What franchises have changed over the years?

What franchises have changed over the years?

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World of Warcraft

Ratchet and clank

Final Fantasy

What are some games that get praise they don't deserve?

To be fair that is literally the best O N E can. Do he has shitty writting and drawing

How can one man be so hateable? Does he have fans? Do people read this shit unironically?

He needs multiple fans because he sweats so much because he is fat.




Did that fucking neckbeard just try to claim he was better than ONE? Holy shit, congratulations fedorabear, you've finally triggered me.

Man what a dick. Is there a more spiteful human being out there?

I fucking despise Dobson but I do agree with him that surly boston mario was better than Nintendo's mickey mouse Mario.

>ONE can't dra--

Dobson? More like Knobsin

But the point is that he unironically thinks NOA's third party cartoon licenses were canon and that Nintendo Japan's decisions are somehow "retconning" them

Nah, he's a decent guy once you get to know him.

That's because ONE understands the principles and concepts of artwork, he isn't bad it's just basically doodling as quick as he can.

He even did the fucking animation for one of the anime's episodes by himself and it looked great, it was his first time ever doing animation.

"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve,
not by the desire to beat others."

>shitting on both We Bare Bears and One Punch Man
who the fuck does this piece of shit failure think he is

all his comics are his retarded bear OC white knighting, it's not interesting or even remotely good

The fact that he has any fans is a modern miracle.

ONE is incredibly gifted in paneling, composition and translating scenes into action.
Hell he's better than Araki in that and everyone sucks araki's dick.

His drawing is a bit bad ut he's gotten much better.
His writing is great and psycho mob shits on every shonen from the last 15 years.

>We Bare Bears
I saw one episode of that shit
>bear in a hijab

I can't believe he actually did that

I can't seem to find this on his Twitter, was it deleted or is it fake?


b-but she was a filthy gobedigoober he had to put her in her place

Is this some shitty attempt at Dorkly's agent videos

ayo no one has ever claimed Araki had any talent in compositioning, but you have to admit that for an alien who only knows about human anatomy from his alien-language textbooks he's pretty good

When was that ever actually a thing tho? I don't think Nintendo ever seriously altered the characrer

Dobbo reactivate his DA yet?

Saint's Row was probably the biggest "change" that any franchise ever went through. I mean, in just 4 games they went from:
>space empires
>literal hell
Quite impressive come to think of it, even if regrettable

Araki's talent is in twists and spicy storystelling. Part 2 and Part 7 are where his talent shines through the best in my desu opinion.

If dobson was a troll he'd be the best troll in the world. Every time he says something it's retarded

Resident Evil doesn't seem to know when the nonstop changing is going to end. The most awkward franchise for changes to date.

dobson used to be god tier. what happened?

what the fuck are you talking about

So you would have rather had them stay as a boring as shit GTA knock off?

Does anyone have the version of this where someone pointed out all of Dobson's problems then got blocked?

Saints Row

Gonna go over to /x/ and see if anyone has a good guide on how to beat someone to death telepathically.

>does anyone have the thing where Dobson blocks someone

Gonna have to narrow it down fampai

You're not supposed to take what OP said seriously, this thread is about Dobson

I wanted for them to stick to the Saints Row 2 theme.

The one where the person talked about the picture in the OP, family


>One is poorly drawn but actually has an interesting comedic narrative
>One is a basic style but well drawn and is actually funny

If anything, Dobson is putting a large amount of effort into products that don't deserve it.

>Every modern open world game ever is a GTA knock off
SR2 was pretty much as different as possible from GTA to be still considered a gangster game, both in gameplay and story and it was a great fucking game. SR1 was good as well. I actually do like newer games as well, but I think that yeah, I would prefer it to remain more faithful to its roots. And the fact that they butchered a lot of things unconnected to the theme which made SR2 great in 3 and 4 and that Steelport is utter shit compared to Stilwater doesn't help. Who knows, maybe I would actually prefer the new ones if the interaction with the world wasn't so butchered in them compared to 1 and 2. But you know, tastes.
Yeah, I realized after posting

>Constructive criticism is someone attacking you
>Anyone expressing any criticism is an attack against you

What a petty, tiny man.

Is there a single more detestable human being than dobson? I don't think he has a single redeeming quality.

>Acting as if he takes his own art seriously

Brianna Wu?

>nothing about inflation
step up


>Suggest he's only feminist to sleep with women

I don't think anyone sincerely believes Dobson could sleep with anyone.

>There are thousands of better artists out there better than you
I feel like that applies to a lot of people. He's acting like he's one of the best.

Wu has some level of confidence and self-respect. Dobson can't even muster that for long without breaking down and begging people to pity him.

Did he actually steal that person's format?

This is a fake. This is not, however

Maybe he should spend less time pitying himself and acting superior to everyone and actually take a lot of the useful criticism he's gotten over the years and change himself for the better.

Look again

It's there. Check it again.

>thin skinned
the ironing is delicious

okay what about eyebrows

>Mentions big ben
What's that?

>calls fans of Cuphead elitists
>also calls them "fans" as if to imply they aren't REAL fans
Everything about Dobosn oozes a lack of self awareness

When he traced someones photo of the Big Ben for a Dr. Who poster that required permission from the photographer upon some Creative Commons license. He didn't ask until he was told to.

>the current state of Sup Forums went full circle and sounds just like dobson autistic screeching regarding MUH LOCALIZATION CHANGES HURRR I BET DA SJWS WERE BEHIND THIS
absolute poetry

Look up Dobson traces on Youtube and the first link. I would post it, but some reason this stupid website thinks it's spam.

every time

There's a difference between thinking cartoons are cannon and being upset over small anime tiddies.

Whats the problem with not wanting things changed in a game? I don't like anime games, but I think it is a reason to get mad if your game gets changed for no reason.


i want to touch that girl's butt

It was only ever a thing in the American-made cartoons.

>still no stork-limbed 12-foot-tall Sonic

During his peak popularity he was famous among 13 year olds on deviantart, so while he did have a popular account and lots of people reading his comic, he failed to attract a fanbase with any sort of spending power. Also the fact that his art and jokes suck don't help either and he's actively shown he has no interest in ever improving his art or himself as a person. Basically a recipe for failure, despite having a decent amount of e-fame a few years ago.

>card isn't fully circled

>White knighting THIS hard
So Blobson is definitely next for a sexual assault charge.

anyone have that picture that Mary Cagle drew BTFOing white knight-esque guys like the guy who drew this?

Someone post send request



I want this. Really really badly.


This is before Dobson's switch to full SJW but it just shows how clueless he is.
> Mario being from Brooklyn is fanon derived from the Super Mario Bros. Super Show/the SMB movie with Bob Hoskins
> Toadstool was always Peach in SMB, her name didn't get localized officially until 1996
> OoT Link is different from original NES Link
> Samus had blonde hair long before Zero Suit Samus, green hair probably was just a NES graphical thing

It didn't really BTFO his concept, really. It was just a different take.

There isn't really any grounded rules for a switcheroo scenario. I tend to connect the hate for this art for the general hate for the artist (who is a dick-head, to be honest). But there is honestly nothing wrong with it.


he will always be the worst person who has ever lived

There's nothing that pisses me off more than people making blanket statements about their own gender and acting as if a pair of genitalia was the source of every problem in the world. People like Dobson need to have their balls cut off in public. They're not using them anyway.

idk, at least Chris-Chan is interesting to follow.

>gauntlet of gamelon
wew lad

You only have to fill up a single row to win at bingo you dingus

He has no self awareness.

Hey somebody brought up this. I partially wrote my own switcheroo game to see if I could do better

>villian, after studying hyrules history, kidnap link right in front of his friend zelda
> zelda rushes to the castle to tell her father
>king says he's already has the guards out looking for the villain
>day turns to night and they still haven't found him
>zelda sneaks out to go find him herself taking a sword from the armory with her
>after some sleuthing she finds the villains hideout and so starts the first dungeon

Tldr imagine alttp but you start as zelda and switch to link when you get to the sanctuary

Well fuck my mistake doesn't matter anyway his characters are amazing

The answer to both is Persona.

I feel like if Dobson ever even has a grain of self awareness anywhere in his system he'll disappear in a puff of logic. Its like he embodies the concept of willful ignorance itself.

I think the thing looks like Sutte-Hakkun
I'm guessing the left is supposed to be in response to the right

What are some games where I can trace?

Those boston Mario cartoons are honestly the worst I've ever seen in my life.