New champion for league of legends

>new champion for league of legends
>Tumblr nose
>pandering to pedos
>dyed snowflake hair
>hipster alternative skin.

I thought lolbabs said that Riot wasn't full of SJWs.

Other urls found in this thread:

>meanwhile dota gets a suave french bowling ball with a fuckin sword
When will Riot learn how to design real characters?

>pandering to pedos


>alternative skin
You're going to have to explain this new meme to me.

dude they've had the tumblresqe design for at least 2 years now. it's infected so many game companies

basically an aesthetic only change to a champion that can be bought with real money or by getting it randomly from lootboxes you obtain for playing well which can only be opened with keys you get if you act frienly with your teammates and get honor points.

>>pandering to pedos
you're an idiot

don't care, but man are tristana and poppy 10/10 designs. it's such a shame they belong to such a boring game. i can't generate porn of them without feeling in the back of my mind that i'm doing something wrong

most sjws are pedos

thumbnail makes it look like a pony
So when's barneyfag ever gonna infest the LoL general like he did with the Dota 2 general a long time ago?

Is there Shadman art already?

Cant wait to trynd that ass with pure rage filled bar smashing my face on my mouse right clicking her to oblivion while listening to meshuggah

Do we know what role she'll have?
Cause I'm ready to break that thing in half with the REAL MVP Support

>those mouth wrinkles
>ugly nose
>what the fuck is going on with that hair
This is supposed to be cute?

I hope by the end of next week there is enough fap material.

What is this face meant to convey

Great, another character that will by played one week and then forgotten by everyone

Oh, I thought you meant like her literal skin was hipster alternative not just a different costume.

>pandering to pedos

Is it worth going back to league of lesbians after I haven't played it for 7 years? Been playing dota 2 since 2011 but there's no hero there to pander to my pedophilia.


wew lad

I would have preferred old poppy but hd
She was better when she was stern instead of quirky

I guess he was talking about the "male allies"


that girl has really hairy arms

Really what is wrong with her mouth


I don't see any contradiction. I think you might be the idiot, or just living under a rock.

She's retarded

Shes a mid burst mage


Is this an actual skin? I like it.

Bard looks fun but I never bothered to learn him before I dropped the game.

It's not but I'm hoping Bard gets more interesting skins.
His design lends himself to some really interesting potential outside of just silly shit.

No, but league has fucking amazing skins

I may go back into league.
>pandering to pedos

Neofag refugees need to go

Theres a video or something?


>It's a Sup Forums gets triggered by "SJWs" by acting like they're more ubiquitous than they really are episode

God this looks annoying

Literally my new main

>LoL Champion named Zoe
>LoL champion named Quinn

Really gets those neurons firiing...

Bard is the best Support if you like being able to become anything in the end game: APC, Heal, CC, Tank

this is worse than rick and morty

>ignoring simple things like time
Really makes you dumb

Too bad she's stuck in a shit game.

How the fuck is pedobaiting pandering to sjw? Please drink bleach

>old league
>order character to move, use a skill
>alright! Power slam! Hurrah! Hiyah!
>short, serviceable quotes with enough emotion
>order character to move or use a skill
>recites a ten-line quote that leads up to an "epic" joke that was never funny and will never be
>gives a short story about their le quirky attitude or nature
This has to stop.


>I tried too silence my mother once. Boy did I regret that

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is Zoe but u can call me t3h Asp3ct of Tw1L1GhT!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! TWIIILIIIGHGHHHTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only problem with this is Kassadin doesn't even have a silence anymore.

Quote one time this happened
Literally so much more with their character designs but this is fucking horseshit.

>SJWs are for pedophilia
>Constantly bash Sup Forums for being a harbor pedophilies
>Vote for banning loli
>GGers getting arrested for CP

>Google this
>reddit 90 minutes ago

>not changing invader zim to tick and morty

low tier

most anti-sjws are pedos too

whats wrong with her FACE

why is her mouth like that?

>She can steal your summoner spells
Wow, she's gonna be fucking broken in the right hands

I want to hit her, then fuck her.

If it's wearing a skirt, it's a girl

[citation needed]

This character is one of the designers OCs theyve had in a sketchbook for years.

At least until they nerf her to the ground in the next patch, like they always do with OP new champs

She's made by the same guy that made Yasuo the most hated champion in the game since his release .

Yasuo is just hated for being overtuned though, his design is decent and his kit is great, they just can't balance him

>asks for solid evidence for an accusation against his side
>whilst posting a random headline against his opposing side
idgaf but this makes you sound like a hypocrite, you should know.

That look no where near as good as the splash art.

>lol bro it's all subjective bro it's just a headline dude lol bro rick and morty dudeski

are you taking to the streets tomorrow comrade I'd like to see video of you taking buckshot to your soyboy jaw

Not just that. He also attracts a lot of underage who tend to suck at the game, meaning a Yasuo on your team = probably freelose. And then there's the snowball aspect of the character where if Yasuo manages to get ahead he just steamrolls fights because double crit chance is a balanced mechanic. So it's kinda like you don't really want him on the enemy team either

The issue is that you can't describe this character's general gimmick or theme or personality succinctly, which for MOBA champions means that they have no concise design foundation.

Yasuo is "Wind Samurai"
Fucking simple and gives you a clear idea of his aesthetic and maybe even his mechanics.

Even Xayah and Rakan had "Furry Edgelord Couple"

But what the fuck is this thing? Is it supposed to be a magical girl character?

Aspects are all fucked up from being possesed by gods. This one might not even be a person but a physical manifestation, so why are you niggers chimping out already? You don't even like this shitty game

So where is the porn?

he also made zed
moblity creep fml

is this post satire

Looks like something out of Hollow Knight

If there's one thing Sup Forums loves doing when League of Legends is mentioned is chimp out about how bad it is and how good they are for playing Dota 2 instead.

"quirky loli trickster"
There you go
Not even defending this mind you

>But what the fuck is this thing?

Doesn't change the fact that she's literally "teh penguin of D00M", and her kit seems absolutely obnoxious aswell

>CertainlyT still makes champions
Yeah, this will not end well.

Cant wait for porn.

>designed Yasuo and Zed
>makes a new champ
>new champ can flash 5 times in a row
Riot should fire that guy.

How is this new hero any different from Lulu or Jinx then? It's not unpreceded

LoL has had shit characters for ages. There's no consistency. They used to try at one point but now it seems like every character is designed by the winner of a lottery.

Personality wise and the fact it's a little girl this character seems like a huge rip off of Lilo from Lilo and Stitch.

Lulu is at least just a whimsical fairy
Jinx is obnoxious aswell
And its not about "jumping the shark", they've been doing weird shit for a while its just that she's especially annoying looking

Would you rather they repeat Lux's magical girl personality? We don't have her voice over or lore yet, you can't tell what this bitch is from the teaser other than an aspect, which are all different and flamboyant in their own ways
Lulu is just as visually obnoxious as this champion, but she has the shortstack meme backing her up so it's okay right?

>We don't have her voice over
We do, watch the video. It's fucking awful.

are you insane? when was the last time you watched the film? lilo isn't giddy and squealing. she's pretty antisocial until stitch opens her up, and even near the end of the movie she's not squealing and yelling obnoxiously like this MLP knockoff is.

>less than a minute of dialog when most voice overs are 20 minutes long
People said the same when Rakan was revealed, and then his VO matched his character entirely. You people just hate fun or enjoy complaining as much as SJWs

I don't even have a problem with SJW shit, I just think she looks and sounds like some barbie reject.

Didn't Anthony Burch join riot a couple of months ago?

I've watched it like 5 times recently with my Neice. I'll agree she isn't that obnoxious but the things the character was saying sounds like the same shit she would.

he's been working for riot for a long time
he wanted kayn to be gay for zed, but riot told him to fuck off

Yeah he wrote the worst lore entries in the universe page. If this character ends up having its lore wrote by him it's definitely going to suck

Your statements conflict with eachother.

What did he wrote?

>my yaw is trying to escape from my face
>we let the intern animate this one

I want to play her exclusively because it will make someone mad.

Why do people still play Mobas. How the fuck are they still so popular, how haven't people gotten bored of them by now?

Didn't Anthony Burch join riot a couple of months ago and then get fired?