Why do Japanese games rarely feature Japanese characters? It's like they idolize white people or something

Why do Japanese games rarely feature Japanese characters? It's like they idolize white people or something.

check this 5

They ARE Japanese, they just have cartoony features.

Stop making these threads

What game?

Even realistic Japanese games feature white people almost exclusively.

That left arm can't be right the fuck is going on there?


Literally the first thread I made on this subject.

The Evil Within 2.

Evil Within 2.

that's my spot mister

Dunno if they "idolize" them, but they do most certainly wish they had their eyes.

You forget they sell these shitty games worldwide?

Japan and South Korea are obsessed with trying to look white. In SK there are even clinics where they can bleach your skin. Plastic surgery is huge over there too, every other girl wants "western lips", "western boobs", etc.
It's pretty funny actually. Those plastic girls are usually what Japanese guys think is hot, while "traditionally Japanese looking girls" are considered ugly (at least in the big cities like Tokyo). Many Japanese guys tells me they think white guys are crazy for wanting the "ugly chicks".

>Literally the first thread I made on this subject
There's been thousands on this pointless subject. There's nothing to discuss. There's no realization to be had. It's pretty much not video games.

I still can't get over Nioh, even if it's based on historical figures.

Yeah. That's exactly what it seems like. I don't know why they can't just be proud. It's not like they have a shitty cultural history.

>It's like they idolize white people or something.
they appreciate beauty

Chances are, if they have a Japanese name, they're meant to be Japanese

>that nose bridge
>that forehead
>that philtrum length
>those epicanthal folds
>white features
literal retard

also, anime characters in japan are seen as japanese-looking.

I wanted to post on /jp/. It's a literal garbage pile, though. Sorry.

Better than idolizing niggers like Western devs do

I don't think Op meant his pic as an example...

Are you retarded? That's one of the few examples of a Japanese character in a Japanese game. Holy fuck. You're so stupid.

>Former SK dude here

The joke in South K is that every girl for their 18th birthday is to get an eye lid job

Get rid of the Asian eyes to have wide "oegug-in" eyes (roughly means foreigner or white person)
Get rid of the round jaw for a more sharp one
Get rid of a flat nose for a more pointed one
Get lip implants

Breasts is a hot topic, some girls want them, some girls are worried that they will look bad outside of clothing.

and thank god for American culture, there is nothing pure about SK girls. They will fuck you at the drop of a hat

nice damage control
you got BTFO

You wish.

>there is nothing pure about SK girls. They will fuck you at the drop of a hat
Please tell me you have a story about this SK-san.

nice argument retard

don't reply for me, falseflagging nigger

>It's like they idolize white people or something
who can blame them? white people are pretty fucking cool if you ask me

I wish I was white. ;_;

>game made to appeal to the west because they are the biggest consumer of videogames

yeah no shit hes going to be white

I don't get it. If japan idolizes whites how come they are so xenophobic?

I live in Canada and ngl the Korean exchange students or Korean girls in general are hot as fuck, and trust me I think most asian women are gross.

>pretty closed country
>therefore not many foreigners
>results in foreigners being "exotic" and "interesting"
>put them in games because Japanese are tured of seeing each other at job 12/5
It's pretty simple.

either the japanese hate themselves or they are catering to people they know can afford games. probably both.

Ghost of Tsushima proves Americans can do jap better than japs.

Metal Wolf Chaos also proves the converse.

this an anonymous board, you know that, right user?

>put them in games because Japanese are tured of seeing each other at job 12/5

Why are you only working half a day, user-san?

It's almost like popular culture and traditional values are defined by two entirely different age groups.

How can you keep on living like this? I mean perhaps I can't understand with my comfy job, but you literally die from work, it's bad for fucking health. What the fuck do they even do for so long?

Not much. Was a English Teacher. Other English teachers would pack together, go drinking then back to the hostile.

But you would have oegug-in hunters all the time, and it showed you how most SK girls over 21 are just fire breathing whores.

They do die at work

It's why marriage and childbirth are non existent there now.

They suffer so our video games are better, our tech is better and our toys and bobbles are better.

They die so we can live.

Yes but what they do for 12 fucking hours at job? I mean you aren't productive after 6 hours, your brain is just tired. It's literal waste of time that isn't productive at all.

Yep. It's been proven time and time again that working longer than 6 hours is just a waste, even people who work 8 hours just have lunch/breaks for 1 hour and then fuck around doing nothing for the last hour (that is if you don't work a horrible manual labour job with a stiff boss).

in japan it's more important to look like you're doing something, than to actually be doing something


The saying "Keep your head down" rings true over there.

Just look busy and maybe you will be lucky and die in your sleep.