

sticc > thicc
the only people who like fatties are overweight nu males who know they'll never ever get with a woman under 130 pounds.

video games

What do you guys have on your backlogs that you want to get to?
Been wanting to marathon Silent Hill and Resident Evil, so I'd be able to cross SH 4 off the list.

i wish i could have boobs like that while remaining skinny


Zelda games and Nier

C A N A D A ?

Please can i lick pusi?? Please!!

That's a man.

My girlfriend's got the 13 year old boy bodytype. It's alright, though I wish there was a little more to her sometimes.

What's snuggling with a BIG chick like? All my gfs have either been skinny or average.

Video games are my favorite type of video games.

I still want to finish Raidoh 2, Soul Hackers, SMT 4A, and P5; I'm near endgame on all of them, but I always struggle with FINISHING a game out.

my ex had a body like that. tits were slightly smaller. was fun to play strip mario kart and strip bomberman with

I've been playing all the SMT games, Beat P3 and Nocturne over the past 2 months and have started P4.

12 y.o. boy body

i'm a white guy btw

i love sticc


actually, yea.

no thanks

Either dump porn or shut up.

I still intend to do a full playthrough of King's Field through to Bloodborne. Played half of them already, but you know, including all the spinoffs and such.

> not being gay because women play too many mind games


low test

For youIt