Cheaters never wi-


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>Blue Eyes, attack him direc-

I just want the filler season to end


I miss smilies

Believing in the heart of the cards isn't cheating

No I am talking about getting an ancient Egyptian pharaoh to play children's card games for you

too bad its not gonna end for a while, due to Twitch's retarded schedule.


its not cheating, its just getting someone else to win.

I don't remember any of this happening in the Manga

Me too, smartphones and emojies kill simplicity.

If you need someone else to win you would have lost anyway, therefore having someone win for you is cheating

Because it didn't. The only thing the Manga did was Season 0, Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, Zorc, and the Epilogue.
Also the Manga is a lot better since it kept its general thriller/horror themes because it didn't have to advertise cardboard as much as the TV series did, as well as manga generally being less regulated than TV. Also The Dark Side of Dimensions adapted from the manga which is why Kaiba doesn't even acknowledge Yugi before they duel.

thats not true at all.
and its not a need, just improving chances.
not only that you're not fighting me any more you're fighting the guy I chose to fight for me. hes not cheating

here’s how it’s done

>Your win/loss: 0/0
>Your buttbuddy's win/loss: 20/0

Improving the chance of winning from 0% to 100% is fucking cheating

I prefer seven

>Improving the chance of winning from 0% to 100% is fucking cheating

no its fucking not, thats like saying training is cheating or getting good is cheating.

>You can't!
>I just did!
Cheating, prove me wrong

should have aired 5d's instead. But then it would have pig disgusting american dub, so maybe not

this is a five

This season's awesome punk.The bad guy characters are great

Is this going to get deleted again?

Finally want to see black yugi. Wonder if we get the other seasons? (GX etc.)

Also I wonder if they make a Yugi card game like Shadowverse and Hearthstone if this picks up enough hype.

Too bad you can't really post smilies in 4ch just because it was once seen as reddit. Just look how an average poster will react when you post about XD or :^) when reddit had almost abandoned it's unironic use.

You're doing it wrong again.

Must suck being off by one.

>Yu-Gi-Oh is on Twitch

watch this

:^) is timeless

Get your 2 on

Or hearing voices in your head is cheating.


Damn son

Is DOMA arc good aside from DUROH MONSTA CARDO? I skipped it and went through the last arc.

It's also quite useful.
It's the closest thing to a punctuation mark that denotes sarcasm.

Why doesn't Yusei get used for these

that and smug anime girls

wow that was really impressive :^)

Yes, but I can't use those while texting my mother.


I believe in my grandpa's d*ck.

you should just call you're mom so she can hear your beautiful sarcastic voice.

>I wonder if they make a Yugi card game like Shadowverse and Hearthstone
Why would you want anything like that?

More importantly, why would think that would happen?
It's already a card game.
A card game doesn't need another card game, nor would it get one from a few people watching it online.

It's like Pokemon with guys fucking off after Gen 3; they moved on after Yugi's arc

Like dub Yugi, my mother's voice isn't in the budget.

You fucked up.

You don't stand a ghost of a chance Yugi

Having someone impersonate you to win and taking credit for it is cheating. Yugi is a little shit

its still not cheating to take credit for someone else winning.

>marick only ever summons ra using monster reborn
>it isn't allowed since ra can't be special summoned
why did they do this? couldn't he have just normal summoned it once at least?

I think he meant something like an online network


That's bullshit. That's like saying having a substitute for university entrance exams is not cheating

Because it's a cartoon with a storyline to follow, and not the official game.

Aren't there already a few?
There's no chance of getting an official one, though. Konami's already gotten so greedy we don't even get proper vidya anymore, just trash where they can sucker money out of people.

like a calculator?

Reminder that his magical power is literally the ability to cheat at children's card games.

Is it really impersonation if it's literally you reincarnated?
Also, they're in one body.
That's like telling a schizophrenic or split personality person that they can't play card games because one part of them might be better at card games until the last season.

Is Yusei the only protagonist that didn't cheat for the majority of the series? I only remember that he cheated once in the prison but that's because the warden was cheating harder.

>he literally creates a card out of thin air at the end

That's because Yusei is an adult and capable of shame. Of course a bunch of ten year olds are going to cheat at every opportunity and call it the heart of the cards.

Yusei got a card created for him in the middle of a duel but future magic did it and doesn't matter
Also in that duel against Kiryu he clearly lost but he crashed his bike before losing

Marik is a terrible duelist, which is pretty evident that he almost lost to Mai, who's sole purpose is to job. His deck consist of pure stall and filler until he can draw Ra. It has no chemistry with each other. That's why Marik always resorted to killing people.

>Is it really impersonation if it's literally you reincarnated?
Yes because they have different souls anyway so they're still different people, though you could argue Atem never actually claimed to be Yugi and everyone else just assumed he was all the time. Though he might have done just that at one point, it's a long series.

Capsule Monsters is Kino

>That's why Marik always resorted to killing people.
Would have been hilarious if they had played that up a bit more.

>I summon my boogaboo and attack for the win!
>Looks like you've activated my trap.
>But you don't have any trap cards on the field
>The power of Ra wins again

I've never bothered to watch it.
Is it actually good?
Isn't it a purely 4kids thing?

Reminder to watch Yugi kino

>pay someone to enter a pie eating contest
>they win and give you the prize
>some how thats cheating


Marik's deck are filled with torture themed cards because he can make it real.

Because that's not what's happening. It's more like

>enter a pie eating contest under your own name
>bring in the world pie eating champion to take your place with a wig on
>he wins
>you come out to collect the prize

>Yami Yugi have top decking powers
>Pegasus can read people's minds
>Ishizu can see the future
>Marik can make up any bullshit in his shadow game via Millenium Rod
>tfw fucking of all people Bakura is the only Millenium item wielder that didn't cheat in his duels that's why he always loses

Honestly whats the problem?

besides the fact that you're the one recognized as the victor what is the problem?

Bakura did kind of cheat by forcing Yami to make sure that all of his friends' cards survived the duel.

What a horrible example. Calculator usage in exams depends on the test and the rules for having calculators are set beforehand.
Using a calculator when the test evaluates your arithmetic (and thus banning them in the test) is cheating because you substituted your brainpower with the calculator.
Otherwise, it is not cheating. Basically cheating is defined beforehand and I doubt any fucking single tournaments allow a proxy to play for you.

You're supposed to rely on your own intelligence, if your victory is solely based on other guy's decisions then you can't take credit for winning

I am positive that Atem only cheated when things got serious

Thinking about this, does Kaiba ever acknowledge the fact that he's the reincarnation of an ancient egyptian high priest, or does he totally ignore it for the rest of his life
Obviously he realizes at some point that magic is a thing because he goes through all this shit to duel the pharaoh but does he actually realize their relationship and his own history or does he just fuck off to do meme magic for the rest of the series

But when the proxy plays for you every single time it's not really a proxy so it's not cheating, they just entered with the wrong name.

That's... literally the problem
are you stupid?

>he'd prefer the pie eating championship was won by the guy trying to destroy the world with pies

Yeah it's crazy. They all combine with their monsters with magic armor and shit and Alexander the great shows up.

Yami is like having an ear piece and getting a second opinion from a pro. So cheating in most cases.

Heart of the cards is 100% cheating.

it's not cheating, faggot. you just gotta believe in the heart of the cards

In anime continuity he sends card to space
In manga continuity he goes to space himself just to duel

So yes learning he was a priest calmed him down a bit

Yes. Him not acknowledging magic is a thing from the dub. In the sub and the manga, he acknowledges it very early, and knows about Atem and his past.

The whole "Magic isn't real" bullshit that Kaiba keeps spewing is entirely on 4kidz.
He isn't an idiot, he knows damn well what is going on.

>in the canon yugi beat yami

All he did was let his jobber do the heavy lifting.

Do any of the series have actual earned victories or are they all "well, i'm losing, time to cheat and pull that one card that give me the victory"? This is actually hard to watch when all duels are the same bullshit over and over

He cheated in DK all the time making up bullshit rules in order to win.

>catapult turtle launches Gaia in order to destroy floating castle's flotation device
>fusing a monster with a magic card, and then fusing those with the opponent's monster
>Time Wizard effect not working against the Dark Magician because old magicians are smarter

Atem barely even cheats at Duel Monsters.
It's not his fault that reality warps his cards around his will.

Your five is now trapped in the shadow realm.

That guy cheated too though.
>Ah yes you have eaten the legendary pie of infinity and instant victory but can you recite the ANCIENT EGYPTIAN RECIPE that no one else has had to recite? No? Well I guess you're disqualified then, have a nice day

A shame this scene was kind of ruined in the 4kids dub.
Any other good scenes in original that the dub ruined?

Yugi vs Strings

you are a little baby
watch this

Hating on smilies predates Reddit my newfag.

The Yugi vs Kaiba fights after the travesty that is their Duelist Kingdom encounter are always really good. They usually go back and forth a lot and are more about out-smarting the other and mindgames than just hacking reality to get the one card you needed to win at the last second

Anyone ever think this guy had the potential to be the best duelist out of all of them?