GameStop Announces Rental Program, Are You Excited About This?

For $60, you can pick up any pre-owned game and return to the store to swap it out for a new one as much as you want for a period of six months. At the end, you can choose any game to keep. Are you excited about this, user? Trending Content&utm_content=59f88ff44b73850006560fc7&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter

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I haven't walked into a gamestop in probably 5 years and haven't bought anything in nearly double that.

That said, its pointless. As publishers move more and more to a microtransaction/season-pass model the disk is increasingly secondary. Not to mention how many games force always online at restrict each disk to only being activated by one account.

I don't play roastie games. I could get AIDS. No thanks.

you have to pay me to enter a FUCKING GAMESTOP ever again. just the sight of funkopops repels me like garlic to a vampire

Sounds like a decent deal, like the company understands they need to make gimmicky concessions like this to maintain reasons for anyone to give a fuck about brick&mortar. This will appeal to: consolefags tight on money that play a lot of releases

>Gamestop announces...
>any pre-owned game...

Name of girl? I would let her have sex with me.

>I haven't walked into a gamestop in probably 5 years and haven't bought anything in nearly double that.
Honestly, I'm surprised they are still around. They somehow managed to last longer than Blockbuster. The last time I checked, best buy and amazon offer 20% off for new games.

>going to gamestop in 2017
>renting games in 2017

>IDK what's her name is.
I do know she is a gamer gate survivor, kek

>funkopops repels me like garlic to a vampire

I hate those damn things. I can understand stocking them if they really do sell well, but do they really need an entire wall, floor to ceiling, dedicated to them? That's a lot of shelf space to commit to shitty figures that don't look like they're exactly flying off the shelf

They try what they can to survive. Their merchandise sales actually growing while the game sales is depleting

I already do this, except it doesn't cost $60. I don't get it, what's the reward?

>what's the reward?
You can keep one (1) pre-owned title at the end of the 6 months period

Funko pops are the only thing pumping blood on them

No, maybe for like a PS4 Movie-games I can finish in a weekend like The last of us but for a multiplayer like Overwatch/ Splatoon 2 just buy user.
Their fees are too high for my blood.

no one with an income buy games from retail stores anymore

This is their attempt to not drown in a transitioning market.

What do people see in those? It's not even like they are cheap, two dumb looking Funkos are enough for a nice looking figure.

Why wouldn't I just keep "buying" and returning pre-owned games indefinitely, keeping none and my money at the end of every year for forever?

I'm anal about actually owning what I buy so this doesn't interest me at all. I'm pretty careful about what I buy and play anyway

Garage sales are going to be interesting some years from now.

Or for like $12 bucks a month I can subscribe to Humble Monthly where I get to OWN more than $100 worth of games each month.

Yeah a bunch of indie garbage and one occasional AAA that wants inflated Steam ownership numbers.

To be honest if this promotion includes Switch games it’s a damn cool deal. Play all the movie games and flavor of the month shit and then get a preowned copy of Mario Oddyssey, BotW, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

People always forget how fucking good The Last of Us' multiplayer is. It's a shame.

Finally I'll be able to play all those underage panty quests without the shame of having to order them all online anonymously from the comfort of my home.

Anyone else thinking gamestop will go the way blockbuster did and all those rented games you have with you will end up yours?

Sounds like a good idea to me, fuck all you salty fags who dont play games.

If it's actually as good as it sounds I'll sign up for sure. For someone who's got a small lets play channel this will save me a ton of money.

gamestop on suicide watch

That's actually a good idea. Use it to give your channel a boost without having to invest so heavily in buying. Best of luck, bud.

now i can play shit like evil within 2 and not pay 60 for it, beat it in 2 days and get mad i spent 60. i can then move on to all the OTHER AAA games that come out in the year too.

>Why wouldn't I just keep "buying" and returning pre-owned games indefinitely, keeping none and my money at the end of every year for forever?

My aunt and uncle have an entire section of a room dedicated to Beanie Babies. Collectors just keep whatever they wasted their money on. A couple Anons have a ton of these.

>Gamestop on suicide watch
The business is going to get better, supposedly. KEK


>Gamestop adopting a service that bankrupted the companies that started it
Surely this will work

I dont get why every is so dismissive about this, it sounds like a pretty good deal. Also why everyone is bringing up how they vam buy games on amazon, this isn't even about buying games.

Am I missing something here?

They're trying to close a loophole that existed for years. Gamestop has to take any used games back, no questions asked, and give you a refund if you do it within a week. You could "rent" games for free already. This just sorta closes the loophole.

The funny part is their own policy states they must comply and give you a refund, even if they know you're blatantly abusing the policy to just get free rentals.

Pre-owned games are completely fucked after having been owned by 1-2 mongoloids, I cannot even begin to fathom how utterly worthless a pre-owned game would be after six months of rentals to potentially dozens or more mongoloids.

Every AAA game that is worth trying to rent will be out of stock only thing that might be available is old ds and 3ds games

This. gamestop or gamestores are more expensive than online anyway.

Not really excited. Just seems like I'm pay $60 for a single used game.

>They're trying to close a loophole that existed for years.

Man, I remember abusing the absolute fuck out of this back in the early 2000's, my record was like 13 consecutive buy it, burn it, exchange it runs back to back.

Good times.

Aren't the only pre-owned games available being old sports games?

>gamestop will die in your lifetime

Oh, I didnt know that. So you can just buy a used game, go back in a week, return the game, and buy back the game and keep repeating, no questions asked?

id be really cool to be able to like buy a console, then rent its entire library in 6 month period, and then sell the console, like the switch

No, you can buy a new game, and just return it each week for whatever the fuck you want, no questions asked.

That's their return policy, has been for almost 20 years.


Nigga it has to be used.

Not here in Aus.

go to bed

enjoy scratched as fuck discs fucking up your console
enjoy chetto grease getting into your disc drive
what could possibly go wrong

Isn't using the library the same thing? The only difference being you don't get to keep the last game every 6 months.

Or is that just a canada thing?

Are accusing them for fake news? Are you a Nazi, user? Kek

>enjoy chetto grease getting into your disc drive
not everyone is you

>all gamestops will be turned into thinkgeeks

>Or is that just a Canada thing?
In Canada the libraries are free so no it's not the same thing.

The last library I went to that had video games only allowed you to have one out for two days at max before they started ripping out massive late fees.

Wait, Gamestop didn't have a rental program in the first place?

I never even go to Gamestop unless I'm looking to buy Star Wars Black Series and Marvel Legends figures and Can't find the ones I want elsewhere. Haven't bought any games from there in like 5 or 6 years except maybe 2 or 3 used 360 games.

>not everyone is you

>I never even go to Gamestop unless I'm looking to buy Star Wars Black Series and Marvel Legends figures and Can't find the ones I want elsewhere
This user is keeping Gamestop alive, kek

Seems like a decent deal I suppose. I doubt I would get much use out of it at this point in my gaming habits but seems fair. Not sure how the "free" game at the end works but if you could time it you could pick up a used copy of a newish game and get a new game on the cheap. Hell its arguably worth it for that alone if you milk it.

It was for employees only and they sure as shit didn't get charged.
>open new games to hide disks by lock and key
>still sell them as new when employees take a copy home a few days at a time to play

I dont know if they did that. My brother worked for gamestop years ago and he would bring home used DS games all the time and bring them back. Though he got tons of posters cutouts game magazines and best of all he was there at just the right time and got 2 N64s like 9 controllers for it and like 60 games. I never had an N64 ps1 kid and playing mario kart with my 2 bros and sister along with Major was fuckin great. I wonder if he had stayed longer he would had been able to do the same thing with the xbox/ps2/gamecube

Well, obviously you haven’t heard about this new great service called Game

>you can pick up any pre-owned game

I used to do this all the time butnow with work and women i dont have the time to finish a game in 7 days.

To be a little fair, streaming games is gay, while streaming movies is cool.



This can't sit well with publishers.

Also rip Gamefly

That actually doesn't sound that bad to me. It's $10 a month to play as many used games as you want and then you get to keep one of them at the end.

>all these NEET aspies "surprised" Gamestop is still around and thinking it will die.

HAHAHA you faggots are delusional. There's enough normie gamers and parents to keep Gamestop in business.

>. There's enough normie gamers and parents to keep Gamestop in business.
The kikes are saying otherwise

enjoy cleaning discs before use, and destroying your lens, shillboy

I worked at gamestop the last 3 years. I got out because the writing is on the walls plain as day that the company is getting blockbuster'd. Contrary to what people think, it took blockbuster almost 10 years to die off completely. Give it time, and we'll start seeing less gamestop locations and more thinkgeeks. They'll slowly just phase the game stores out and pretend that the hundred gamestop locations they have left are doing great.

Costs $60 and you only have 1 at a time...

For $60 I could get 50 downloadable games I can keep forever and not have to worry about leaving my nest.

>olivia munn

This will most likely be something I get. I owned a few titles for a while before i was able to get around to playing them and the sinkers (bayo 2, just cause 3, zombiiu. And most regrettably - prey, each of ehich I bought new) i could actually feel no pressure to get any game at launch because I'll have full demo capability for any one.

The only reason I go to my local Gamestop is because they have cute girls that work there

That was such a terrible movie holy shit why are exorcism movies so lame.

>Honestly, I'm surprised they are still around. They somehow managed to last longer than Blockbuster. The last time I checked, best buy and amazon offer 20% off for new games.

Not to be insulting but I'm assuming you don't know business. Blockbuster never diversified, they had one revenue stream and it dried up. Gamestop has been adding more and more over the years to diversify. They get more profit from their collectable shit than they do games now, and their collectable sales will overtake their physical video game sales by eoy. This rental program is to get people in the store to buy other things.

Until they can make enough scratch to renegotiate profit % or supplement a loss on discounting new games like other retailers, they will focus on other highly profitable areas

Also: dude fuck this company. AAA shills and retarded old white men thinking they know how people think

i miss my old one when i went to college
super friendly and nice, had a damn huge rack too

That'd be a great idea if it was still 2007

I only have EB Games, so I could do this already without ever having to keep a game.

I already rent from gamestop. I play game for about 5 days and then return it. Have even more time if it's used.


>not knowing who that is