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considering wow raped Warcraft lore, no
Im giving you jackshit
I dont want to see such good franchise with a shitty ressurection under modern blizzard

If it will be announced it'll be mobile
mark my words

You do understand why this game literally cannot happen anymore, right?

It would be shit just like Starcraft 2.

why do people want Warcraft V if they hate legion Lore so much?
do you dumb asses think it's lore will be any diffrent

yeah okay sure. and so will legacy servers

Give us Warcraft IV first, jeez

There was a leaker that already said this.
It will be cross platform mobile-pc like Hearthstone.
But 1-I might be misremembering.
2- I'm quoting a """leaker""" on Sup Forums.

Blizzard can't make anymore of their classic games. They fired all their staff and replaced them with tumblr bloggers.

If 4 the series is dead forever

if 7 the series is revived this con

if any other number the next Hearthstone expansion takes priority over every other game and is featured for most of the event and is totally epic! :)

>wanting Nu-Blizzard to make this
You are just going to be disappointed.

Nobody wants this to happen.

Technically one of the biggest issues with Legion Lore is how you have 1000 ashbringers running around and that wouldn't be a problem in a single player campaign. But we all know current Blizz could just ruin it another way

I've been saying this for a month. It's just too predictable

Modern blizzard literally can't make a worthy sequel to WC III

it's Warcraft IIII you moron

lore should continue where wc3 ended.
Disregard WoW and everything will be perfect.

Doesnt have to share continuity. Creative freedom is alright. Who cares about wow lore anyway?

WC4 is revived but...

it's draenei shit

how do you re

t. neogaf refugee

Fuck off with your stupid meme reddit



The time frame between warcraft 2 and WoW isn't very big in the lore. it was smaller than the period between warcraft 1 and warcraft 2.
Everything that happens in WoW is a filler episode.

It's like how shadow of mordor is raping LotR lore

warcraft 4, only now it's a turn-based board game, played with collectible cards that you can buy packs for, and takes places before the events of warcraft

Could it even be done after WoW completely violated the setting?


But Starcraft 2 was good fucking idiot.

don't be toxic this is a blizzard thread


Person who actually enjoyed SC2 here.
WoL was alright. I don't like Terrans but Horner was a cool dude.
HotS was pure idiocy.
I actually liked SotV since I'm a Protoss fan, but holy fuck that Epilogue was maybe the worst thing I've ever read. And I've read High School Creative Writing stories.

WoL was fun as fuck until the whole prophecy bullshit came along, and the Zerg and Kerrigan turned out to be the good guys all along. Gameplay was great but the writing and story was downright shameful.

Never forget. Blizzard will never ever be at this level again.

>Disregard WoW and everything will be perfect.
How can they disregard WoW when their only writers only wrote WoW

I wouldnt even be mad.

Really they need to release the best map editor ever like in wc3 and they can dominate the world.

shut up

I don't care if the Editor is good.
I don't care about ANYTHING if the Editor is good.

Problem retard?

i rejoice because of all the draenei porn we'll be getting
also i've never given two shits about warcraft

yes, you are spouting shit

Seriously... the content they are putting out feels like fan-fiction.
And it's no surprise when they have employees like this

Christ Metzen did finally leave though so we might finally see a story that doesn't have the same old cliche elements that are so obvious to his work.

I wouldn't trust nu-Blizzard to make a good Warcraft RTS even if they did announce it.

>warcraft in the current year

god, I really want this. Spent my childhood playing warcraft 3 clones like war of the ring. I'd kill for another RTS in that vein again

I don't want it. Blizzard will ruin it with their jewery. They'll find a way to add microtransactions.

WC3 was one of the worst RTS ever made.

Why? Yeah we all played Warcraft 3 and thought it was great, it's one of the big reasons WoW was also great because you got to see the characters and story you loved in an epic new way. But why would you want Warcraft 4? It's just stupid nostalgia to expect it to be great because 3 was so good. What could they do that hasn't already been done in WC3, SC2 or even the mobas. Nah fuck that, I'd much rather see them try their hand at something completely new like they did when they decided to make WoW.

Um no idiot. unless they changed it the time frame between the wars is greater than the events of WoW.
Wow to Liche king was just three years. First war to second war was 6 years, second war to third is 19 years.

Less than a year before the end of the First War and the beginning of the Second War

Yeah blizzard got invaded by Disney/dreamworks wannabe tumblr interns. That's why everything new from them feels like that. It started to be really noticeable back in MoP.

And therein lies the issue. They can't UNDO WoW. WoW is the canon continuation of warcraft 3. No amount of whining will change that.

>this is blizzard audience

the one day in my neet life that i have to go somewhere and do something like warframe stream and this stream at exact same time


Ok lets assume it is announced. How do you imagine that? During the open ceremony? Ok. And where will they go into details - on which panel could they talk about WC4 ?

You have received the energies of the fabled water serpent.

>considering wow raped Warcraft lore, no

Warcraft 3 also raped Warcraft lore.
I don't see a single reason why Warcraft 4 couldn't continue the tradition.

You're a brainlet.

Blizzard games actually let the bad guy win. Then they had to recon the whole thing so that either they become good guys or that magical friendship overpowers evil.

>Technically one of the biggest issues with Legion Lore is how you have 1000 ashbringers running around and that wouldn't be a problem in a single player campaign.

No it isn't you idiot, gameplay idiosyncrasies aren't part of the lore. Also, Legion already is a fucking single player campaign and the story is so fucking terrible I have no idea how you managed to pick THAT as a major issue with it.

> ignoring current canon
> still using retconned 2010 lore
> visiting wowwiki
ayyy lmao

Come on now user, Warcraft II was my first PC game, but that game is completely retconned to hell and back

At some point you need to stop fucking a dead horse. Make something different that appeals to current political sensibility and its a guaranteed moneymaker, more so than a fantasy setting made by and for white males.

you're fucking retarded

enjoy being wrong, friendo


We don't need Warcraft IIII.
We need Warcraft III 2.


tiny bird brain

Cool. Hope it's f2p

yfw it's the SC2 editor

Jingrock is the artist.

we need warcraft II 2

>more remakes

I would not be opposed but just like the remastered starwars movies, its not the same.

keep spouting whatever you want, you are still and will always be wrong

> baaaw muh memories will be tarnished
I can't believe fags have this mentality

>it's a french poster
this explains your love of losing

fanks famk


Thats even more wishful thinking than re-winding lore.


How come people seem to think the old warcraft had good lore or characters? I just recently played warcraft 3 again and it is literally monty python and the holy grail lore, except without the ironic humor. Undead, orc and night elves were all cringe as fuck. I never played wow so i'm not defending it, but you guys can't possible complain about different brand of shit.

RTS with lootboxes and skins. wahoo

You guys know Warcraft IV would be intrinsically tied to WoW, right?

Hoping for it to be announced would be the ultimate monkey paw. It would just be used as a lead-in to upcoming WoW content, most likely an expansion. The cold reality would be huge "collector's editions" where they release a new Warcraft IV "episode" whenever a WoW expansion comes out, and then they sell everything in a big package deal for like $100 USD and Blizzdrones will lap it up like dogs. And don't forget Activision wants roll out WoW expansions way faster than before.

warcraft 3 was shit apart from a few additions to the lore. It gave Blizzard a lot of iconic characters to work with though.
Warcraft one and two was as good as generic fantasy gets next to warhammer.

If any popular franchise has shown us, whomever owns the IP can change whatever the fuck they want.

announce it pussy - do it

>Undead, Orcs
>ironic humor

What game did you play? TFT is probably one of the best video game stories there is if you forget about WotLK. The merge between two archenemies human and orcs into one being.