Name a more atmospheric series
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this has absolutely no atmosphere
but Metro is pretty good
Silent Hill
Arx Fatalis
old Fallout
I absolutely loathe the new voice acting in the Redux. Escpecially for Artyum.
Fucking christ, it sounds so damn shitty.
I prefer Redux because regular 2033 still runs like shit on my 1080Ti.
>walking around the post-apocalyptic Red Square while fighting commies
name a more comfy scene in Metro
I've always been interested in this series. what's it like?
no regrets
>not playing in Russian with subtitles
What the fuck are you doing mate?
I played the OG just fine on a 560ti 1GB! You using 4x SSAA or something??
it's really good
>tfw played both games in english because i liked the shitty accents
I do this a lot, actually. Alongside learning Russian, I figure it would be beneficial to listen to naturally spoken Russian over and over again.
Redux is shit.
why is everyone in the thread complaining about redux? isn't that a remaster? thinking about buying it on gog
Its a meme at this point. Probably because you can't buy the originals on steam anymore.
I enjoy everything except the voice acting.
Is there a way to replace the voice files with the old ones w/out fucking anything up?
Vanilla 2033.
Stalker SoC specifically with OGSE comes close or slightly above
why can't you buy the originals?
I'm as clueless as you are and I guess metro fans aren't very keen on helping newcomers
idk I only played Redux, seemed perfectly fine to me
It's just nostalgiafags bitching about minor bullshit, like the main character having a different voice actor even though he only talks on loading screens.
> not keen on helping newcomers
What do you mean, anonovich?
Redux 2033 is a downgrade of the original for ps4
Ruins the atmosphere, everything is too bright and more ammo.
I played Redux on Xbone and the brightness seemed atmospheric enough.
so the atmosphere is ruined only because of the bright light or is there something else? and if the devs removed the originals, I would think they felt the remaster was better, right?
>everything is too bright
Turn down the brightness lmao.
AAA enabled at 1440p. The game is locked 60 until I get outside
I own both on PC and redux on the consoles, the outside areas are the biggest difference. On PC it's dark and with nearly black skys, while in Redux the world is mostly white. There's also a lot more volumetric lighting in the original Metro.
is there anywhere I can still buy the original on PC?
Pretty sure you can only pirate it.
so it's like the devs don't want my money? well, I'll probably buy redux on sale and see how that goes. then maybe pirate the older ones at a later date
Good thing I bought the originals several years ago.
Probably has to do with the publisher if i were to guess. I played the redux games for dirt cheap and don't regret it. Still solid games. First game is a lot better though.
wait, is it not for sale anymore because THQ is gone? Digital distribution was a mistake.
The differences are significant at times as the original uses a ton of volumetric lighting but I still would recommend redux if you're playing it for the first time since it's easier to run.
I just looked it up and apparently the originals were full of bugs. are these addressed and fixed in the remasters?
Metro would be up there if it let you enjoy the fucking atmosphere alone for even a second
I played both redux games and experienced zero bugs personally besides about 3-4 random crashes in about 20 hours total between both games.
Okay, I think I'll go for the redux games then. last question: is metro as good as dead space?
I don't remember ever really running into bugs on 2033 but I didn't play it until after it was out for quite some time so it probably had patches.
In Redux the only bugs I ever encountered were on the Xbox One. I haven't run into issues on PS4 or PC.
After seeing two Metro threads today I realized that people actually like 2033 more.
I felt like Last Light was a lot more atmospheric and had a much better grounded story, and explained a lot of things that 2033 didn't. And it had best villain Pavel.
The levels were a lot more scenic and powerful too. And the extra DLCs (that you get for free with Redux) add a lot more game time. I loved 2033 but I like Last Light more. Just me?
Does anyone have a pdf for the Books for Metro 2034 and 2035?
I've read 2033 and now I want to read the sequels
You're practically running the game at 8K resolutions with the game's AA enabled. No wonder you got problems.
Just don't be a dirty pirate and buy them
Dmitry is a good author and a nice guy, he deserves it
it's either 4xMSAA or AAA and both have performance issues.
fallout 3 with radio turned off no joke I have to give Bethesda credit that game feels fucking dead a really good job honestly it not a normal fallout atmopshere tho
B-b-but.... please?
I'm a huge Dead Space 1/2 fan so i might be a little biased. Both solid games.
I like you user :3
Yes but in a different way.
They're very different games
Dead Space 1/2 are hardcore third-person horrors, with an emphasis on claustrophobia and puzzle solving.
Metro 2033/Last Light are not horrors, they're more of immersive psychological thrillers than anything. They rely much more on atmosphere and emotion than fear and they're much more linear than Dead Space.
Metro also has more characters hashed out than Dead Space which in many ways was intended as isolationist.
IMO, I'd say that Dead Space is better but the Metro games are still very good. The characters of Metro are what kept me coming back.
They scrapped the god-tier narration for no fucking reason at all it pisses me off so much.
Because it's a massive downgrade especially in the gameplay section
>"QTE" takedowns instead of free aimable, equiptable knife
>worse AI
>only two visibility states (seen or not seen with a delay on detection so you can play peekaboo with no detection)
>terrible screenshake recoil instead of only armshake like in original
>less environmental traps in levels
>throwing knives ignore armor (bounce off in original)
>mutants have invincibility frames during some animations
>attachment system makes searching for weapons in levels pointless
>overall shitty animations and feeling of weapons
>ruining atmosphere with more lights in some levels and removal of volumetric fog in others
>lots of little details and TECHNOLOGY is gone
>military ammo sets everybody on fire
lmao this is it? You just think it's god-tier because of nostalgia or because you feel superior since you played the original and other people now can't.
Glad to know I wasn't the only one.
Anyone else get stuck at the bridge level in the original version of the game? Seems like stealth is the only way to go, and stealth mechanics are fucking inconsistent as fuck. I feel like I should've been grinding a sniper rifle all along had I known how much hell I'd have to endure on this fucking level, I haven't gone back to it in months
No. REDUX versions are literal DOWNGRADES. Literal console-ports, re-ported back to PC.
Graphics are worse, gameplay is worse, AI is worse. Yeah, it runs better alright, but that's because majority of the eye-candy is removed, downgraded, and replaced with much older, lower-grade effects.
Nobody has never ever said a single thing about VAs. It's simply all because REDUX versions are inferior in every possible way.
Trust me I wanted to like the redux version, I really did but it is hands down a worse version of the game. Anyone who has played both will most likely agree.
They tried to make the game more casual and more action-packed but it just doesn't work as intended, it's still a good game but nowhere as atmosphereic as the original.
Switching the narrator and the loading screens from the melancholic and dark originals to the generic badass ones with a guitar in the background was one of many mistakes that ruined it.
This user sums up some good points.
so stop rushing? I enjoyed the atmosphere just fine. Maybe you don't know what atmosphere is?
good stuff! I've been planning to do some footage recordging for side by side comparison for a while now, but glad to see someone else got it done before me. And probably better as well.
There's a very obvious stealth path which leads down below and to the other side.
You can also try killing everybody from stealth which worked for me very reliably.
If you have the VSV use military ammo as kills in a single headshot even through helmets.
Just make shure your targets don't see each other or you'll have to go loud which is the third and harest option but also possible if you can aim worth a shit, make use of grenades and take cover.
>using a meme resolution
>for a game not designed for it
>gaem run bad is shit hurrr!
Original Metro 2033 had absolutely perfect ranger hardcore mode, the redux version suffers from the same problems last light had with ranger mode, and I don't think they ever fixed the issues
Plus Artyoms VA was better
While not a series of video games, Alien: Isolation.