Loss because of shitty teammates

>loss because of shitty teammates
>loss because of shitty teammates
>loss because of shitty teammates
>loss because of shitty teammates
>uninstall because of shitty teammates

Other urls found in this thread:


They thought the same thing about you.

If you're blaming teammates for losing I can already tell you it's because you're a =

>Stay in goal
That's how you don't lose

>Hard counter by conserving your boost
>Indirect shots off the wall
That's how you win

>Playing anything but ranked duel
You're just asking for trouble.

Is this loss?

>teammate stays in goal
>doesn't capitalise on your setups
>opponents counter because it's a 2v1 basically
>teammate is a shit goalie
What a Save!
What a Save!
What a Save!

>finally stopped playing like a pussy and went up to Diamond

Playing goal exclusively and capitalizing on double/triple commits is essential for getting up to about Gold 3, then you gotta speed it up

>play like a madman
>never stop boosting
>never hit the ball when I intend to
>never made a save in my life
>hit my teammates more often than the ball
>don't even know what the ground is
>somehow keep scoring
>diamond 3
it's that ez

The Chad rocket leaguer


Although I don't know what the fuck made-up lingo you're using.

It follow the rules of normal 5(or less)-a-side football. You need to bogart the goal and make sure it is well defended and push out/shoot when there is an opening.

It's a multiplayer game. Your experience will always be 100% dictated by other people.

>tfw 50 hours
>tfw Silver 3

>finally get ranked up
>next game your teammate is an unranked in one of his placement matches.

That's how you fucking play

That sounds about right honestly.

>tfw at the level where you have sick passing plays with randoms

Are you the guy that throws a tantrum and starts a surrender vote once he's a couple goals down

I'm complete ass at the game but damn is it fun

Keep it up user, learning and ranking up is the absolute best. Luckily I'm satisfied with my rank because I've stagnated hard, but I'm a little jealous that you've got an upward trajectory to look forward to

>Don't need Boost
>Boost sticks to you like a fucking magnet

>Need Boost
>circle around the fucking boost ball for 20 seconds without getting it

>Play Doubles and Standard with friends
>They dick around and sometimes afk during ranked matches
>Plat 2/3
>Play Solo Standard
>Diamond 2


>higher tier play
>me and teammate go for boost
>we both politely stop to let the other get it
>neither of us get it in time and the ball gets put into our box

Feels surprisingly nice actually

>our box

>tfw 500 hours
>tfw Platinum 3

Fun fact: Psyonix released the ranked distributions from last season and you are within the top 7% of the playerbase

I've stopped being polite with things like that
I'll rob the shit out of your goal I dont care, I want it in and I dont care who puts it there

How are those ceiling shots going lads?

sad, I literally cant score on an empty net

there is always only one constant, it's you.

pls link


Wait this one is better and shows what top% you were in

Ah yes the classic symptoms of P2W-multiplayer-shit-playing-retardism

>best car comes with the game

ok you caught me

That's not the 1970 Dodge Charger

Really though that car is bae

You guys both misunderstood his point, he was saying that guy is used to P2W games and trying to relate that to his mentality in RL

why is getting demo'd so anger inducing?

Kill yourself.

Its me, I am a shitty teammate. Sorry I get nervous

>when OP realises he was the shitty team mate all along

>tryharded in season 1, got to gold
>play every now and then consistently reach plat even though i feel like a total mongoloid and can't do proper air shots
Find it really hard to believe that I'm better than like 90%. Anyone who's not total ass should be able to easily climb out of gold even with awful teammates. Only when facing diamond and up will you get tricky feints and shit

Impotent rage because there is nothing you can do

>nobody is shitting on OP for shilling this normie game

Sup Forums is fucking dead

I shit on u kid

go back to your chinese cartoons beta weeb.

Its a good game you faggot

This happened last match
>Teammate can't defend for shit, so decide I'll defend
>Stay in goal but also go on the field just incase
>Staying in goal, ball's in the air
>Go to hit it
>For some reason my teammate comes out of nowhere, and hits me
>Enemy team scores
>He blames the goal on me
>Even the enemy team calls him out saying it's his fault
>He just says "Reporting all of you."
What the fuck is with some people on this fucking game? Some people are just so retarded.

>diamond III
>don't really gel with teammate
>oh well it happens
>derank to diamond II
>keep losing
>diamond I
>ok what the fuck
>hard to play with because my expectations of their skill has changed and I can;t seem to make plays with them, feel like I can't rely on them and have to baby sit
>Platinum III
>carry team
> get accused of smurfing

I keep yoyoing around like this
I think it's because I play at night and get sleepy and just keep losing and dont want to end on a loss but I just keep going and losing


what the fuck is that?

I play ranked solo standard to warm up

Playing lower ranks than your skill level on purpose

>all these people pretending to know about positioning and rotation in this thread
and this is why you are still gold

i like to hang back, you give the other team enough rope and they hang themselves and you just scoot up and drive it in

>Though I must have improved a ton since I was silver 3 last season and reached gold 2 this season.
>Find out they made it easier to rank out of lower ranks this season.

Playing on a low level account, let's say the person is a Diamond III, but they're playing on a Silver 3 account. The players that are Silver 3 are at a giant disadvantage in that case.

its almost as if you should get friends to play in a team game

>Not playing 1v1

you are the only one to mention rotation and positioning

what? Thats disappointing I thought I was getting good

Rocket League is probably one of the more sincere competitive games of late, actually.

noticed Diamond 2/3 was feeling alot easier than Gold2/3 last season

Its almost 100% skill thats why

>Rank requirements have been updated to distribute more players into Platinum tier and higher, and to reduce the amount of players in Bronze I

>normie game
>meanwhile, 8 threads about wolfenstine, assassin creed, cuphead, blizzcon, WoW and dragon ball are constantly up

my brother just got started and when I see that he's playing I like to join his game through steam without him knowing and basically invade his game and blow their semi-pro minds

>was plat 3 at the end of last season
>still plat 3

Yep and that's why it's retarded for a self proclaimed Sup Forumsirgin to hate the game. It's basically car vs car final destination no items (except for a ball).

With that said, my normalfag friends love the game, but that doesn't make the game bad. It's just super approachable.

My theory is that they've done this so that the switch babbys that willl get the game soon won't face a brick wall right at bronze 1

>70 posts
>no room

i made it to diamond but went back down to plat III last season
this season I placed at diamond II
I'm knocking on champions door now

played this from release and felt like there was no skill involved whatsoever. stopped playing really quickly.


I recognize that but on lower level.


nope. this game provides 0 THERE IS BEAR CUM moments. you might think you can do it but you're not being strategic, you're just driving a digital fucking RC car into a digital ball with shitty physics and hoping it goes in the right direction.


Staying in goal is an easy demo and wide open shot.

If you're the one furthest back in standard say about 1/3 or halfway up the field and be ready to keep it back in if it's cleared. If you're able to read it's going to be fully cleared that's when you get in net.

>hoping it goes in the right direction
Found the bronze 1

give me some webms



>not knowing what smurfing is
>cant even reply to the post
go back gafugee.




If I've spent about 200-250 hours playing can't fly yet and I'm usually sat in low Gold leagues should I just be content that I'll never improve and stay where I am?

>old wasteland
good fucking riddance, I would unironically disconnect if that map came up

I like it

>being a fag
well thats too bad


90% of hitting the ball is being there before anyone else, learn not to hesitate

>Blaming others instead of being critical of yourself and focusing on self improvement
It's no coincidence that people with this mentality are stuck in lower or mid-tier ranks

Posting my shit

1/3 these are from a few days ago


3/3 I only play ranked 2v2 and I am always popping in and out of Diamond 2.

>then the games goes into OT and you end up winning with no highlights below your name

>ultra damage
ranked dropshot when?

>tfw 300 hours with keyboard and mouse
>tfw diamond 2

>and mouse