Nioh would've been a lot better if the main character was black

nioh would've been a lot better if the main character was black

Where would he hide all the bicycles?


>nigger protag in chink games


Get some afro samurai shit going on.
Haven't even played the game or watched footage of it and that already sounds like it would make it better.

afro samurai game prod. madlib when?

I dunno OP, Guns were pretty hard without the proper gear setup and I didn't see a single chicken on any of my playthroughs

How would it have been "a lot" better by doing that?

>wife has no face
Wow, creepy.

shut up, racist

>That feel when you out yourself as underage.

Shit, the jig is up, ya got me

>prod. madlib
Why? RZA is a much better producer.

>h1z1 & 2 crates


but he's a boss

Is he aware if he tries to swing the sword down it would just lead to him fucking up his arm and his opponent aiming for it?

I like those picture because they portray the black genocide

I mean, think about this...The world once wuz all black but we enslaved them and we are erasing them thru the power of WHITE MALE SEMEN and asian one


good thread

not that his jodan stance is proper, but it's not like if he were really swinging that sword he'd hold on with his right arm.



Kill yourself, and i'm black telling you to kill yourself.

That design is godlike. Also bears don't get the appreciation they deserve. It's always tigers or dragons or some shit.

So he'd either fuck up his arm, or let go meaning he'd miss or have it knocked out of his single hand.

True Asians are niggers, they just keep secretly mixing with lighter skin people because they hate themselves.

Same goes for Mexicans but they're not Asian.

nah, asians are true aryans
white people keep mixing with blacks because they hate themselves

You disgust me.

I fucking hate asians

>Get Yasuke skin
>play through story again

then stop browsing this anime site then boiiiii

Yasuke was real, so was William Adams.
They wanted a game that incorporates big moments like Sekigahara and Siege of Osaka.
They wanted the focus on Tokugawa's rise to power
it also has the advantage of letting them play off of Nobunaga's shit since it had all went down in the same generation.
If they did a game about Yasuke serving Nobunaga then they would miss out on all the later stuff since it didn't happen yet.

While William wasn't really much of a warrior he was still a samurai in the bureaucratic sense that he was made a noble who served Tokugawa, negotiating trade and providing knowledge of the western world. Ishida Mitsunari's role in the Toyotomi clan was mostly as a bureaucrat and financial manager, which was what put him at odds with all the generals who sided with Tokugawa in the first place. As a samurai, William actually did carry swords around to show his status.

Yasuke was actually a warrior so I guess it would make more sense, but I'm perfectly fine with embellishing William as some sort of samurai warrior and still having Yasuke in the game anyways.

Obviously you did not play the game faggot.

Regardless of race, I actually do want Yasuke as protag for a Nioh 2 because his story is interesting and would make sense for a sort of "zero to hero" type theme.

Wasnt Yasuke in the game already?