Is Call of Duty, dare I say it, back?


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niggers, women and lootboxes. 2017 is a fantastic year to be alive

Holy shit, buying it right now.

>he bought the game

Is this the cuckporn sfw niche of gaymen?

Take the whining to .
This thread is about loot boxes only.

Sup Forums is a pro /pol board. go to another website if you can't handle this fact.

>mfw freeloaders complain about loot boxes
Stay mad, poorfags

go back to neogaf nigger

>he pays money to roll the dice

>gambling should be a risk-free way to get things i want
No. If you want to play, you have to pay

>Americans clap when someone opens a lootbox

Holy fuck I can't believe they got Idris Elba

how do i splitscreen nazi zombies on ps4? i tried everything...

I'm buying it because other than Quake Live there are no fast arcadey shooters left. Titanfall I guess but I'm pretty sure the population is dead as shit. I'm tired of realism, I just want to zoom and pubstomp.

>that daily order
what the fuck?

>he pays actual money to get the chance to obtain virtual items in a first person shooter video game
Was it autism?

Except I've personally seen this link all over Sup Forums itself. Because you fags are trying to force a narrative. Hardly a fair poll.

>Call of Duty
Point at him and laugh

compared to almost every other popular shooter on the market right now it is. you can play it faster than BF1 for example and maps are small enough for rushing. it gets boring playing slow in day of infamy/RO

>ad hom
Not that we were having that much of a discussion before but I'm gonna go ahead and cut you off, freeloader

>3 posts with an on-screen time of 20 minutes between them
>literally got 6 replies out of all of them

that poll is 99.9% Sup Forums posters + leftypol discords voting. if it wasn't raided by leftists it would likely be upwards of 90% pro Sup Forums

you have nothing to gain here. you are on the wrong side of history.

are you for real?
press x at the lobby before you see the characters

that's it, send them nukes korea
I dont give a fuck anymore

>5 years from now on
>you must now buy the loot spectator DLC or have a monthly subscription for the privilege of seeing others open lootboxes

With irl gamble you can make real money. Not pixels that you can't even sell. CSGO and TF2 is the closest thing but even then Valve takes a cut and you can't even use that money outside of Steam. I bet you are the type of person who bought the skins in Evolve.

I misread the title as
>Loot Speculator
I don't know which one is worse

Fuck off shill

>you must purchase a Crate Unlocking Camera Keycode in order to watch other people unlock lootboxes

>I called you a name so that means the entire basis of my argument was based on the fact that you are that name
Sorry buddy, maybe you should learn how to argue before you decide to act like a retard next time
Also >fallacies

Is there an industry that exploits its consumers more than video games?

Sup Forums is a pro Sup Forums right-leaning board. cry about it on reddit or pedogaf.

It's too late to apologize to me, worm

This isn't a CSGO or TF2 thread now is it...



You didn't play the beta then. People appear like 5 seconds after spawning. If you're not garbage, this one in particular is very fast.

Unironically the most reddit response you could've cooked up, I'm impressed redditor

you have to go back

wasnt working

pol was a mistake

Seconded. I all for progression and people being helped to be happy but there's a thin line between that and enabling self destructive behavior that the government that everyone lives under shouldn't try to manipulate. Why not a more conservative and careful approach?

I've nonironically been feeling this way lately
I hate America

Missing an l there buddy.

make sure both controllers are turned on

you have to go back

Not buying it until the dev apologizes for the whole calling the fanbase Nazi’s thing.

I mean its Call of Duty, never expected much. But now that the game literally cucks you by making you watch other people get loot while a black gentleman stares at you, i am impressed.

If "nazi" as an insult offends you, he doesn't want nor need your purchase.
>unsheathes the sword of equality and removes your entrails with it


go back to your safespace little poltard

>he doesn’t know about the patent
Oh boy

Sup Forums is a pro vidya board
go back to larping in your containment board

what are those other flags in the bottom?
I mean I recognize the middle one is for gays
but the other ones look like ice cream flavors

>real money vs nothing, bunch of 0s and 1s
lmao look at this poorfag.

You are the tiny minority here. Shut the fuck up and sit down you disgusting niggers. Go sit at the back of the bus.

How does it feel getting conned by a failed businessman and entertainer, Sup Forums?

Its was and is just a Jewish slander that has lost every meaning over the years. Everyone right of Marxism is one now. No one gives a fuck. People just get mad because you left retards made Nazi = Rightwing = Conservative = Traditionalist.
>unsheathes the sword of equality and removes your entrails with it
Just ironically off yourself.

The others are various flavors of LBGT
pic related is that trans flag

see how the triggered pol-baby uses racial slurs and a skewed poll to reinforce his own delusions

Imagine using the lootbox structure for anything besides video games.
>enjoy playing sports with friends, but my shoes are old and busted
>go to store and buy a box of random sports stuff
>get some nice gloves and a few cheap headbands

A lot better than being cashed in by sociopathic career politician globalists who receive wealth by promoting the propagation of a dumb, criminal population completely dependent on the state.


It’s more the fact that wanting a little historical accuracy automatically means you’re taking a political side that i don’t like.

you need to go back

At least you can admit to being conned by a literal neo-conservative

I am pro Sup Forums but I want it to stay on Sup Forums.

Loot boxes is gambling as much as trading cards are.

Sup Forums is the antidote to neoniggers that are leaking onto this board

It's simple:
Stop playing videogames.

nice defense mechanism triggered pol-baby


Imagine the average reaction to seeing this shit in a WW2 game just a few years ago. MK Ultra was a mistake.

libturds are such pathetic human shit. man the civil war is going to be easy.

>I am content with every evil in this world, as long as it stays out of my basement.

lol, you have no idea what MK Ultra is

Trumps policies are moderate besides throwing the environment out the window, he and his followers are actual liberals.

Other mental illnesses and lifestyle choices. One of them is for crossdressing or some shit

>everyone who isn't a neo-con worshipper is a libturd
this is your brain on Sup Forums

>Food analogy

>throwing the environment out the window
You must get a panic attack every time someone mentions China.

resist gamergate comrade

>thread gets slid into being off topic politics discussion instead of lootboxes
I wonder who could be behind this?

Hussa, Pede Power!

>a reward is literally watch someone else take your well earned care package three times
This is fucking absurd. "Share your care package with 3 teammates" is fine, you throw it out and you protect a point or something, but sitting and watching someone take it what the actual fuck.


Not him, but, lootboxes are a form of gambling. Gambling is one of the most regulated activities in the world. Most if not every nation in the west has high age restrictions for it. It's addictive, can ruin you financially and can in some cases be used as money laundering. There's no reason why it shouln't be illegal.

While a black man watches you none the less. You cuck.

Hillary living in your head rent free


>fucking "hand in hand" flag.
>white hand of the west is lower
>black hand of the third world is higher
>diversity will "uplift" you goiym
I love clown world.

If they just go out and call it "gambling", there wouldn't be nearly as much backlash as there is now.

The fact that they're trying to muddy the water and evade getting AO or PEGI18 for including real money gambling in their games by calling it "lootboxes" is the issue.


nobody is "pro-pol" on Sup Forums. Nobody gives a shit if they post, sure but they arent "in-favor of Sup Forums shit posting". That poll sucked because it didnt offer the other option.
"I dont care if Sup Forums posts just dont shit post" because im sure that would outbeat both of the other options

It's not evil to me though

>Lootboxes are new.
Please assign blame properly; to Sup Forums-approved games like WoW that patented lootboxes like a decade ago lol.

I've never been in one, but do you have pay to enter a casino? Lootbox apologists are stupid.

nope, people dont give a fuck if "MUH Sup Forums" makes a mean post on Sup Forums. the vocal minority of anti Sup Forums whiner neofaggots such as yourself are the actual problem who derail threads

how does it feel to be a faggot

Didn't this person rape someone and SRS tried to bury it?