He doesn't main the strongest hero in the game

>he doesn't main the strongest hero in the game

>he plays "games" where you "main" a "hero"

But I do.

> nothing golden
poor fuking scrub, would be embarrassed to pick it

>$344 cosmetics
pcbros WILL defend this

I don't care about the strongest hero rubick is to much fun to care.
Why does no other moba have a spell stealer

golden AM bashers are the worst looking cosmetics in the game

You posted the wrong picture you meant to post Keeper of the Light


I'll never understand valvecucks who let this happen

It's the steam marketplace, people can set any price they want.

because people bitch about them almost as much as pet based classes in PVP games.

Tell this to me when you are 10k

this is why valve will never release a new IP again

Some couriers were selling for thousands of dollars just a few years ago.

it looks purely cosmetic to me, could be wrong idk

>Why does no other moba have a spell stealer
Because it's a bitch to code all that shit. Best you get is a: steal from x, get 1 of 5 skills depending on x's role or class.

>he play dotard 2

It is cosmetic. People just see "exclusive" or low supply and throw money.

they are making artifact

I play Slardar

no its not, you just make the skills and heroes seperate in the first place, and the skills just make use of the heroes stats .

Its easy if you are not a shitter.

Nigger do you seriously think it's that easy? You're not even factoring in skill synergies, lingering skills, permanent change skills and how all those skills interact with every fucking skill in the game + all future skills that will be released. Fact is every time you release a new hero you have to make sure their stolen skills don't break the game in some way. It's way more work than most people are willing to put in. Otherwise everyone would do it.


just pick tb and max reflect and laugh at him as he struggles to stay in lane lmao.

artifact isnt a new IP

>strongest character
>has to capitalize in the 30min mark
>drops off 50mins in


Isn't the strongest hero in Dota Elder Titan lore-wise?

> Not maining the actual strongest
> And looking good whilst you do it

>he still plays this dead piece of shit


The sunk cost fallacy is real bruh

worst looking set in the game on the best hero in the game

> "Dead"


Ancient Apparition is the literal embodiment of entropy.


>posts a pic that proves it's dying
>"i-it's not dead...."


Jesus those fucking cosmetics sure got out of hand

I'm a bit surprised they don't try to re-release Ursa's cowboy outfit.


But it isn't dead? Make a valid point then i might consider your dumb statement.

344 dollars for a cosmetic, jesus christ

I'm happy showing off a £330 set ¦~)

>its dying
>its dying because chinks make bots on a shit game

nah fuck off

431 dollars worth of shit

Easy funds when i eventually sell it
And people buy this , 1-2 are bought each week

>have 81 million players monthly
>shit money
>trillion employees
>not a single fucking spell steal-like skill.
I mean, at least HotS has an ally hero replicate skill, but League isn't even close to it.
>skill synergies
Thats part of what makes Rubick so unique, he adapts to whatever playstyle there is, and most skills already are balanced around mana items and whatever.
>b-but it breaks the game!
Its fucking spaghetti code at this point.

antimage is the least fun hero in the game to play and to play against
I report every antimage picker

>they'll never make an IP
>what about this one
>that doesn't count

>mfw i wasted 6000 hours of my life playing this game

It's a children's card game for an existing IP

You mean a franchise.

is this picture still relevant

>he mains in dota
Okay mr.4k