
Is it good or overrated?

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The girls are good, that's about it

How is she keeping her balance?

It's pretty shit, amigo. Blizz seem to think that people wanting more content = people wanting more shitty sprays.

Invisible butt stick.

It'd be great if they had a co-op campaign mode with missions

If you solo que, you've gone full dumb cunt.


OW Girls are some of the best vg fap material.

No, it's overwatch

Its overrated as fuck, you can't just play and chill since you are relying on other players so you can even stand a chance of winning

yeah like battleborn

overrated implies is at least mediocre
it's just hot fucking garbage

not seeing it


It's fun until you realize it's basically a first person moba.


You are banned.



It was actually fun at the start, then each patch since around Sombra's release kept making the game dumber and dumber.

I want to play it to worship my team mates and lavish them with attention, but it's rare that I actually play it nowadays instead of plain ERP!

>nice shot
>Sentry Ahead
>You've been banned from the server

babby's first fps
auto-aim abilities
it's shit m8.

The game was always shit, you just slowly realized it had no depth or content so all you had left to do was wait for hat patches.

That's why the game went to shit so quickly and why it was EVERYWHERE on release then fell off hard.


r34 is GOAT, but the game itself is overrated crap.

Could be, won't rule that out, but I can pinpoint specific things introduced in patches and demotivated me from playing. Could be that I was more forgiving for game's launch issues (like Zen's 150 HP or McCree's RMB) because it was new though, yep.

Both, it's polished in most ways aesthetically. Mechanically it's a mess and Blizzard couldn't competitively balance themselves out of a paper bag.

Blizzard seems like they've basically perfected marketing to casual players who don't really care if a game is balanced or competitively viable as long as it's "fun" in the short term.

I mean, kinda, yeah. I'd like a story mode. They're fully capable of it too.

>Enemy Boat Spotted!
>Enemy Boat Spotted!
>Enemy Boat Spotted!
>Enemy Boat Spotted!

Guiess what?!

>Enemy Boat Spotted!

Even Sup Forums thinks THIS post is spam...

>only thing people ever post about related to it is how shit competitive is and porn/lewds of it

Does overwatch have lewd toy models like our chinese cartoons? I would unironically buy them and sit them on my computer desk if they exist.


The only good thing in overwatch is the waifus.

Overwatch is overrated as fuck
Paladins is much better and is f2p

No Content: The Game.

How are people still playing this?

It's honestly fucking trash. Less balanced than it was at launch with shittier frame rate. Blizzard is just doing random balance shit to keep the players interested in the game. A balanced OW would probably die prematurely so all Blizzard can do to keep people playing is dice roll the balance to add some novelty each month. Blizzard knows exactly what they're doing, and that is not knowing what they're doing.


sauce on image

All these faggots wouldn't last an hour on old tf2.

>teleporter griefing
>abusive admins(freezing players in place, blinding them randomly)
>half the server trying to turn "civilian"
>the other half playing tdm calling each other turbo nigger triple autists

>Sup Forums, a board dedicated to vidya, does not know what a MOBA is.

Really fun in the beginning and then becomes a frustrating shitfest.

>lower budged OW with modding
I play OW for characters. Paladins animations and voice acting are too poor to fill that niche.

>Mercy so inherently lewd that almost every piece of fanart is nsfw

Post more waifu shit

Great, isn't it

>Blizzard knows exactly what they're doing, and that is not knowing what they're doing.
the game is already dying more and more with jeff only comeback is saying that he feels threatened by the player base.
They literally break the game with one or two op as fuck heroes every goddamn patch, until the game gets an expansion with maybe one more skill or more game mechanics it will remain a boring piece of shit.

Fareeha is for race mixing with while holding hands. Ana deserves grandchildren to dote on.

How much of a impact did Pyro update actually have on Overwatch.

Realistily I'd say none but you never know.

I want to impregnate Mercy with creampie.

Can a game compensate for the fact that it sucks by having hot girls in it?

>tfw barely any HogxMercy

Most weeb games do this.

It really is a pretty bad game. Characters are either mediocre, frustrating to play against, or broken. Orisa and Doomfist are practically non-heroes so the game's really only gotten two new heroes in a year and a half.


shes 37 her eggs are dry

>animations and voice acting is more important than gameplay
Blizzdrones need your own board

How the hell does she manage to stand on her toes like that with heels.

shit game for brainlet plebs drawn in by basic bitch tier waifubait

the porn is good so who cares, thanks blizzurd

sombra is right there as well and she's just played as an ult dispenser with no real merit or power to it and only in certain maps.
And she was designed to break the meta.

Pyro update didn't even have impact on TF2

Source? What Tumblr is this from?

Jesus fucking Christ, ew user

I can get a 37 yr old pregnant, no problem. Menopause isn't until they're around 50 yrs old.

Sombra is the best and most qt girl.

>best waifu
>has only one non-vanilla Legendary
>it's shit
How is that even fair?

What the fuck how does that body type even happen

>Hugest bump in players since 2013
>no impact.



>people try out the update and leave right after
>back to september player numbers already
That's not what "impact" is.


>Could be actioned
>Like everything else you could already "be actioned" for
The report system for OW is complete trash and I love it. You basically have to:
>Garner at least a 4 digit number worth of reports
>Go onto the official forums
>Have a pissing contest with one of the devs until they sperg out and look up your report history
To add onto that, pretty much everyone abuses the report system constantly.


fuck off with that stupid shit

I want to breed Sombra and have her call me papi

It's pretty overrated.
I only play it during events and I'll occasionally do the 10 competitive placement matches, then play arcade every week.
Great way to waste time and play shitfaced though.

The only way it's tolerable is mystery heroes mode which is a blast. If they killed off mystery heroes today I wouldn't play again until they brought it back.

>Mystery heroes
Definitely not since the Mercy change

brap power

that can't be real


Please tell me there's nude version.
>mystery heroes
You mean FFA? Literally the only way I can enjoy the game these days. Fuck healers.

>play regular matches
>teammates insta-lock offense heroes so i'm forced into healer if I want to win
>usually Mercy because revive
>play Mystery Heroes
>rng chance of getting the shittiest team comp while other team gets 2 Rein and 3 Mercy
>TDM is cancer in overwatch
i'm struggling to find the fun

It's garbage.

They ruined it because they reworked Mercy and I can no longer play the healsluth game with her.

we all know why you posted thread

I don't normally like fatties but I'm imagining being inside her with those legs wrapped around me cradling me on a cold winter night and it seems kinda comfy
I'd be using her as a pillow all the time and I wouldn't have to hold my head up like I do with every other girl

Looks like she broke into the krabby patty vault


Why do they always gotta slut up Pharah like Widowmaker or Mercy?

She's a woman who goes into battle in power armor. Her kit is designed for direct offensive engagement, not playing hide-and-seek with abilities and all her skins are just variants on her armor. She's a military brat that idolizes manly man brawlers like Reinhardt or McCree.

If you're gonna have her bare skin it has to be more subdued. An ill-fitting t-shirt or tank top showing off her midriff and a modest amount of cleavage paired with the pants of a military field uniform. A sports bra and athletic shorts. Something that looks like her in her natural state. This quasi-Maxim shit is trying too hard, there's nothing erotic about it.

Anyway, more to the point, the game had a lot of potential in the wake of TF2's autumn years, and Valve's manpower drifting towards CS:GO, Dota 2 and pet projects that go nowhere, and none of TF2's copycats really ever overcoming the thresholds. Indeed, Overwatch falls into a lot of the pratfalls other TF2 "killers" stumbled into, mostly being buoyed by the Blizzard name.

There's some spottiness to be expected in the early period of a game's life. McCree ending people's existence for daring to be in his line of sight, Roadhog being able to one-shot over half the cast with a trivial combo.

But between reactionary balance updates, stale metas, slow gameplay, and generally poor map design it's clear a lot of the first year was just hype.

Now it's just Blizzard's astroturfed esports, pornography and gay fanfiction that seem to keep it in the public eye over stuff with livelier scenes like MOBAs or Counter-Strike, or more enduring phenomenons like PUBG.

TOP GUN Pharah with leather Bomber Jacket Legendary skin WHEN?

The image you posted is the best looking paladins anything I've seen. That is how ugly and unpolished that game is. I honestly gave the game about 15 hours of playtime to see if I could really see anything it had on OW.

I can't believe this was the same team that developed tribes ascend, at least that game didn't feel like cardboard boxes duck taped together.

It's a disorder iirc. More common in blacks.

>She's a military brap

Getting a woman pregnant at that age is possible but at 37 the woman's risk of dying during childbirth or death due to complications from childbirth are significantly increased.


I bet her pussy really really stinks.

If this was TF2 I'd say it would encroach too much on Tracer but the only time they seemed to care about being distinct visually is when they made team-specific skins for Overwatch League.
I'm honestly surprised it wasn't a thing on day one given that two of Pharah's prototypes were basically the Rocketeer and Porco Rosso, who both have flight jackets. One of Mei's concepts also had the leather jacket with trim, as did Soldier 76 who was basically Metzen's Sonichu until he finally got to put him in a real game.

They really like bomber jackets, I guess.

>ywn fuck a living waterbed

She doesn't wipe