Autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing

>autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing


look for (((hidden gems))) that I will sell at gaming conventions

leave metal jesus alone. have you seen his wife? he has enough problems

double penetration by metaljesus and the black guy

Did someone say HIDDEN GEMS?

He needs to fuck off and die

>not watching H4G
Fucking light weights not even once

What's the name of the little average girl on the left.

I love simons face so much.

>shit racing games
>top down shooters
>games that are well known by anyone other than his reddit fans
>wresting and metal games
What quality lists.


This guy and his whole crew are so fucking retarded.

Would you give him a blowjob for $1,000,000?

Attentionwhore''look at me I'm such a gamer'' #45345

i'd give literally anyone without herpes or HIV a blowjob for $1,000,000

its a million fucking dollars dude


Heavy metal rock is not a thing

Does he literally like every game he plays or is he just memeing ?

he likes games in general


correction: GAY for PAY


her names Kelsey Lewin
she's actually pretty cool, met her in person a few times cuz she owns a really great used vidya store in the city.

reggie? is that you?

Most of the population has herpes, you should read up on it. Turns out the virus could spread in ways people had not forseen. Some people get it while children from mouth contact and others when they start dating, like most STDs those who have herpes are asymptomatic(show no symptoms) making the spread happen even easier.

And of course it is incurable further increasing the chances of people not yet tagged becoming tagged.

reggie is too busy playing tales of games and wacking off to presea

cool thanks for the little history lesson on herpes. the more you know ====D

It's so funny how this guy fried hundreds of Gamecubes.
There's a literal army of retards that will do anything this channel says.

What did he do?

my best friend of 12 years has oral and genital herpes. I have shared glasses with him when he wasn't having outbreaks. Most of his family has it except his dad and one of his sisters (who are probably asymptomatic). We also lived together for two years. I probably have it and am asymptomatic. but I don't want to take chances, although $1M could be very persuasive

He shilled an unfinished and terrible Gamecube HDMI adapter.
It was so poorly made that just moving it a little would fry it.
Everyone warned the guy not to make the video, but he did it anyway for that sweet revenue.
Twist of fate: The adapter burnt his very own GC, so only then, he made another video stating he still thinks it's a good product.

Read from other people that she's insecure and socially awkward as fuck.

And honestly, you can see it in the videos kinda. Especially those chewed-off nails.

I kissed her.


Did you touch her penis?

In my headcanon he is fucking that little chick from OPs webm on a daily basis.

No I didn't so much as touch her hip.

I'm glad others have headcanons like this.

"So the interesting thing is"
"So I'm gonna tell on you"

I love mjr but he says the same shit in every vid


He's not a numale like most Sup Forumsedditors so he can play things without thinking in memes or flamebait

Do you think his dick touches hers when they play nintendo wii games?

>There are two types of herpes simplex virus, (HSV-1) and (HSV-2). HSV-1 more commonly causes infections around the mouth while HSV-2 more commonly causes genital infections. Both can infect those areas(among others) and spread through contact.

>Worldwide rates of either HSV-1 and/or HSV-2 are between 60 and 95% in adults.[4] HSV-1 is more common than HSV-2, with rates of both increasing as people age.[4] HSV-1 rates are between 70% and 80% in populations of low socioeconomic status and 40% to 60% in populations of improved socioeconomic status.

>In Norway, a study published in 2000 found that 90% of genital initial infections were due to HSV-1.[84]

Shit's kinda spooky specially if you do end up showing symptoms on your dick. Imagine a really attractive girl wanting to have sex with you on the spot but deep down literally you know there's a trillion fat blisters on your cock.

>Kelsey Lewin
Thanks user.

I watched a podcast.
It's literally another ''gamer gurl'' of the lot, just with no visible tatoos.

She does have a visible tattoo. tfw so many girls are permanently branded with this garbage. From personal experience there is a serious gap between people who went about their way to get tattoos and those who didn't.

motorhead is hard rock, not heavy metal

Was it autism?

>look mom i posted it again

thats what he gets letting drunk sluts around his consoles.

video games

There are different types of herpes. A lot of people have the oral variant, not the genital one.

Nice body but the lower half of her face already looks unattractive

Videogame music sucks nuts. It copies other better musicians, it never innovates, it's often loaded with samples and midi, it's compressed and limited up-the-ass killing all dynamic range, it's repetitive, etc. Most nip rock music is literally rip-off Yngwie Malmsteen. It's funny though because people shit on Yngwie for being cheesy, but nips wholesale rip him off on the daily.

That's why you're generally supposed to kiss someone first before having sex.
If you get HSV-1 on your mouth first, you won't get it again on your dick.

why even "autistic metal"?

They both infect both areas hence the "turns out the virus could spread in ways people had not forseen". But HSV1 is more likely than HSV2 to infect the mouth and the same goes for HSV2 vs 1 for the genitals see:

Beautiful breasts for her slim body. Looks like shes wearing a wig though.

>If an oral HSV-1 infection is contracted first, seroconversion will have occurred after 6 weeks to provide protective antibodies against a future genital HSV-1 infection
This only applies weeks if you waited 6 weeks to create antibodies.


>tfw nobody in my family has herpes
>tfw fucked only one person
I made it, bro

yo you got sauce on that semen demon?