Stop it.
Don't even think you can choose this game as GOTY.
It doesn't deserve it, as it is the weakest in its trilogy.
You've been warned.
Stop it.
Don't even think you can choose this game as GOTY.
It doesn't deserve it, as it is the weakest in its trilogy.
You've been warned.
Still better than Zelda and Mario
It's my personal GOTY and there's nothing you can do about it.
I haven't even played P5 but there's no way it's worse than P3.
I'd only rate it highly if it were my first Persona game. It has the best gameplay but the story structure is the exact same as the ones that precede it.
Too late.
Not really.
>Persona 5
So just because this game is red themed and the previous games are yellow and blue means that persona 1 and 2 don't exist?
>it is the weakest in its trilogy.
It's definitely not in my top 10 for this year. I didnt even finish it
It can't because it's a 2016 game.
>persona 5
Super Robot Wars is mine, but this is a close second.
it's not a direct sequel to anything though
>the autistic fit sony fanboys had over this score
>weakest in trilogy
>persona five
>there are people whose GOTY isnt near a tomato
This game by some magic made me appreciate P4 more. And I already respected P4 quite a bit.
Don't worry buddy, we have already won GOTY for 2018. Our time will come, this twisted industry needs to be reset
only people whose judgemeny is clouded entirely by their nostalgia or their extra chromosomes could think that p5 is the worst one.
it is miles and miles ahead of p3 and offers tons of improvements over p4
yeah but it just doesnt feel right on ps4
It exceeded my expectations in every way. It's the most fun I've had with vidya in years. There's nothing else I would pick.
P5 released in 2016, it's disqualified.
Game of the Year goes to Breath of the Wild, there's really no competition.
Pick Zelda. Pick Nier. Pick Yakuza. Pick Mario, for fuck's sake. I am just warning you right now, do not pick Persona 5 for your GOTY.
yes it is you fucking loser
You're a fucking retard if you don't think Persona 5 isn't GOTY
Why, are you going to shoot someone?
I hate this picture so much.
I loved SRW V but what makes you think it's GOTY material?
The gameplay was better in 5, but just about everything else is way better in 3. Why are people shitting on 3 while praising 5?
Play South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Yakuza 0, and Horizon: Zero Dawn.
>it is the weakest in its trilogy.
How is that even possible when P4 is the weakest of the 6 main Persona games.
Nier Automata is GOTY anway.
Why does the fact that P5 is the weakest in its series has to do with it being GOTY or not ? What matters is how it fares compared to other games released this year.
Also P5 is actually the best in its series and the best game Atlus ever released since Nocturne.
>i can't shoot a gun then its not a game
Persona 5 gets worse after the first dungeon and never recovers from there. It's a shame it plays it so safe in the end.
>western toilet humor garbage game
>good game
>another garbage western game
It had some flaws that brought it down. BotW and SMO are the real GOTY and I can't even choose between them.
>gameplay isn't shit like P2
yeah right
Have you ever played Persona 4 Golden? The quality of life improvements to the (series) game make a valley of difference between it and Persona 5. P5 took the whole "you're a prisoner" thing too literal.
>persona 5
empty and bland
>mario odyssey
dumbed down casual shit
Also, it is A LOT better than 3 and 4. Can't even compare.
>Persona 5
Could you explain this one to me, I don't understand.
I just thoroughly enjoyed the game from start to finish. I did miss some of my favorites, but those that were in it were still in enjoyable and I loved Nine's interactions with Souji and Chitose.
I think he has the notion that Persona 3, 4 and 5 are a trilogy for some reason
I like 5's music and dungeons better than 3, but that's just me.
Yes, that's the only version I played. The characters in your party are just total shit except Kanji, which is what makes it worse than every other.
You're a fucking retard, fuck off.
>only one with real dungeons
>pretending its not the only acceptable persona game
>Persona 3
>Persona 4
>Persona 5
There's three games, so that's a trilogy of games.
What is hard to understand ?
>Persona FIVE (5)
No, it's not. Cry more.
>Persona 5
Yahaha! You found me!
>Mario Odyssey
You got a Moon!You got a Moon!You got a Moon!You got a Moon!You got a Moon!You got a Moon!You got a Moon!You got a Moon!You got a Moon!You got a Moon!
>Yakuza 0
>Wolfenstein II
Do I even need to say anything?
>Nier Automata
What does it mean to be human? Are humans capable of humanity, or is it an ideal out of our reach, only capable of being understood and realized by nonhumans? Can it truly be considered humanity at that point?
Man, sure is tough to pick a GOTY this time around.
Persona 1 has SMT-like dungeons user. Not as good as Nocturne onward, but still.
I've been a fan of the series for a long time and it's just amazing that a mainline SRW was officially translated. Nine's interactions with everyone are my favorite part of the game as well. Gameplay wise it's pretty standard fare for the series, I still miss the platoon system of Z.
You enjoyed it because it's in English, but in reality I wouldn't even put it in the top 10 SRW games.
Have a free (you)
I agree with Wolfenstein ll since it's western garbage, but you're a complete idiot about Persona 5, BotW, and Mario.
persona 5 is pretty good
but yeah it really is worse than p3 and has more flaws than p4
saying that it deserves goty is just stupid
Why are Persona 1 and 2 suddenly not part of the series anymore?
This is some 9gag-tier garbage.
but at what cost
The only SMT games with good dungeons are 3, SJ, Soul Hackers and DDS1
4 and IVA went backwards
What about this one
Did you get your opinions simply from reading meme filled threads on Sup Forums, because it sure looks like it.
Eat a dick
Yes, I am also someone who demands my brain be stimulated with a thoughtful experience as I smoke my pipe and chuckle at the intricacies of human nature in a video game.
"But is the game fun?", they may ask. What rubbish.
>in its trilogy.
What did he mean by this?
i like this one
It used to be a sort of dumb joke like "Persona started at 3" but nowadays it seems a bit more sincere.
At the very least Persona 1 and 2 are considered a separate entity from 3 onward
>Fallout began with 3
>Final Fantasy began with 7
He means nobody ever cared about anything prior to 3.
Yeah, except it's nowhere near as fresh as P3 was when it came out. It's more of the same 10 years later when it's no longer enough.
About as bad
Persona 5 is good, but it's not as good as 4.
BOTW is my GOTY. Prey is probably second place. Odyssey is at least in the top 5, about the same level as Persona 5 for me.
Your point? It's a marketing tactic. Like how Call of Duty: Modern Warfare sometimes has a 4 in it.
I did.
Fuck off. The game got way more interesting after Kamoshida and thats an objective fact.
I don't think we played the same game.
Good plot, difficulty, and character dynamics, sadly.
I mean, modern Persona is quite similar to each other and really different from the old games, so I'd understand going for the whole trilogy angle.
As it being the worst... Fuck no. The only thing I'd really complain about is that the dungeons feel way too long and drawn out but that may be due to my rush-everything-in-one-day autism. I assume they wanted people to do them over a couple of days.
red hot b8 op
More like
>stop being complacent pieces of shit
I don't even know where you get your gommunism :DD idea from.
>weakest in its trilogy
What are you stupid.
3 and 4 don't come anywhere near it. Hell, it even beats 2.
Do people honestly keep track of game release dates just to give some nonsensical "game of an arbitrary time period" award?
Judge games within genres, GOTY means fucking nothing.
Oh we fucking did. Only rampent contrarions on Sup Forums push the narrative that the game somehow "went to shit after palace 1".
>93 meta
>best gameplay in the series
>cast are light-years better than P4
>universal acclaim from fans/newcomers alike
Kill yourself faggot.
It's going to be Zelda. It would've been Mario but Zelda has soft piano music in it so it's perfect for when people reveal it in their #1 countdown. Guarantee you that's what 50% of people are going to choose it for, the Metacritic score and the slow lead-in to get people excited
Nice b8 op
p3 > p5 > p4
they're all great tho
How can it get worse after the first dungeon when the best dungeon was the casino and the best boss was Shido?
because what comes before that is the entirety of September.
The Castle was the worst dungeon though.
Sonic Mania and BotW are mine, I didn't even like Persona 5 and I feel like the time I spent on it was time wasted
>Why are Persona 1 and 2 suddenly not part of the series anymore?
underages and fags who their first megaten game was p5
Hardly. Did you forget the cruise ship?
Soul Hackers and DDS aren't SMT and SH's dungeons were piss easy and bland outside of the short but sweet postgame dungeons.
Everything about P5 was fucking amazing. Fighting Shido and hearing River in the Desert was so fucking hype inducing. Easily my GOTY. BOTW is boring as shit. Mario is dope though.
Better that it was 5 than it was 3 or 4.