So besides the glitches, is this game really that bad because of it being made by SJWs?

So besides the glitches, is this game really that bad because of it being made by SJWs?

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I quite enjoyed it. Can't for the life of me remember why, though.


Would you buy pizza from Nazis?

Neither can anybody else who says they enjoyed it.

No, it's just a bad game. It'd be a bad game if it were made by nazis.

No, it's bad because it's made by EA. I really don't see what SJWs have to do with it.

because you're a double digit IQ nigger
there's nothing fun or entertaining running around bland, dead and empty wastelands just to find another shitty alien vault
the story is completely laughable. the writing even more so. everyone's a homosexual
>back up. literally
it legitimately reads like a 14 year old girl on Tumblr wrote the dialogue
no actual white person could enjoy something so incredibly shit. so you're either non-white or a leftist with a testosterone count

I would rather it be made by nazis at least we wouldnt have poo in the loo and his entire SJW circus pushing their agenda down everyone's throats

people never talk about the story or memorable characters when discussing the game which leads me to believe that it isn´t a good rpg.
the fact that the game has zero attractive female characters and zero white male support characters is probably a reason why nobody cares about the story.
that factor definitely comes from Andromeda being made by sjws

It's a third person shooter with some magic abilities and streamlined but still relatively loaded dialogue options.

So if you can pick it up for like 20 dollars, and enjoy self inserting as some faggy or female space commander in a mission based game, I wouldn't say it's a bad buy

Sup Forums will tell you yes because it's more fun to just say "IT WAS THE SJWS!" rather than actually play it

the reality is there's actually far less gay sex in this iteration than in any other game bioware has pumped out in the last ten years. the reality was that this was definitely bioware's flagship game and it had to appeal to huge demographics, so it had way more conventional AAA design. sandbox world with exploration with quest markers where you go do 6/9 bullshit fetch quest shit.

they'll post this video but i pirated andromeda a month or two ago after the final patch and never had any glitches like this.

in reality, it's the least SJW game bioware has made since the original mass effect. the plot is essentially about you colonizing planets with aliens already on them, which doesn't feel all that SJW to me.

but also it's just a terrible game. go from planet to planet fighting boring enemies with such a stale ass combat system. none of the party members are memorable nor are any questlines. it's modular game development at its worst. it has no soul.

EA didnt have shit to do with this, this is squarely on bioware

Look at me im defending EA thats how shit bioware has become

at least then it would offer something new. can´t even imagine where nazis would have taken the stories.

>SJW ree thread

Its a given with sjwware involved

>least SJW game made by bioware

Most blatantly false thing Ive read all day

no, Nazis wouldn't hire street shitter poo in the loo shitskins and cosplaying thots to make a game.
nor would Nazis make everyone a homosexual or lesbo or tranny walking freak show and every second character a non-white, nigger, kike or racially ambiguous arab spic shitskin
nor would Nazis hire people because muh diversity quotas. Nazis believe in a little something called quality. not that you'd know what that is, nigger

BIOWARE didn't have shit to do this, Andromeda was made by a bunch of interns and nobodies who worked on ME3's multiplayer and EA just slapped the Bioware name on them

you're a fucking retard
>SJW game bioware has made since the original mass effect

In Dragon Age: Inquisition I distinctively remember you have an option to get gay fucked by a literal bull man. almost everyone in that game is a raging blithering homosexual, lesbo, freak or whatever.
Over half the people in that game aren't even white. bunch of niggers and spics and fags running around. disgusting
not that I played it. I don't play video games, I'm just here to call people like you niggers

partly, it was also unfinished and completely soulless

It is theoretically possible for SJWs to make a mechanically sound game.
The writing was always going to be garbage, but it could have looked/played decently.

But these SJWs were also total novices being lead by hacks.

I enjoyed it but only because I liked the Mako from the first and liked fucking around on the planets. I'm in the minority on that so I can see the hate.

>not that I played it

You think your smart but you don't

>>Over half the people in that game aren't even white. bunch of niggers and spics and fags running around. disgusting
>not that I played it. I don't play video games, I'm just here to call people like you niggers

Would you pirate movies from terrorists?

You have no proof of Bioware having a "diversity quota" or that it would result in hiring unqualified people, and your whining about minorities has absolutely no relevance to gameplay.

>not that I played it
Here's the (You) that you wanted

>in reality, it's the least SJW game bioware has made since the original mass effect.

Nothing you said disproves that.

It is, but the SJW issue comes not in the form of PC dialogue and story.
All the issues were caused by SJW competing into popularity contests, just to forcefully push this and that idea. They fucking wasted a year and half trying to make Andromeda's environments procedurally generated ala No Man's Sky.
They wasted another year not knowing how to handle frostbite.

All the good stuff (such as the human sex scene) was made through third party hires, pushed on crunch schedule to patch shit up, while the main SJW-poisoned team was unable to come out with anything useful.

So, don't worry about PC stuff in Andromeda.
Be angry about lazy, ignorant, unskilled SJW whores damaging an IP.

>not that I played it. I don't play video games, I'm just here to call people like you niggers
This post is satire, right?

>So besides everything wrong with the game, can we talk about politics?

This post is,well,problematic.
Are you sure you know about SJWs?

hello rebbitgaf

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman


He was even recently interviewed, and blamed Andromeda's failure onto the white-majority team.

>why are people in a video game board talking shit about people that always make shit games

a bunch of trannys and homos and lesbos flying around in space on a gay orgie space ship fighting a masculine, Imperial race of conquerors quipping along the way as they go looking for the next spic or nigger to recruit on their flying gay boat with a sexually ambiguous krogan man/woman thing that talks to a lisping homo. over half the people in the game aren't even white. strong independent brown women grabbing the galaxy by the pussy. bullshit. woman can't do fucking anything
it's SJW as fuck dude, you're missing brain cells if you can't see it

But in Dragon Age: Inquisition I distinctively remember you have an option to get gay fucked by a literal bull man. almost everyone in that game is a raging blithering homosexual, lesbo, freak or whatever.
Over half the people in that game aren't even white. bunch of niggers and spics and fags running around. disgusting

that's much more SJW

It’s pretty damn terrible

>Horrible animations
>Bad voice acting
>Terrible writing
>Clusterfuck menus which require multiple button presses/clicks to get to anywhere
>Main story is short
>Side content is filled with “kill x amount of y” and material collecting
>Your choices don’t matter in the end

That and the mediocre voice and story.

>much more SJW
You can actually kill the Bull character, do you know?
Not much forcefully feeding you SJW shit, if you don't look forward to it yourself.

Even after the patches there is still PLENTY of jank left. Weird animation glitches, awful looking characters and what not.

Mass Effect was never good

The UI and menues are absolutely abysmal in Andromeda, it's incredible.

No, I never got far into Inquisition. Can't stand fantasy. It's fucking degenerate.

Awful RPG. Combat mechanics are alright, but everything else is absolutely Canadian.

Reminder that "SJW" is a buzzword for when you can't explain why a game is bad.

>i wonder why the game was terrible

>nor would Nazis make everyone a homosexual or lesbo or tranny walking freak show and every second character a non-white, nigger, kike or racially ambiguous arab spic shitskin
there's literally one gay dude

The game being a broken, uninteresting mess is a lot bigger problem than any SJW shit that Sup Forums keeps harping about.

yeah but cuphead's developers are from a toronto suburb

Cuphead is shit as well.


It's a case in point of complete mismanagement in game development. They had so much time and I imagine plenty of money to develop this game, and still Andromeda is what we got.

I wanna rebuke this, even though I hated the game because of how fragrantly wrong it is.

What went wrong?

Says the manchild playing video games.

womanchild actually

Tits or gtfo

There's nothing degenerate about fantasy as a concept, and people that try to stamp it out are the true enemy of culture.


WOuld you let a kid toucher paint your house?

Crucify yourself.

You'd just have a super-enforced version of the 90's/00's evangelical agenda instead.

No, as somebody who despises SJW's, I'll say he's right.

And stop shitting up NV.

I only played it for the romance, im lonely