What are some games I can play as a Gunslinger in? Don't need to be old west games either

What are some games I can play as a Gunslinger in? Don't need to be old west games either.


man I usually like me some steampunk shit but this thing is so bad I avoid it like the plague


Red Dead (Redemption/Revolver)

Overwatch or Battleborn, I can't tell the difference but I know there is a gunslinger in one of them

Call of Juarez
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood
Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Killing Floor
Killing Floor 2
Fistful of Frags
Nothing feels better than being Mr. Big Dick with 2 big ass handguns and popping heads wherever you point in all 3 of these

You can capture skeleton gunslingers in Siralim 2

Destiny 2 only for 59.99

He's probably the most fun character in that game.


And unlike any of the other games that get listed you can actually roleplay as a gunslinger and not just have gun mechanics

Killing Floor 1/2
Payday 1/2
Destiny 1/2 (Don't do it)
Grim Dawn
Obvious RedDed
That one source multiplayer western game I can't remember the name of

>"Hmmm this character we've just developed doesn't seem very cringey"
>Puts BAMF on the belt

Thanks, Jeff.

New Vegas

>not using the USA skin

Wait, really? That's been in my backlog for a while now

Grim Dawn.

Hard West obviously even if it's turn based. It's a damn good game.

Why would I? To get shot?

How finnished is grim dawn? Is the campaing done? Can I play it with others and is it more Diablo-esque or an rpg?

It's been released for years, just had an expansion. It's diablo-esque.

Memeshock infinito

New vegas

1866 mod for Mount and Blade
The warband version is for MP only but fun as well

got my copy for 45 from Amazon :^)

only fun class to play 's death knight with a scythe

>proud of giving new-bliz-activision money
you should have been a blowjob

>death knight

that class is boring as all fuck

REAL fun lies in Molotovmancer where you just toss out hellfire infused bottles and sing Hellfire while everything melts

>Call of Juarez Gunslinger
That game is so damn awesome.