what will they announce?
20 hours remaining
Other urls found in this thread:
strong black woman with afro for overwatch
I want something Starcraft-related
jay wilson lead dev for diablo 4
diablo app
WoW app
hearthstone expac
WoW expac for release in LATE summer of 18'
>20 hours
It's in like 6 hours familia
Warcraft IIII
>20 hours remaining
literally 5 hours left my nigger
well shit boyz, this one countdown website fooled me
literally 3 hours 30 minutes
I would like to say this is shitposting but after E3 i am not sure anymore.
there is LITERALLY less than 72 hours remaining
>WoW expac for release in LATE summer of 18'
they are already a year behind with expansion release
expect release right after announcement
>20 hours
But the "what's next" things are today
You guys -did- buy your virtual ticket, right?
This tbqh
The opening ceremony starts in 5 hours from now
based virtual ticket restream when cba to buy it
>what will they announce?
fucking patch notes like always
they are hardly making new games anymore. Why are people always so pumped up for this shit?
Kaplan has been fired for incompetence and is being sued for damaging the Overwatch brand.
World of Warcraft will have Planetside-tier base capture mechanics, and war will respark between the alliance and horde. Bringing back the war in warcraft
Warcraft 4 won't be shit
Half Life 3 revealed to be a partnership between Blizzard and Valve. Jewry ensues but the game is ultimately a masterpiece that uses groundbreaking technology
anime becomes real
h-here's your new WoW expansion, bro
it f-fixes everything I swear...
a new expansion announcement is basically confirmed to happen
They literally released a new IP last year.
it's too early for their casualized cartoony PUBG clone, but next year they'll announce it
Some hearthstone shit
1 or 2 overweight heroes
Nothing Diablo related since it isn't even on the schedule
A new wow expansion and "you think you do, but you don't" tier garbage statements
> N O T H I N G
>anime becomes real
You had me until Half Life 3
>nobody has a stream
>Half Life 3 revealed to be a partnership between Blizzard and Valve. Jewry ensues but the game is ultimately a masterpiece that uses groundbreaking technology
>anime becomes real
Like every pot of gold was found at once.
I fucking wish.
yeah, which is their only new IP since like 2 decades, a game which is also made from the scraps of a cancelled game
seriously, if a several ten times smaller company like From can shit out a new souls game every 2 years (all of which worth more than anything Blizzard produced in the last 15 years) then why the fuck can't blizzard even try to develop new games?
This shit would be maybe okay if their well anticipated new games were seriously that legendary and timeless classics, but waiting over 10 years for a complete shit like Diablo 3 isn't right.
Finding {{their}} secret gold pots.
Wow expansion, with loot crates instead of raids
>why the fuck can't blizzard even try to develop new games?
if you had a magic box that just threw money at you, would you try and find a job anyway?
The cancelled game was supposed to be a new IP too you know. FROM makes new games frequently because that's how they keep their jobs. Blizzard maintains their games over time.
also shes an anarcho-communist
>WoW with Loot crates
please yes let me farm and sell Loot crates to morons
you really think you can outfarm the Chinese bots?
but Blizzard also made new games every few years back then, all of which were fucking good.
Now they got fat on money and they don't do jackshit but release a seasonal patch to their few big IPs when they are like the third richest video game company in the world.
People really shouldn't be OK with this shit.
>Blizzcon 2017
>Hozzinka steps up on the podium
>Crowd starts to applaud while fat neckbeards from /wpsg/ and /lhg/ stand in the background scowling
>They hate him, yet they realize hozzinka is their only chance of ever playing a vanilla server without having to waddle through hordes of chinese gold sellers
>"As we all know, past years have been hard on the private server community. And honestly I think a lot of injustice has been done to our legacy players. Therefore I have one little announcement to make."
>*winks at the neckbeards in the background*
>"This one is for you guys, you deserve it!"
>Neckbeards stare wide eyed at the screen
>Its really fucking happening. Hozzinka is bringing the legacy servers
>Some neckbeards even put away their hot pockets for a moment to savour this glorious moment
>The video starts with the logo of legion, but it slowly changes into logo of warlords of draenor, then to mists of pandaria
>Crowd starts to whistle and gasp audibly
>Some neckbeards pull out their asthma respirators, because the excitement is too big to handle
>Finally the logo changes to classic vanilla one and some of the neckbeards start to cry
>Its really happening
>New Timewalking event! Enjoy your beloved vanilla dungeons and raids combined with Legion for the ultimate experience!
>Some neckbeards immediately faint, some start to cry and sob, one guy shits his pants
>Hozzinka comes back and looks at the neckbeards with the biggest shit eating grin known to man
How would you react?
New mobile game with a diverse cast (non-binary fab, trans poc, pansexual women, etc)
Yes, I think WoW was when they adopted this new way of doing things. But if they're creating loads of money this way then I doubt they want to change anything.
Blizzard is less known for hot new games and more for longevity and support.
I mean, Warcraft 3 just got a balance patch a few months ago. And WoW as a property is a safe bet to invest in simply because you know they're going to build more and more on it. If Overwatch keeps up this philosophy, you got at least a TF2 shelf life of support.
I don't want Blizzard to churn out new IPs all the time, but I would like to see them bring in more support for older games. I'd be very pleased if they announced a Diablo 2 HD release like they did Starcraft just for the new online support. If that is the only real news for Diablo, then I won't be upset.
I'm from the future, this is what they are announcing.
>Warcraft: The next expansion will be focusing on more classic WC lore. They are adding subclasses and more depth to the game in general. Warcraft III HD was shown.
>Starcraft: They will be bundling the expansions together with the base game, it'll be sold in one package from now on for the same price as the base game. New maps and units are coming in a free update.
>Diablo: Diablo I HD was announced, as was Diablo IV. The gameplay shown was a mix between Diablo 2 and 3. More complex then 3 by far. It was clear they took a look back at D2, and PoE/Grim Dawn.
>Overwatch: With the MASSIVE backlash against lootboxes, Blizzard are cutting that and replacing it with set prices for cosmetics. New Heroes and Maps were shown, along with a single player story mode. The storymode will be free, and more chapters will be added over time in updates.
>Hearthstone: The earlier releases of cards will have a price drop. Arena mode is now free. Two headed giant mode has been added.
Wait, I think this is the wrong timeline. Sorry you guys are getting dick.
Nah they still have a whole raid tier patch coming out soon
expac will be mid-late 2018
A new rock and roll racing.
Diablo 2 with a skillbar like 3 and a better looking ui and for the love of god fix that 5&6 font
WoW What's Next in exactly 6 hours
get this fake news outta here
uh isn't the wow event thing tonight in a few hours?
Says the person in the timeline that lavos wrecks everything.
plans for WoW 2
>tons of esports shit no one but total cancer cares about
>more hearthstone jewery pls pay hundreds a year to keep up
>something something WoW who cares the game died ages ago, only complete morons would still play that zombie game
>nothing for diablo other than a reminder that the necro is out and you should buy it
>more retarded esports trash
Possibly believable until the diablo stuff
>wow becomes b2p
PLEASE GOD. i dont care if you go full overjew. just stop the subscription madness
I would unironically play WoW right now if it was free (I don't see grinding for tokens a being free)
I would fully pay 20 dollars a month on top of 60 dollars for the full game to play vanilla/legacy wow.
Nostalrius and Elysium destroyed me, but I loved every second of it.
So this appeared iponz.govt.nz
it brings up "Battle for Azeroth" by Blizzard. I dont know the trademark rules in NZ, and if anyone can just make one up
This could be a Mobile game (They said they were making one), WoW expansion, Hearthstone, or even an RTS
blizz is shit
Starcraft ghost.
I think you don't see the insane amount of potency this company is holding back because of sheer lazyness/greedyness.
do you seriuosly prefer only getting like 1 new, hit or miss game from them every like 6 yeras BUT giving them very simplistic patches few times a year
Blizzard actually spending money on video game development, coming up brand new sequels and IP's every few years, WHILE still having all the money to make simple patches for these games every know and then.
>it could be a mobile game
>i-it's just a Hearthstone expansion
>wow expansion that doesn't do anything dramatically different
>hearthstone expansion
>hots update
>WC3 remaster
>new NYC african american female hero in overwatch
that's about it. They haven't hinted and there haven't been any leaks about anything out of the ordinary so i wouldn't expect anything except for what we already expect.
Worst timeline.
What? It could be any of those things. I do hope it isnt the expansion name because it sounds like shit
They don't really need to change anything to make WoW F2P, they already put the groundwork in.
Right now you can turn WoW gold into Blizzbucks, meaning not only can you buy their other games, but you can also use WoW gold for microtransactions within those games; and with OW and HS being full maximum overjew, and HotS far less so, but still jewy, they could easily switch over.
That said I doubt it'll happen since plenty of people still pay the subscription.
>Why are people always so pumped up for this shit?
shills and blizzcucks don't forget this board is blizzard central.
I heard these exact same lines of denial when the Mists of Pandaria trademark was discovered.
Well whatever you say user, you seems pretty infalable with that logic :^)
Besides MoP was a fun expansion, HTH.
maybe they'll fucking fix starcraft remastered
>random necklaces meme
with achievements tied to watching other people open a loot crate
Blizzcon is nothing but new announcements and a reaction image goldmine of autists; it is prime shitposting and hype material
You may as well be asking why Sup Forums still gets excited about E3.
i hope they make another mop like expansion. whole new world, every free is new, every enemy is new, all of that shit. no more boring fel demon shit or sticking something on top of azeroth again. no wod time bullshit either
Yeah it's not like there's unresolved plot lines that people care about or anything
>tfw no tiny black woman character with braids
>No we know that after Argus many of you have questions about some plotlines we may have foreshadowed
>Like what is REALLY going on on Aurinor
I'm so excited!!!!!
Did they ever explain what that lantern was tha Slyvannas had that allowed her to control that giant angel? Or what her deal was with the giant fish woman?
E3 gets a handful of new game announcements every year even if most of them are shit.
Blizzcon has nothing but patch notes and maybe 1 new wow expansion every 2-3 years.
look, we care about wymynz - the panel
>p-please guys. We don't like to call it a "filler expansion". We just need to Establish plot devices in order to move the plot forward. Morgan Pestle must travel to the land of Alternate Universe Pandaria in order to obtain the elixir of the old gods and become the final boss of 3 different expansions so that you can open up the gateway to Nazjatar.
*makes fun of male voice actors*
*Comments on how hard it is to be a Grill in the video game industry*
*Talks about how men should not look at women when they dress skimpy*
THIS ONE'S FOR THE GIRLS (starts playing)
*Dabs and say ebin may mays*
*eveolves from a primate*
I want some more fun hots bullshit.
True custom games and a map editor would be Christmas.
>another expansion of horde being the villains while alliance players whine that this means the horde is favored somehow
A new race for WoW - strong black people
>Horde could and should have been broken uo out after Wrath, only survived through having more plot armor than Doctor fucking Who
It's just a panel for voice actresses, user.
>horde being the villains
Not this time.
>Poosting Boogie
It's like you want this to derail with this ass-smelling blob
But we can already be black people in WoW.
We already got Hozen
.carring about what the alliance think
m8 theyre 50 percent genderqueer neckbears and 50 percent 11 year old kids. we are above caring what they think
Sylvanas is literally attacking Stormwind.
Jaina will probably sweep along with a huge fleet from Kul Tiras making it a stalemate.
Man being a girl in the professional field is tough, I hear weinstein has a brutal application process.