LITERALLY break more things than they claim to fix.

If you want a smooth landing to STALKER trilogy, Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links:

Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.

Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.

>AMK is just few tweaks/fixes here and there
No, it really is fucking not. Stop lying to poor newfags.

I love AMK to bits, but it is literally a challenge mod, made for veterans. NOT a fixer; in fact, you can experience all sorts of new problems you couldn't in vanilla.
If you truly want a "vanilla 2.0", as in ONLY light-weight graphical overhauls and real-deal bugfixes, you need to go with ZRP / the entire Starter-Packs.

Oh my bad, I thought genuinely it was a fix + overhaul mod.

Disregard then.

Can we all just admit that Call of Pripyat>Shadow of Chernobyl?

Fuck no.
CoP is boring AF

Hell no