Octopath Traveler

Holy fuck, just played this demo and it's really fucking nice.

The visuals are great*, the music is fantastic, and the gameplay is super tight. I hate JRPGs and how uninspired they are but here the combat has enough stuff not to be a borefest.

Is anyone else looking forward to this?

*: my only criticism is that the sprites look blurry for some reason. It'd be much better if they were sharp

the sprites are sharp on my demo, were you playing on handheld?

I want to play as hat girl already.

It doesn't have enough to interest me. Combat seems like a step down from the bravely games too. Maybe the full release will change my mind but I doubt it

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I was hooked when I saw it. The demo reeled me in. This game has some real promise.

It's probably one of most anticipated games to be honest. I had a blast fully completing the demo and following through with all the side missions and the extra content.

I want them to tone down the bloom

is it really that good? keep in mind, I probably dislike turn-based jrpgs more than OP does

Did you complete the demo?
Did you acquire the Halberd?
Did you acquire the Assassin's Dagger?
Did you complete the A Scholar's Vindication quest?

I love how SE just didn't want to put any effort so they made it retro.

I dislike turn based rpgs and couldn't get into the Bravely Default demo at all but the combat in this game looks way more appealing for some reason?

I unironically bought a Switch for this demo

Yes to all four. I loved that a demo had hidden weapons and a "postgame" dungeon. There was a lot of care put in to this that I hope carries over to the full game.

The halberd was from the waitress right? I beat her by farming some of those fire items you get from beating up the old man


>dislike turn based rpgs

Is this the ultimate sign of a brainlet? I didn't even grow up with turn-based rpgs but have played through many of them recently without issue. It's honestly fun as fuck.

>I hate JRPGs and how uninspired they are
I love JRPGs and hate octopussy traveller
I wonder why that is
The writing is atrocious and the party system boring, battles are really easy to abuse with the extra turn system

i was and i noticed the same

yeah i'm excited i had fun with the demo

>writing is atrocious
ah do you perhaps also consider uncharted to be the pinnacle of video game writing? cuz that'll explain your absolutely garbage taste

I really liked how there were challenges greater than the story bosses in the demo.
I admit that I kind of stumbled through the first boss battle. But I had to actually learn the game when attempting the post game content. And it greatly improved how much I enjoyed the game. And I already kind of liked it.

Did you play the demo? It's gorgeous. Games don't have to be 3d to look appealing

I bet he realy likes Persona

>The writing is atrocious
fuck off and go back to your shitty little waifu sims

Except it is in 3D. If it was only 2D, I'd be completely fine but this is just ugly.

>Sup Forums thinks basic as shit spritework on blocky 3d backgrounds with a million filters is "gorgeous"
You shouldn't defend developers that use "but it's retro" meme to indulge on their own laziness.
There are ways to do that style correctly, this isn't one of them. There are indie RPGs that look better than this.

such an aesthetic game

How could anything be a step down from the broken as fuck, braindead, pissbabby easy Brave/Default system? That shit was a joke.

>implying turn-based jrpgs require any intelligence whatsoever
When can this dumb meme stop plaguing games that I like?

>retards pretending as if Octopath was anything worthwhile

I enjoyed it quite a bit. That part where Primrose's fellow dancer asked her if they were ever friends got to me pretty hard. I do wish that the baddies were visible on the overworld instead of having random encounters though. It feels like a big step back unless they have safe paths between places where no combat can start.

Not that guy but I really do find the game to be gorgeous.
The bloom might be a bit much on occassion but even that kind of adds to its charm. All things considered I feel like it works really well.

I'd love to see games like Final Fantasy 6 or what have you remastered in this style.

When will these ADHD-ridden brainlets stop plaguing the boards that I like?

At least then the mobile version wouldn't be the ugliest anymore.

Surely you jest.

Bravely Default was fun because of how broken it was. There were fights that were still big difficulty spikes though, like the dragons.

>I hate JRPGs and how uninspired they are
>Likes one of the most uninspired games Squenix shat out lately
>but here the combat has enough stuff not to be a borefest.
The combat is literally FF trash with a turn stacking gimmick you'll see in dozen of other games

I swear people like this trash only because it's on a Nintendo console.
It's a mediocre game that tries to pathetically ape the Romancing SaGa games, except it has none of the care put in the gameplay.

Completely subjective, I think this looks great. How the fuck is it lazy anyway? You still have to do the sprite work, plus additional 3D modelling and world building. It's literally less lazy than any other 2D RPG out there.

>The combat is literally FF trash with a turn stacking gimmick you'll see in dozen of other games
>I swear people like this trash only because it's on a Nintendo console.
Spoiler: I love classic Final Fantasy games so this kind of stuff is right down my alley.
Could have been on fucking phones and I would have been excited for it.

>I swear people like this trash only because it's on a Nintendo console.
Hey man don't bring that in here. These people just have garbage taste and are blown away by shitty filters and a turn based system SLIGHTLY different from normal turn based RPGs.

i dont really play jrpgs so it's novel to me my man

That would be really nice. Hope you put that in your survey. Hope everyone put that in their survey.

If everyone's apeing SNES JRPGs anyway, they should take all of the best features from all of the games.

Maybe they're just going to do like Bravely again and let you turn encounters off in the full version.

>are blown away by... a turn based system SLIGHTLY different from normal turn based RPGs.

Press turn fans?

>wants overworld enemies instead of random encounters
>random encounters are a step back
What's the matter baby? Can't plan for a journey?

Sprites take more work than 3D models my main man.

If that's what you want good for you I guess, but the game is not even remotely what OP makes it out to be, it's another mediocre JRPG with the "novelty" factor of multiple MCs that has been done since decades already, but casuals will be all over that shit.
I don't know man, pretty sure if this was on any other system it would be completely disregarded or called shit, I feel it's pretty much the usual case of Nintendo bias and Squenix bootlicking, and as you say casuals who don't play RPGs and think something even slightly different from the super marketed casual trash people play is noteworthy for some reason.
I mean, look at XBC2, it's the same exact behaviour.

Hell yeah! Can't wait.

SMT. Octopath. Pokemon. Lost Sphear. Atelier.
I have to say that I am really loving how the Switch is shaping up as a system for RPGs. I love all of it.

The aesthetics and style are so much better than the 3d chibi look of Bravely Default. I hope it picks on more.

I dig the lack of magic in this game, but holy fuck is it ugly. Why is everything so dark?

artstyle looks fucking amazing

is it exclusive?

Reminded me of Legend of Mana or Xenogear days. Nice.

I liked it overall but no too crazy about it. Enemies feel too much like damage sponges but conversely abilities deal way too much damage. No point in actually hitting the spear weakpoint on Olberic's boss when you can just spam his single-hit sword ability for way more damage.

Olberic's scenario felt very cliched, the writing was a little below what I was expecting overall. It's a huge nitpick but when you're playing as Primrose you can talk to an NPC in town and he just goes "This is Sunshade". Why would he even say that to someone that's been here for months or years? Stuff like that just pulls me out of the game for a moment.

That said I still liked it enough to clear both scenarios and explore around for a bit. If some of the other main characters are interesting I'll probably pick it up.

And it's sprites PLUS 3D models, not that the brainlet contrarians would care.

>looks like a indie title
>will cost $60
Although I did like playing as the girl and hope to see more of the gameplay mechanics for the otehr characters since the guy challenging everyone sucked.

jesus christ no, it looks like absolute dogshit

only nostalgiafags can look at that incoherent mess of 2d and 3d smeared with vasoline and think it's good

I feel you, OP. Just got a Switch recently and played the demo after finishing odyssey. I have a lot of minor gripes about the demo but overall I'm really looking forward to it.

My only hope is the story for each of the travelers don't stay as predictable. They're doing a good job not holding back on themes but I'm worried the freedom in choosing will hamper the quality of the overall story.

Mugging everyone was great though.

I really like how Octopath looks. But I also really like how Bravely Default looks.

>I feel it's pretty much the usual case of Nintendo bias and Squenix bootlicking
I guess that explains why Lost Sphear flopped in Japan and has been more panned than anticipated in the west.

>No point in actually hitting the spear weakpoint on Olberic's boss when you can just spam his single-hit sword ability for way more damage.
You're meant to use the spear to break the boss. Then go all in and fully charge his strongest sword attack for massive damage. Since broken enemies take considerably more damage and each charge multiplies the damage.

Wait what, where's this post game dungeon?

Why the actual fuck is the game so DARK around the edges?

It's the dungeon to the far east.
You'll now when you've found it.

Anything looks better than BD.

I wouldn't even be surprised, it legit looks like an SE mobile game. I'm half looking forward to Lost Sphear just because deep down I want SE to make another FF Tactics and I keep lying to myself that this game will fill the void.

the game is literally nothing like Tactics, why would you think that?

I just want my sprite based SRPG fill and Nippon Ichi doesn't churn them out as fast as I want them

I agree. It'd be more fun trying to avoid enemies when you don't want to battle instead of keeping getting forced into one and hitting the flee button.

Being able to adjust random encounter rates works too but I would still prefer physical encounters 100 times over. Even if they're just shadow placeholders like in Symphonia.

go play mario and rabbids
it's xcom but actually good

keeping people like you away is another bonus

Pretty sure the Tactics Alexander April Fool's Day prank was there way of telling FFT fans they don't give a fuck and consider it a joke at this point.

Or, drawing from this game's direct lineage, the Saga remakes on DS. Although I want Chrono Trigger-style encounters. Every turn-based JRPG should have Chrono Trigger encounters.

their* Fuck.
Also, speaking of srpgs, someone help me out here. I was reading about an upcoming new srpg and forgot the name. It was mecha themed and I'm pretty sure the title had a number in it. Not a number indicating that it's a sequel to something, but rather the number was a main part of the title.

>Every turn-based JRPG should have Chrono Trigger encounters.

I completely agree. I wish this style made random encounters extinct.

So Tokyo RPG Factory is dead now right? I like the idea of a studio like that, but holy shit did they completely miss the point.

I prefer the Radiant Historia variant where you can smack enemies on the map to stun them, and then decide to engage them with a preemptive strike or just go around them. Personally I think that's the ultimate evolution of visible on map jrpg enemies so far.

>Every turn-based JRPG should have Chrono Trigger encounters.
Hell no, CT monster icons are most of the time pseudostatic and don't even have proper AI scripts like the SNES SaGa games that came before it.
If you want to use the map icon mechanic do the SaGa thing and give them all the properties from those games like different movement patterns, detection and whatever else, link/chains and field skills should also be mandatory.

It was never going to work out, not with the budget Square was providing them with anyway.

If they were hired to make more higher budget linear JRPGs like Lost Odyssey and FFX, I think people would be more excited for their shit. NEStalgia nerds already get their fill from Bravely and now Octopath.

Probably not what you're after since it's a year old but thanks for reminding me Trillion: God of Destruction exists.

That's fine too. Sounds a big like Paper Mario. Better mechanically.

Honestly the thing I like about Chrono Trigger is the lack of a transition to a battle map, I like how everything takes place on the level. Mechanically it doesn't make any difference, but it looks nice.

Yeah, that's not it. The game I'm thinking of isn't even out in Jappoland yet.

I'm not sure because the problems run deeper than overcharging for awful-looking budget games. At least I think the real issue with I Am Setsuna is how fucking boring the game is. It's not unique and there's no real hook.

You might like Xenoblade, recent Tales games, and FF XIII.

too lazy to spoiler the last one since I'm on my phone, but I totally would have

Lack of magic? It seems like Primrose used magic attacks and there's bound to be a mage in the party.

I actually loved Xenoblade. I'm one of the weirdos who actually like the combat.

Well even if the game was a great, fantastic even, most wouldn't touch it because it looks like a shitty mobile port. Hell, even Setsuna looks better Lost Sphear. At least it looked unique with the snowy setting and designs. LS looks incredibly boring and generic. Octopath at least has the HD 2D gimmick going for it.

Octopath Traveler ? Never heard of it, is it good ?

>memes become reality

Definitely looking forward to it.
Reminds me of those ps1 jrpgs that are kind of in the transition of going to 3d graphics but still uses sprite work characters and other things, the mixture kind of clashes but it grows on you because the characters and gameplay are good enough to look past it.

It reminds me a lot of grandia in this sense.


Even beyond the graphical gimmick, I think Octopath Traveler has more of a hook. They've got the eight main characters, and they're emphasizing more freeform exploration and roleplaying with the characters' unique field abilities. That's the kind of thing I want to hear. Meanwhile everything about Lost Sphear is "it's just like those old RPGs you played!"

There's a demo out. That's all we really know about the game thus far.

>Meanwhile everything about Lost Sphear is "it's just like those old RPGs you played!"

It'd be more accurate to say that that's Tokyo RPG Factory in a nutshell.

Well yah, looks at the bottom. It's either this or pinterest or whatever that shitty site is called.
Point still stands
>pixelshit with a shitload of post processing
It's like your average steam early access crap, but for full price and presented as something groudbreaking and amazing.


The graphics have a blur and bloom vignette with only a small patch in the centre of the screen which is actually in focus. I like the art style but they really need to calm down and fix that shit before launch.

>indie devs
>my only love is dead and my life is meaningless
Sounds more like something from the Other M writers.

That's why I think the entire studio is misguided and missing the point. They need to reevaluate why people liked those old JRPGs.

Sounds like Bravely too. I don't know why people pretend that schlock was any better.