Did YHVH really do anything wrong? He created the universe and can do with it as he pleases, yet there's always some Japanese twink that wants to kill him for vague reasons
Shin Megami Tensei
His existence is proof that there is no such thing as right or wrong, so you're right I guess.
Think it's called the Euthyphro dilemma.
Doesn't the Euthyphro dilemma say that there IS a right and wrong if God really exists because he defines it?
The goal in the dialogue is to decide "what is right and wrong."
The dilemma shows that if the answer is "God says so," well, for all we know he's lying.
He's either being 100% arbitrary or has his own system of right and wrong, which is where we return to the original question. And so introducing God into it gets us nowhere; it's circular.
That's how I remember it anyway.
He created the universe? How's that make any sense? I thought he was a dick that used someone else's work (The Great Will thing) and humanity's perception of him to make himself the biggest hitter around, while simultaneously weakening/corrupting every other god in the process.
Also, yes. Enslaving all of humanity and removing free will in general to sate your own ego is pretty wrong.
Yeah it's just
>If it is loved by the gods, it is good
>It is good, so it is loved by the gods
>Then, is it good because it is loved by the gods?
>or, is it good and, of course, the gods would love it?
Yes. He overall a megalomaniac and could give two shits about preserving order.
Depends on the game. IV/IV:A more or less point at the Axiom, which is a nonphysical will of the universe, as doing it.
Pic related is who we should actually put our trust and faith into. Just look at him, who wouldn't trust this guy.
how the fuck do I beat Ouroboros?
The universe has always just kinda existed
The Great Will is the collective consciousness of the denizens of the universe, which gives rise to gods and demons through belief and meme magic
Actually git gud and abuse co-op or use passwords. If anything I believe you should have access to mediaharan which should help.
Luster Candy and Agi
Resist electric
dps race like a motherfucker
The Great Will is just another name for YHVH though.
But Apocalypse shits on that, doesn't it? Now that they retconned The Great Will into The Axiom
Apocalypse apparently differentiates them though I suppose he could be talking about the Great Will specifically in that instance
I thought all of the games (spinoffs too) followed the same general idea that they're part of that one big network thing?
Either way, trusting any angels or demons that aren't throwaway mobs is a terrible idea.
That's what I thought. I didn't think he was part of that whole universe creating shebang, just the biggest god.
The meme magic is meant very literally here, right?
Fuck YHWH and Lucifer.
Oh the white are a bunch of pussies too
He's only The Axoim in the English version apparently and is still the Great Will in every other
Basically Yahweh screwed the pooch and he's not his preferred avatar anymore and is now an enemy to him
what demon do you reccomend me using?
how do i get it?
Each game, at least for mainline, is a separate universe. Even cases like IV and IV:A which are similar universes just where events play out differently. In the white ending of IV you only destroy the universe IV takes place in for example, not all SMT universes. The only beings known to be able to travel between the universes is Stephen, Mido, and Saint Germain.
>tfw no variation takes place in America
SJ was originally going to take place in New York, but I guess they thought Japanese fans might not like that. Originally for SMTI they wanted it to be on a global scale, starting in Tokyo and the final area being Israel, Jerusalem specifically. Sadly it was too much for them and they scaled it down to Just Japan.
I'm actually glad they moved SJ to the Antarctic, I think it worked out a lot better.
Sorry to reply late.
Black Frost was really helpful me in that fight, his source gives agidyne which is really useful to make a nice fire caster. Viviann, who you can recruit in Eridanus, gives luster candy in her source too which should make the battle much easier as well.
I played all the games and I hate how they never really tie into each other
who the fuck is steven, why is lucifer always such a dick, who the fuck is the great will, what the fuck is the amala network
But didn't nocturne explain multiverse shit already and also explain that the great will is one of the few things that is above the multiverse?
dont worry, also nice, I have Vivian but I dont have black frost, I need both pyro and frost right?
>who the fuck is steven
play SMT 1
>why is lucifer always such a dick
read the bible or whatever variation, fanfiction or sidestory that contains lucifer.
>what the fuck is the amala network
Just the SMT term for the multiverse.
They aren't suppose to tie into each other and it would make games illogical as the gams aren't suppose to have a "canon" ending to base a "sequel" off of.
Stephen is a normal human who created the demon summoning programs and travels universes observing them. Lucifer isn't always a dick, he's pretty cool in Nocturne. The Great Will is debatable, though it leans more towards being YHVH. The Amala Network is just what connected the different vortex worlds in Nocturne.
For Black Frost he requires fusing a jack frost, pyro jack, and incubus. He's a great demon who can use both physical and magic skills so put some good stuff on him. He resists physical and repels fire which is nice and as I said, his source is really great for fusion.
He didn't create the universe, the axiom/great will did.
thanks, where do I get an incubus? in delphinus right? SJ is my first smt game and though it's hard it's very fun, but I sometimes need to savescum, sorry if I sound retarded
i used two demons with war cry so her attacks would do little damage
I could have sworn they were in bootes but I checked and it seems they are fusion only I think. Pyro Jack and Bifrons, both found in Mitra's Tower in Bootes, make it though so get those two to make one.
Luster candy alone might be enough honestly. It gives +1 to all of your stats on every member of your party. You will be using until the end of the game.
meant for
Also one more tip for buffs and debuffs in strange journey. Never buff yourself or debuff the boss more then three times. I have noticed that for whatever reason bosses will remove your buffs and debuffs if you do them four or more times but if you only do them three times (buffing any of your stats three times or debuffing a boss' stat three times) they will ignore it.
no I am sure they are in delphinus, what demon should use luster candy?
Just give it something that will have a lot of mp as it costs a lot to use due to it being the best buff in the game.
alright thanks