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Did that free DLC ever come out? Don't talk to me about RE7 until it does.

>game that tried too hard to be a B-movie
glad i pirated


Outlast with a gun tho


Play something better

This game in VR is still my GOTY. Can't fucking believe Capcom had the balls to develop for something so risky, but bless them for it.

Am i the only one who genuinely thought RE7 was a revolutionary horror game (maybe one of the first to slap on the title of current gen horror ).

The only flaw with the game is that theirs literally no replayability since nothing new happens.

It should have been, but it doesn't seem like it was. Maybe in time once 2nd gen VR headsets release at a more affordable price and people actually start trying it but I'm not getting my hopes up yet. Did you play it in VR?

That's where it really shined in my opinion. It was my first experience with VR. I've had people tell me that the novelty wears off, but it never did in the ~20 hours I played of the main story and extra content. The difference between VR and without is astounding. People who haven't tried it don't seem to understand what vertical depth does to you, and how much it brings the environments to life, and the ones that do understand most often get sick by it, which is a damn shame. But the whole game felt different for it and I felt as tense as I did when I played RE1 for the first time on PS1 when I was 6. A horror game since did not have the same effect on me until this, which is great.

>welcome to the family son

>tries to be a B-movie
And suddenly I'm interested.

That game is fucking garbage.
It's the same as RE1. Its very rough on certain spots, but it was their first attempt at such a game and it'll serve as an effective groundwork for future installments. Hopefully they use the same set up for RE2:Make. The police station in first person with VR and with all the kinks worked out like the movement speed would be fantastic. Hopefully that's what they wind up doing.

Based Jackposter




re1 was not the first attempt. by that team? sure. gameplay, however, was riding the coattails of alone the dark and the only rough spots are because of unfinished content due to tumultuous dev cycle. reVII is nothing like re1/DC/DS/REmake. it tries to be, and at points is a resident evil but it certainly can't be compared to earlier entries. i liked the game, btw. it just shouldn't have been part of this franchise.

I replayed tew1 three times and for 2 I just can't. The whole muh daughter thing really ruins it

Obviously I meant by that team. Resident Evil usually follows some other franchise that tried something before it. Even RE4 was after a number of smaller horror games tried shaking things up.

No. Save the VR shit for other games. That or make it an optional mode you could play instead of forcing it to be the main way. 7 suffered a lot because of it.


I want to fuck Zoe

>7 suffered a lot because of it.
Maybe for those who don't own VR, and even then there were still a lot of people who enjoyed it. For the people who do own it though it's basically the reason why 7 is so fucking good. It's a huge enhancer.

Being a big RE2 fan I'd love it to have VR support, but I also understand that it probably wouldn't be a smart financial move. So as long as they do whatever it takes to keep making RE games.



That is not groovy

>do all the work to bring back horror in RE with sucess
>the free DLC is already going full actionshit

Capcom just dont know what they are doing arent they?

thats just embarassing

>oh how scary...except its not since everything is in the character head

you should...the bakers are pretty much homages of B movie genres

That's the core of Resident Evil.

RE5 took it too seriously and RE6 was at most a D-movie rating it was so ridiculous.

*a hyuk!* Where you think you going, boy?!

omg she just inserted herself in there didn't she

Would have been cool if you could see her hiding there, and if you shot her you could fight her bug form before entering the green house.

I want to insert myself in Zoe

Why didn't Capcom just let us have the superior waifu?


the term is Z-movie

you're right. they should charge for it.

That's what Resident Evil is supposed to be you fucking newfaggot

Amazing how nerds tried to play off the cringey unfunny dialogue in this game as wacky zany meme material.

>nu male

>that vision where he is normal
he was actually a really nice guy that loved his family :-(
Is it just me or are all the good Resident Evil games also very sad games? Resident Evil 1 also had that sad subplot with the little girl and her family

RE6 is almost like a Paul WS Anderson's movies

I already played RE7 and liked it and I will this one as well when it get´s cheaper

Fuck that man
VR made RE7 a damn enjoyable experience and I'd love more of it

It's amazing how fucking boring you are.

>hating degeneracy
Good goy
