Is anyone still playing this? Started few days ago and it looks like a nice time waster.
Is anyone still playing this? Started few days ago and it looks like a nice time waster
>Playing on a bitcoin mining botnet website
No thanks.
you literally have to be mentally retarded to enjoy it
oogga booga flash colors, COOKIES!!1, Huhuhu *click click click click*
cookie clicker is OK, but it gets boring when you realize that you stop making progress when you stop tabbing in to check for golden cookies every two minutes. Kind of defeats the point of an idling game.
candy box 1 and 2, crank, and universal paperclips are good if you're looking for browser games
>Kittengame > anything else
I don't understand how it's possible to enjoy something like this
I usually get the urge to go back to it every few years but not right now, no.
It's a fun timewaster for a while but it gets a bit stupid the moment the holy cookies or whatever they were called come into play.
Clicker Heroes and the shitty elders system is even worse though. You have to calculate fucking everything in a spreadsheet, otherwise you'll potentially lose weeks of playtime.
True, golden cookies quickly become huge part of progress. But it's a game in the end so I think it's fine for it to require some attention.
I like numbers.
I had another go at it recently since it seems like they've added a lot recently.
It was fun, but I reached a point where it started to get boring just waiting for stuff like Golden Cookies
Yeah, I checked out clicker heroes too and it gets stupid really fast. Quick glance at wiki showed there's far more to it but it doesn't look appealing at all with the values inflating at crazy pace.
Made by one guy I think
He's working on a new game now.
Yep. What's your main?
Don't forget "a dark room", which winds up being pretty dope, if I remember correctly.
all these incremental idle games are the same
they are like heroin to the autistic part of your brain, the initial rush from seeing the numbers go up is incredibly satisfying and makes you want more, and you keep chasing it for days, until you finally realize that it wont ever come back, but now you are invested and addicted to this shit, so you just keep on clicking forever
woah dude...your so woke up and aware.......dang.................
I keep it open in another tab. Something to check on when I want to remember when I lost control.
>all with the values inflating at crazy pace.
that's the fucking POINT
But it's too fast!
Look at the difference between one hero and next one. Previously the differences were less than x1000 but suddenly it's closer to x trillion.
Whoa. This looks very nice.
>bitcoin mining botnet website
Tell me more user.
Clicker heroes and every game that copies it are the worst of the idle genre because you spend the majority of your time instantly killing enemies for hours, just sitting there waiting for their spawn timer, doing nothing. On top of that, it's been mathematically solved (not that that's unusual for an idle game).
>21 nonillion per second
Damn, I thought I was hot shit.
user is fucking with you. Cookie Clicker's source code is publicly available.
Maybe that's what orteil wants you to think.
Maybe that's what the Illuminati want YOU to think?
Yeah, and you have proof that that's what runs on their servers
The harder you try, the harder you fail
I like to let Cookie Clicker idle while
playing other games or watching YouTube stuff.
I'm playing through the PC version of Disgaea 1 these days, so that's double the numbers autism.
Good one.
This is probably the best of these I've seen.
shark game>cookie clicker
if only it was still updated
Is the idle games general on /vg/ still a thing?
That was the only reason I sometimes went over there.