What do you expect/hope from pokemon switch
all i want is some actual fucking pokemon variety, a large world/long story, GYMS, and a good postgame.
don't let the first pokemon game for the switch be a remaster, please nintendo
What do you expect/hope from pokemon switch
all i want is some actual fucking pokemon variety, a large world/long story, GYMS, and a good postgame.
don't let the first pokemon game for the switch be a remaster, please nintendo
>please Nintendo
Nintendo doesn't develop Pokemon
Gamefreak develops Pokemon
Game Freak will fuck up an HD project. They can barely make 3D games without being lazy as shit.
What I don't like in pokemon is their weird gimmick shit, and when the invent unconventional moves just to make a new pokemon look superior.
I really really want a reboot, but I know that won' happen.
I want a fully HD immersive world, though.
They'll do a remake of FireRed and LeafGreen. gotta get those geewunner nostalgiabux
More than one fucking save file
Being able to keep more than 4 abilities
It's going to be more of the same and have 3DS-tier graphics.
I'm expecting graphics as good as Gale of Darkness
>it’s just a collection of all the GBA games in better graphics
>have to go into a menu to individually select them
>no netplay
I want them to do like BW or RSE and have mostly new decent Pokémon for the main adventure. It's kind of lame building a squad with old Pokémon in a new game.
If you know anything about recent pokémon games is that they're becoming more pretty but the quality is going down.
If you think Switch is going to magically change that, especially when Gamefreak already said to don't expect much, you're tripping.
turned off pokemon because new games don't have any challange (not talking about just collecting them.. story wise)
I always liked pokemon snap because it showed pokemon living with and interacting with their environment, kakunas hanging from trees, slowpokes fishing, etc
That kind of thing is what I REALLY want from a switch pokemon game. To be able to be immersed in the world and the ecology of pokemon.
I know it will never happen and I am sad every time I remind myself that.
would be cool with current tech
Best case scenario is Monolith helping out
Gen 4 was easily the most challenging games in the series though
Maybe they're going to use cell shading and just make a 2.5D, hi-res traditional Pokemon game with graphics very similar to the anime.
>We will never get a Pokemon game running on the Pokepark engine in HD.
Pokemon motherfucking Snap
It would be perfect
I expect 900 GS balls, hidden in the map to find
a good game