The True GOTY

You all can keep Zelda and Mario but this is the True GOTY

girl of the year?
i agree

I really like tits

Literally who ?

1. Yakuza 0
2. Persona 5
3. Tekken 7
4. Botw
5. NieR: Automata

oh and honorary mention to Divinity: Original Sin 2

Tekken 7 plays like shit. Those 15 year old animations look disgusting and has even worst online than sfv.

>top anything
awful shit game with garbage gameplay, literally B tier movie.

Tekken 7 plays smooth as butter. The new animations look amazing and has very stable online especially compared to sfv.

Yeah P5 is GOTY for me, I really enjoyed NieR and Zelda tho, I just dont get how some retards can say a fucking Mario game is goty.

>he doesn't appreciate B tier movies

get your shit together, nerd

Persona 5 is GOTY 2016, dumb EOP.

Yakuza 0 is the best game this year though.

not even the best RPG of the year
not even the best jrpg of the year
not even the best waifu baiting shit game of the year.

>Persona 5
lol. Weakest game is the series and an absolute disappointment.

Localization fags, not even once.

you would even play this shitty game if it wasn't for mai whyfuu, "goty" don't make me laugh

>plot and writing shit the bed from Madarame onwards
>samey as fuck S. Links
>needless retreading of P2 plot elements


Stop that.

>Not even the best jrpg of the year

Then what is?

Nier Automata

It was a tedious slog with terrible static dungeons and the worst random dungeon in the series, boring easy combat, an awful story, and Makoto is a dumb bitch.

Not while Persona 4 still exists.

I want normies to fuck off so bad

Calling Persona 5 the worst when Persona 4 exists.

It's basically the same damn game with a bunch of even easier-mode features and worse characters. It has every problem 4 had and then some.

P4 at least had a good plot and the characters at least didn't full retard after a certain someone showed up and killed all the chemistry of the group. Its also harder which I find sad.

a friendly remind that persona 2 was the best in the serious

>not 3

Please tell me you're joking. It can't be easier than P4 Golden. It just can't.

It is.

It is, and annoyingly, it's easy in the exact same way. Physical multi-hit attack-all skills completely break the game, so any challenge just evaporates as soon as you get Swift Strike.

>and worse characters.

How can people say this when characters like Yosuke and Marie exists?

why people call persona 4 bad?

is nu/v/ this retarded?

>tfw outgrew anime and idealistic black and white morality
if only it came out sooner

Persona 5 my not be GOTY for me but Makoto is really my GOAT

thought this was a waifu thread but it's just some dumb GOTY bait thread

It's a waifu thread if you believed enough.

hand yourself

To counter them, you have Mary Sue Niijima and Pancake Boy. Not to say every villain past Madarame is awful, same goes for support characters for the antagonists (like SIU Director who was a fucking plot device or principal), Mitsuo, Namatame and Adachi were infinetely better antagonists. P5 had style and was pretty enjoyable, but P4 was way more fun, even if it was festival of reused assets.

Makoto is FAR from Mary sue, you just like paroting the others with no real evidence behind it.

>Not to say every villain past Madarame is awful
Okumura =/= every villian P4 fan boy

>post yfw GOTY has been out since January

I’m playing through it a second time on hard, been nice just hitting the skip button

Oh come on, this argument will never end anyway, because neither of sides listen to each other. Anyway, she is writer's waifu and completely makes rest of PT irrelevant except for their own arcs.
Okumura has no buildup, plus he is more of a victim of Shido's machinations then actual antagonist. There could be anyone else in his place and nothing would change.

too bad you can't skip text messages or conversations from team mates who suggest the outrageous idea that a keycard could be used to unlock a locked door

>Anyway, she is writer's waifu
I know that, but being a writes' waifu doesn't make her a mary sue. She has her flaws and weaknesses. Comparing her to a real Maru Sues, Marie or Mitsuru, makes Makoto is nothing.

Yusuke is best girl. Tae and Sadayo are second.

Nier: Automata isn't even the best action JRPG of the year.

You didn't outgrow it user, everything was just so damn boring that the illusion faded enough for you to become self-aware. It's like a junkie becoming "clean".

after I fused shiki ougi the game was so easy I wondered if it was intended or not

yes I believe that means outgrowing something

Yusuke was the best character of the main cast.
Almost all of supporting characters shit on the main ones.

>create a kid character
>finally not annoying, decent arc and sick gun skills
>not in your party

Funny how this also applies to Devil Survivor 2. With a Reflect Phys/Phys Pierce protag and accompanying demons, the main body of Polaris, the final boss, doesn't even stand a chance against Multi-Strike spam.

>finally not annoying
Stopped reading there.

Kys underage

>fighting game in a goty list
I never know where to put them, same with sports game and rhythm games. basically any competitive game. has anyone ever said overwatch or something similar is their game of the year?

>2016 game
>game of 2017
What? You filthy gaijins better step up.