Are people just memeing or would they really buy & play a video game based on pic related?

Are people just memeing or would they really buy & play a video game based on pic related?

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Yes, I would play a video game.

>playing video games

What the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

would be more interested in current batman in future world and future batman in past were the perspective changes.

Only if Inque is in it

Give me Flashpoint Batman

I would play arkham beyond

I would, absolutely.

People massively overestimate it's mainstream appeal once normies find out you're not Brucre Wayne, therefore "it's not really Batman"


probably would be better than everything released after asylum

>Brucre Wayne

Of course. Batman Beyond is so good, even though if you just hear about the concept and premise of the show, it sounds like the worst thing in the world.

I absolutely would, I'm a huge fan of Beyond and in some ways prefer it to B:TAS. Unless someone other than Rocksteady does it, then I would be super pissed and definitely not play it.

It would also be kinda nice if they mixed up the formula, we've had three (four) games of Freeflow Combat and Invisible Predator and I'd love something new to mix it up and emphasize the differences between Bruce and Terry.

I mean beyond even has canon joker gangs.

youve got your average mooks right there.

you know they'd probably fuck it up like the comics have, by trying to make one of the Robins into Batman just for mainstream familiarity

I like Batman Beyond but I feel like its following is far too niche to warrant a video game in 2017.

When the Arkham series was good, sure. The idea of a more agile, young, slightly douchier Batman could be fun and new, but Hollywood fuckery would never allow it unless a movie was also in the works.

>modern western action game
>coming from acclaimed Bamham "combat"
>possibly made by Rocksteady
This couldn't turn me off any harder.

I love for them to ape the Nemesis system while Terry systematically takes out the Jokerz. It even makes more sense than in Mordor because Terry doesn't kill, so you could have gangleaders escape prison, make bail, etc and come back to bite you. Maybe the more you encounter a leader the more scared they are of you, and therefore you can interrogate them for more information. You can then manipulate the system by making a leader terrified of Batman, then taking out his competition so he rises through the ranks, then when he's near the top you can easily interrogate him for info about the top brass.

Using Jokerz as the main antagonist would also keep up the Batman/Joker relationship as the linchpin of the series, except now it would be both of their successors going at it.

it's is correct

anything with batman in the title would probably sell

if i got to choose i'd prefer the batman 666 from the comics for a future batman game. beyond looked cool but wasn't that memorable aside from the legacy villains.

Dude batman beyond was the shit, I would always bust a nut a the clown twins

>Money is digital Credits (crypto much?)
>Gene Animal Splicing is real
it's literally where we are headed. why wouldn't I?


>have Spellbinder to do Scarecrow's trippy shit

imagine fighting Shriek as he deafens you

I would play it. Cyberpunk batman is pretty neat.

I'd like it, but not if it's just a recolor of BamHam games, since architecture, technology and bat-gadgets are too different in beyond.

theres so much potential

>Separate it is mainstream appeal
Just hopping in to tell you it should be "its"

>"It's" is possessive

>you're not Bruce Wayne
Of course you're not Wayne, you're Batman, What's your point? Why would you play as a rich playboy in a batman hame?

I hate Sup Forumsojak

because muh kevin conroy

That would be a pretty shitty game, all he does is create buildings and donate to charities and whatever while banging girls. The latter would be cool, but he's doing all of that while Batman fights criminals, so I'd rather play as Batman. Bruce Wayne is fucking boring.

I think Shriek would make a cool Mr. Freeze-style fight. Amplify your footsteps to track you, make himself silent to sneak up on you, shockwaves to destroy the environment like Freeze, etc.

It's=it is

Fucking brainlet.

Conroy would still be around for radio chatter

Let Terry sleep. Don't ruin him.

They ruined him when they made him Bruce's son

Batman: Beyond Arkham starring Damian Wayne would be schway

Only if you can "accidentally" bad end your villains.

The best thing they should do is cut the prologue straight from episode 1, with some minor adjustments. Bruce Wayne disappeared for years, Fox took over Wayne's business. Then Blight takes over Wayne's co. However, The way Terry meets Bruce should be reworked a bit though.

In the current Beyond comics
>Joker is back apparently
>Joker gang members are using venom patches from the venom distributors
>Damian wayne turned evil because of a prototype Bat suit.
>Terry's friends and family know he's Batman and his brother has potential to be the new Robin Beyond

People who say Batman Beyond doesn't have a lot of potential for villians is wrong. You got~
>Followers of Bane Faction
>The Neo-Jokerz led by Terminal
>The Henchman that are hired from Blight since he owns Wayne Inc.
>The League of Assassins (Curare and Damian Wayne)
>Royal Flush Gang
>The Animal Splicers
>The Police, corrupted ones
>Maybe robots?

And you have rogue villians like
>Mr. Freeze

The only thing that feels off about the villians is that they all originate from the high school. They should keep Terry and Terminal interacting during the Day Time, but make characters like Spellbinder a general Psychologist instead of a school psychologist. He has a lot of potential as the new Scarecrow instead of that punk looking Scarecrow.

Gameplay wise, I would like to see some rich and poor sections in Neo-Gotham. Imagine driving the Batmobile on the ground in the ghetto slums where there are no Hovercars. Then while you're accelerating, with the push of a button it can turn into the Bat Wing.

Terry hasn't unlocked all the upgrades because Bruce wants him to get the basics before getting all the sweet stuff.

Also make the game like half a year or a month rather than 1 night even though the game can take up to 24 hours.

They should've ended up together

So what's Terry's kill count at anyway?

I'd like it.
I'd like if it was like a cross-over too. Like he has to work with one of the past Robin's and/or Nightwing to help save the past Batman from getting done in and therefore getting wiped out of existence.
It would work quite well because future Bruce would be steely as shit in guiding him.

>It's = it is
Yes that's what I fucking said in my post.

>cut the prologue straight from episode 1
No prologue, what made Asylum great was that Batman was already a veteran. He was already powerful, trusted by the cops and already had a long history with all the villains.

Main villains being the Jokerz only makes sense, it's the next generation of the Batman/Joker feud which is the main focus of the franchise. There could be the different "factions" within the gang, like Terminal's group and Mr. J's group. Then you have a lot of great boss fight opportunities like Inque, Shriek, Spellbinder, Curare, Blight, etc.

I'll probably get shit for it but I'd like if they started small, especially if they intended to do an entire Beyond trilogy. Instead of doing open-world Neo-Gotham they could mirror the original series by starting in a smaller location. Maybe the Cadmus building? Or even old Arkham Island converted into a science lab or some shit.

So why did you disagree with me?

"It's not really Batman" is correct.

And what made Origins great was that Batman was still a mythical figure: half the people didn't believe he was real and half the people knew he was real but thought he was some scary demon creature from Hell. Compare that to Knight where cops are leaning against the Batmobile and taking selfies when they think Batman isn't looking.

>implying youre not a rocksteady employee whos worried about the Arkham Beyond game you've obviously worked on

>People would overestimate it is mainstream appeal
Is incorrect. You said "it's" with an apostrophe is correct. "It's" with an apostrophe only ever refers to "it is". People aren't referring to "it is Batman" when they were correcting the post. They were referring to the mainstream appeal aspect.

but then the (true) ending

I fucking hate that dumb shit as does the majority of the people that read the comics but DC seems to love him for some reason. He's the most likely candidate to get the role right now and that pisses me off


I would play it as long as they retcon that "Terry is Bruce clone" shit and cut off the batmovile.

I would also like to play as regular Terry and move around cyberpunk Gotham.

I really hope Rocksteady is working fast enough to get Conroy to do the voice before he fucking dies
i mean look at him

>can't follow a reply chain

Imagine Damian Wayne (Robin) vs. Future Damian Wayne (Badguy)

Imagine Damian dying due to his own stupidity

>60 years old
He looks way older than he is

He looks like Bill Nye's dad.

It would be a great send away, for Conroy since he's actually old as fuck and can portray a really old Bruce.

It's fresh from the start this time because Batman has been missing for 20ish years.

The older generation would know the deeds of the old Batman, however the newer generation of citizens wouldn't really know how to feel about the newest Batman.

People thought Batman died, Terry wasn't as intimidating, but he tries to live up to the legend. I'm sure all Robins are like that too. You can't replace Batman


Best girl

Dana was a bitch

It would be hilarious:
>Tryhard Coldsteel Robin Damian fights as hard as he can against his future self to prove he doesnt need no fancy suit or assassin training to be the best of the best
>Tryhard Coldsteel Assassin Damian fights as hard as he can against his past self despite logic, because he cant resist the opportunity to pit his skill against his past self to see how much he has improved under his geandfather's legacy
>Both end up getting massively carried away in the moment and fatally wound each other and almost causing a paradox until Batman and Batman Beyond step in to end the madness.

"i WOULD play a game" is the epitome of Sup Forums


One of the many reasons people like Batman Beyond is that unlike a lot of superhero characters that take the mantles of their predecessors, Terry gets a rogue gallery that is mostly unlike the one Bruce has (only three villains from Bruce's past does Terry fight, and those are Joker, Mr. Freeze and Ras Al-Ghul).

This + in terms of character Terry is likeable. And don't get me started on future Gotham, his life as a teen that he has to balance with being Batman...

That would be fun actually.

>source is Sup Forums
That thread wasn't even discussing the "leak", it was just people arguing whether a superman game could even be good.



Don't forget Cuvier. A fight with him is him mutating into more lethal forms to take you out. And each new form gains immunities to methods that you used to defeat his previous one.

It'd be like Mr. Freeze fight in Arkham City. Only very disturbing and nightmarish.


if there was a Batman Beyond game i'd hope they would make it more like the cartoons than the comics

>we'd probably never get this story though

As long as they won't make Terry Bruce's son. That shit enraged me and stained Terry's uniqueness.

same, that bit was dumb

And then you'll also be surprised that there are people that actually acknowledge it.

I mean what? Such people exist?

I would but I would also not play if the MC wasn't Terry

Yes, it would be schway. Bonus points if it features the best girl, Max.

>Nu-Sup Forums will hate her because niggers

>best girl Max
>not 10

You're shiggying my diggy

>Main villains being the Jokerz only makes sense, it's the next generation of the Batman/Joker feud
It's not really though. Jokerz ironically lack their Joker, and without one they're just a bunch of generic thugs, the feud is between personalities of Batman and Joker. And if they had, it'd still be same old joker, instead of someone new who'd be able to change and evolve the ideas. Although in the movie Terry's interaction with him did bring out a fresh perspective, when Terry started laughing at him.

Ten's a special case - she had her character development arc, and it was completed in full. Bringing her back after that would ruin the character.

But they were so great together.
If they're going to make a game. Might as well bring her back

They bring Inque back in a mature setting. The only opponent who almost killed Terry and Bruce on multiple occasions.

Why the hell not?

That's schwarbage!


Literally who? And nobody would buy a Beyond game over anything Marvel makes.

As long as it kept the Season 1 cyberpunk feel, I’d be all over this shit

Name one (1) good Marvel video game.

Marvel vs Capcom series, sans Infinite

Every Spiderman game sans Amazing 2

Why do little girls have such large tits?

I can see the normie conspiracy theories already

How did Season 2 and 3 not keep it?

What do you mean "would"?

>N64 game was so bad nobody even mentions or acknowledges it.

>I would always bust a nut to the clown twins
kek'd heartily

>Don't forget Cuvier. A fight with him is him mutating into more lethal forms to take you out. And each new form gains immunities to methods that you used to defeat his previous one.
that would be fuckin schway

After Arkham City I thought they might do a Beyond game with Terry going up against Joker and Harley's son. Maybe the Titan in Joker would make him some deformed superpowered freak, so he'd be like mute and stoic. Basically flipping the personalities of Joker and Batman into Terry and Joker Jr.

>Blade Runner-esque city
>Batsuit has a ton of variety as far as abilities go AND can already fly, making a welcome change to the Arkham formula
>Beyond world is full of gangs like the Jokerz, T's and splicers
>Shriek would make for a really interesting boss fight with shifting sound to throw you off

Fuck yeah I would. I'd day one that shit.

That game sold like shit