Why is suddenly so mad about Titanforged items, Sup Forums?

Its literally free fucking loot.

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I don't like relying on RNG instead of skill.

>why is
That hurt to read.

but its correct buddy. Only thing I forgot is the everybody.

Because it devalues hardest content in the game and adds layers of unmitigatable RNG on top of already existing RNG drop tables.

Obviously it's very unlikely that LFR heroes are gonna get mythic quality items. It's possible, but very, very unlikely. The problem arises between heroic and mythic raiding, the latter requires an immensely higher time/effort investment, but getting mythic tier rewards from heroic raids is actually quite likely. Having to redistribute same loot to same people just because they rolled higher also kind of sucks.

because some neckbeard losers like asmongold are angry that some casual gets lucky and gets an item equel in power to his "hard" earned one

and since those faggots are the most vocal you are presented an illusion of a crowd

Because you have to run literally everything, every raid, every world quest, every boss and every dungeon just for a stupid chance an item might turn into a super item
Jesus fuck I hate this shit.


he's literally not wrong though
how about you go and earn something for once in your life

>it is correct except for the part where it is wrong.

You have 10 seconds to explain why "people who put more effort deserve better rewards" is a faulty argument without resorting to "asmongold thinks this way so it's wrong"

why dont you earn a house and a family and dont live in your mothers basement with your rotten teeth and 1 week old milk shakes

Are you trying to shitpost or are you really this stupid?

You were wrong. Just admit it like a man and move on.

literally this

all the tryhards are welcome to fuck off and play some vanilla private server

>no arguments

Not that guy, but TF pretty much does nothing in terms of overall gear to the system other than meaning that killing farm content is still profitable 3 weeks after the raid hits.

All my alts have impressive +40 ilvl TFs but are still 20ilvls lower than my main, minus one of them that I do mythic keys on which is 930.

One 950 piece doesn't do much to offset a bunch of 900-910 pieces in strength and is worse than than a mythic raider fully decked out in base 930 gear.

you are causing an argument you eltist tryhard fuck

>raid finder gear better than mythic gear because it rolled like that

> people who put more effort deserve better rewards
You are focusing on one thing, meanwhile people that put more effort get better rewards. Look up top ilvl lists, not a single person decked in lfr titanforges, it's always one titanforged item that triggered someone.
Imagine a middle class person living a good life but he doesn't have some trendy gadget, yet there is a bum under the bridge with nothing but the gadget and the middle class person is upset.

learn some english you third world monkey

Just give everyone full legendary gear for free and move on.

Because with titanforge the grind can never be finished. There's always something that you can upgrade.
Maybe some people like that, but a lot of people don't.

>its bad to have some casual guy who actually works 8 hours a day to get a small endorfin rush because he rolled the dice just right
>its bad that someone got lucky thats not even my competition because im in a inner elitist clique

Well at least you didn't go for a food analogy.

The ultimate problem is not so much that casuals get mythic gear or whatever, but rather than if you can get good gear from Heroic raids... why would you even bust your balls over Mythic? It's not rewarding.

nice ad hominem
how about you stop posting untill you actually learn how to hold a discussion you inbred crétin

>You have 10 seconds to explain why "people who put more effort deserve better rewards" is a faulty argument without resorting to "asmongold thinks this way so it's wrong"

Simple reason really. Mythic players always did say they played for the challenge. Does titanforging suck shit? Yes.
Does them losing their pretense that they like challenging content for the challenge and not the prestige feel great though?

Damn right it does.

>hey I got that trinket I wanted
>ugh but it's not a perfect TF

Yeah it's bad and elitism has nothing to do with this. The problem with those RNG items that are easy come easy go is that if you don't have to work for your gear, you have no attachment to any of it. Oh, I got a lucky drop. Whatever. You forget about it in 5 minutes. This breeds complacency.

Meanwhile if you got a really good staff by beating a boss you've been going for for a few weeks and nobody else has it, you're gonna feel like that staff is pretty fucking valuable to you, instead of looking to replace it with a luckier roll next week.

>having your DPS potential tied to a single item

enjoy your shit game xD

> if you can get good gear from Heroic raids... why would you even bust your balls over Mythic? It's not rewarding.
Because you can have mythic gear now or heroic gear titanforging to the same level in months. Considering heroic raiders are stuck on entry level mythic bosses for months, they have no reason to even go to mythic.

a casual doesn't "need" top tier gear to participate in whatever activities a casual player does, but a tryhard needs a carrot on a stick in the form of high tier gear, titles, achievements or prestige for his effort to feel like it's worth it

It's faulty because Blizzard is a heartless company that uses RNG for everything. Regardless of what people think, rolls will favor the people falling behind, because Blizzard knows they will quit.

You are really stretching reality there, user.

>complete the highest pve encounter
>complain about someone geting better gear while you already completed the game and gear up for no reason

thread proves this game is for braindead casuals

> this game is for braindead casuals
duh, that was their angle in 2004 when they released it

if the base items a boss can drop are BAD then you have a flawed system

nobody wants an unupgraded drop anymore which means that whenever shit doesnt titanforge that loot is worthless

and here we are reminded why the MMO genre turned to complete shit

It also adds yet another layer of pointless RNG to a system that already has enough pointless RNG and makes gear progression a mess if you're looking to min-max. Suddenly your BiS trinket isn't in the next tier, it's the titanforged version of a trinket from a mythic raid you completed at the start of the expansion. It's retarded.

>stop making old content irrelevant
>why are making me go back, it's bullshit

>finally clear bwl get nefarian staff in vanilla
>wreck complete mayhem in bg's
>people randomly inspecting and complimenting me on it in pm
>looks sick
>get a lucky dice roll after collecting some squirrel cum and get a mythic quality item
>literally no effort
>no one gives a shit
>all stats are scaled to the same ilvl in pvp anyway

>stop making old content irrelevant
>by making new content irrelevant instead
I hate this fucking brainlet wojak meme but I had to google it because it perfectly describes just how fucking stupid you are.

>i have to use a trinket from the previous raid
>new content is irrelevant

>go back to old raid for .00005% chance that the item titanforges up literally 80 item levels


because mythic raiding is literally artificial difficulty, wow the enemies all have arbitrary stat increases and their spells and abilities hit for *slightly* more damage than average? let me know when mythic actually adds some new layers to the boss fights like additional stages and movesets
until then those assblasted tryhards can go hang themselves



So you've literally never raided mythic then.

You know the only difference in CoF of different ilvls is agility, proc is the same on LFR and Mythic versions

I've noticed these type of one-word mistakes growing in quantity over the past probably year and a half to two years. I attribute it to the overall increase of literal underageb&, and them being ESL trash.

Titanforging takes a lot of fun out of Mythic Raiding. Like I have no desire to ever kill Mythic KJ for example, because I already have a 950 Ring and Trinket off him which is all my Paladin would ever use.

Although to be honest that might also be a problem with ToS itself, like mother of fuck there's some poorly designed fights in that place.

no shit retard this was never disputed
shut the fuck up

>being this delusional

My one issue with it is that stuff like the aranocrystal is one of the best best trinkets for a bunch of classes especially arms warrior(and still is by warcraftlogs). As the expansion goes on it's base ilevel is meager in comparison to newer gear. So you have to hope for titanforges from a boss that randomly might spawn once a week. Now of course you can buy it with relinquished tokens but that's also rare and again, titanforges are better. The two extremes of chances are too much.

It literally adds extra phases/mechanics you braindead fuck (i.e Mythic Blackhand/Archmionde/Imperator - Guldan/KJ. Literally don't ever talk again about shit you so clearly have no idea about. It's fucking blatantly obvious you retarded fuck I actually feel embarrassed for you.

>It's fine if you ignore that thing that wasn't fine


>lying on the internet
wow guys, why dont you post some comparison footage and prove it to me

Because the amount of time mythic progression players put into the game will put then ahead of casuals that get lucky every once in a while. Blizzard runs tests on this type of stuff and even if you do get lucky, you still get loot at the same rate as others. What matters is the amount played.

Randomness isn't fun. The less random chance there is, the better. However, a certain random element to loot needs to exist.

You're either purposely being a moron and trying to dilute the quality of the conversation (likely), or you're really this fucking ignorant. Either way everyone can see through your braindead arguments.

FYI here's a mythic mechanic that doesn't happen in heroic, which you would know if you did anything more than lfr.

Hur dur but mythic is just number tuning guys. Shut the fuck up its clear as fuck you don't know what you're talking about. Just stop posting please.

They could easily fix this by having mythic raiding gear be at the titanforged cap or cap minus 5 item levels, high-end raiders are happy and if you're a casual player, "it doesn't affect you" :^)

the thing is with these threads is in reality most high end raiders don't actually give a fuck, at all. I don't know why Sup Forums has this narrative going in every wow thread. You getting some piece of titanforged shit doesn't make a dick of difference and you aren't suddenly gonna beat some guy in full mythic tier.

>wod marksman
i really fucking miss it

I don't think any class got fucked as hard as hunters did fundamentally speaking. That class feels like they couldn't figure out what to do with it and just sent it out that way.

>Caring at all
Gonna resub one month before the next expo and get all my legendaries and titanforged BiS, while also benefitting from the 8.0 patch changes like all the other smart people.
Maximized fun. Minimum investment.

ok now post something that hasnt been pohotoshopped

>1479 str
>2219 sta
>plate belt

Somehow the new-WoW devs (after WotLK) feel the need to completely revamp hunters EVERY SINGLE expansion, turn it upside down and always end up worse and less fun to play than before.

Being a hunter main was really fucking exhausting, you needed to relearn your class every fucking expansion, and every change they do is for the worse. It really shows they don't have a hunter class dev like for every other class. Like, turing survival into a fucking melee spec was something NOBODY asked for. SV in WoD was great, but they didn't have the brains to figure out nobody palyed it because it did less damage than a tank after they "fixed" the double procs.