Im going to invite a girl to my house today and i hope to lose my virginity niggas

Im going to invite a girl to my house today and i hope to lose my virginity niggas

What Vidya recommend me to play while she sees me playing?


Super Smash Bros, but to make sure that you'll lose it tonight you have to apply to the proper excel piece of art, you know which one.

Don't play video games

>Im going to invite a girl to my house today
>and i hope to lose my virginity
This is a disaster in the making.

>inviting someone round to watch you play video games
>trying to impress a girl with video games
>hope to lose my virginity
Those are some impossibly high hopes user

Keep us posted this will be hilarious if real

>guys help I need to impress a girl with my bideo game skills so I can have terrible sex with her with my 4-inch dick
Not gonna fucking happen, dude.

the last of us

Senran Kagura

>im gonna invite a girl over
>to just play games
are you trying to friendzone her? funny


That way you might get a blowjob out of pity.

Maybe there's hope for me after all if people this pathetic actually exist

>What Vidya recommend me to play while she sees me playing?
Are you asking what you want her to watch you play?
Play 2 player you cunt no-one wants to watch you play a single player game.

You can play some Super Mario Odyssey while she walks out in disgust.

Not for weebs, sorry not sorry.

>sorry not sorry

Uncharted so that you can play the game and fuck her at the same time in a different room

What are some games to help me forget the crippling loneliness of being a 27yo KV?

Watch a movie and get close to her. In no time you'll be kissing her.

Jesus kids these days don't know how to score.

Go play Ar Tonelico. Focus on the parts where the girl slowly undresses during singing to increase her powers. Make jokes about how it would be cool to play strip karaoke with her. A few seconds later start smiling and laughing loudly and slowly start taking off her clothes. If she freaks out you can always just fall back and tell her it was a joke.

Nothing stereotypical like gta or cod. Maybe a platformer. A hat in time is sure to be something she's never seen before and cutefags eat that shit up. If not that then go with bing bing wahoo.

>actually telling him real tips
Keep them away from roasties user. Nobody deserves that kind of suffering.

>kids these days
They don't need anything, they're horny as fucking rabbits. If she's in your room and not fucking her in less than 5 minutes there's something wrong with you.

Actual pro tip right here, go for it OP.
Bonus points if you manage to film her

What would have the highest chance of success for a first move?
-put my hand on hers and hold hands
-lean towards her so that our shoulders touch
-put my arms around her shoulders and drag her closer
-rest my head on her shoulder

Tell her a good joke and she'll be all yours
>what happened to the creeper when the player when near him?
>he BLEW up!

t. Horribly out of touch grandpa

With posts like yours, I'd say alcohol is all you have. Unless you're underage or actually trying to follow the laws.

Can you fuck me right now ?

Ahh, one of these threads. GL getting laid OP.

She's a shy girl. I don't want to scare her off or make her hate me. Need to be subtle first.

All sexual intercourse sends magical powers to Ragnarok as fuel. Begone.

Sorry I don't touch 2dpd or 3dpd
Here's another one just for you though
>what happened when the player put TNT inside of his house?
>it BLEW up!

"Score"? Are you from the 1960s? Who wants to " score" a loose disease ridden whore nowadays? Go through all that effort and resources for some weak pussy? Just doesnt happen anymore, grandpa Jones. No thanks. Horny? Quick fap fixes that in five minuted and don't worry about it several more hours at the least.

You aren't getting anywhere quickly with her without drugs. And with drugs I'm sure she'll arrange the next date in a courtroom.

tell her "it's boring, wanna fuck?"
i legit did this now i have no times for video games

""""""""""""" shy girls """""""""""""" are the biggest whores in disguise, user. Manipulative narcissists.

Please do not play anything


>My foreskin makes my penis look like a turtle

Literally just bee yourself

Honestly. Its 100% true here you are autistically over thinking everything

this is honestly a good joke

No hit run sl 1 one on ds1 prepare to die addition nigga

Being shy or not ks irrelevant to a woman. It onky affects men. If she wants cock, she WILL have it.

Only men have to work extra hard when they're shy.

>had a cute skinny girl over few months ago

>we watched some shitty boring woody allen movie

>at about half the movie she just asks "want to fuck?"

>go to bedroom, fuck, and then return to watching the movie

i still think the movie was terrible, but yeah

cute gecko


Do the girl has a twitter?. Post it there so we car read her metoo post tomorrow.

>actually throwing away your virginity for 3dpd

Is this what autism is like?

>Sup Forums thinks having a girl over means sex
>Sup Forums thinks playing vidya will get then sex

unless the vidya makes her moist and you're good at it, there is no overlap with sex there.

Here is what you do:
>be respectful
>be funny and slightly antagonistic
>be a good host
>if things aren't headed in the bed direction, it's fine, be patient
>if you make out a lot, give her the bedroom eyes and be mindful of groping
>if she touches your legs and shit you're basically gtg
>figure out a funny/cheesy like to say when she does that
>here is one: So this is Netflix and chill without the Netflix then?

Just what I came here for.
Thanks user.

Terrible advice

I've had a lot of practice in my fantasies, but reading this thread makes me think that girls are much more of a sluts than it seems first.
I've been practicing lines like "I know that you're shy, don't worry. It's fine if we wait a few weeks or even a few months before doing anything sexual." or "Don't worry, I know it would be way too embarrassing to show me your tits now, but as we get to know each other more you will be more comfortable around me."

How about ask her what she wants to do?
List the options and if she says "i dunno" then thats a signal that it doesnt matter wtf you do, you have potential to fuck, so pick something that males you close to each other and preferrably a little intoxicated.
If she does pick something you probably dont have a chance to score that night.

I'm 25 and I only kissed one girl and fucked 4 prostitutes, its all the same m8.

>i hope to lose my virginity niggas
>What Vidya recommend me to play while she sees me playing?
The joke writes itself.

>implying fucking a prostitute is the same experience as having a cute, shy girl sitting next to you watching a romantic movie, hold hands with you during the sad parts, kiss during the happy end and let her fall asleep in your lap

>Would you like to play with MY ding a ling?
Gets me every time.

This Sex for the sake of sex is horrible and only serves as another avenue of masturbation. "Making love" to someone you actually like and having a romantic relationship intensifies the experience ten-fold.

Girls are just as horny as men, they just hide it.

When groups of girls start chatting they're always talking about getting dicked. That pure girl you think does't even know what masturbation is probably shlichked her pussy a lot.

Society values women who don't act slutty so that's why so many inexperienced guys keep treating women like they're kids.

That's how thing goes when you're 12. If you're old enough to post here, you don't invite a girl you've seduced to play games in your parents house. The very strict minimum is that she's already horny before you're home and then you go naked instantly in the bedroom

>being a secret NORMIES in threads like this.

My pity is palpable. Picked this up from the arcade with my street fighter skills, nerds.