Why do american womens hate video game?

Why do american womens hate video game?

they have patrician taste and recognize that games are shit

video games are not money.

simply epic

Society tells men that they have to be lazy gamers.

Only manchildern play on switch

Already seen SJWs try to discredit this that don't know how sample size testing works. That's an incredibly high amount of males for a system and a reasonable high response rate.

That's already too many women around, they should fuck off and take the 3% freaks with them.

This. anyone 18+ that plays vidya should end themselves.

The gender's are probably more or less representative unless males are more prone to checking emails than females (particularly of younger age groups where maybe males tend towards technology faster than females).

The ages are likely skewed since those of younger ages, particularly

because their phones require no mental effort and entertain them more. video games take too much brainpower so they're instantly turned off

who /43%/ here?

Like most normies, they don't really go after the different products before a purchase, they just take some brand and suppose that it's the best...that's why netflix and disney dominate entertainment today, that's what is in people's mind

Well first early purchase are known to be male based so that will skew the poll i don't even know why some people are trying to discredit it on other sites i browse even knowing how well nintendo caters to females. I don't think it'll reach DS gender split but it's gonna rise in time.

They dont, Nintendo does. History lesson time.

Back in the good old days of the first consoles they were sold as a device for the whole family, similar to Scrabble or Monopoly, and were not considered a toy for kids so they were stocked in electronic stores. They were not a product for children, in fact arcades were often in pubs, played by guys having a beer. But a trend started where kids would come into pubs and play arcades so gaming companies started realizing this was the real market they should be targeting. Side note; this is how the first arcades spawned as a place kids could be dumped by their parents and gaming developers could target children directly.

Then the first crash happened and everything went to shit. Nintendo made the NES and wanted to market it and being the wise old Japs they were saw the arcade scene and realized kids were the target, not families. So they decided to sell the NES in toy stores but there was a problem; all toys were separated between boys and girls aisles. There was no such thing as a aisle for both sexes.

Nintendo decided the best option was to sell their consoles in the boy aisle because the person most likely to be able to afford an expensive console is the man of the house buying a toy for his son, not the wife for her daughter.

And that is literally why gaming is a man dominated hobby. Nintendo were sexist.

Thats just a theory though.

Pretty sure it's just because the majority of American females share the belief that "fake" things like games are "lame" or just don't want to "learn how to work them". No desire to interact. They'd rather sit and passively watch a program or socialize.

Wouldn't the fault lie in the store owner for not having a neutral toy aisle? How were consoles sold before this to the whole family? Did they have a whole family aisle? A lot of this sounds like bullshit.

There isnt any real 'fault'. Its just how Nintendo decided to sell the NES. Pre-NES they were sold in electronic stores or gaming stores (back then these were board game stores), they were not sold in children's stores. No such thing as a family aisle, even today most toy stores dont have one.

Its not bullshit, its literally gamings history. There is a good documentary that covers a lot of this which I cant remember the name of, go look up gaming crash documentaries.

Its not a theory, thats literally what happened.

gaming is a male dominated hobby because females are extroverts and males are introverts.

>Nintendo decided the best option was to sell their consoles in the boy aisle because the person most likely to be able to afford an expensive console is the man of the house buying a toy for his son, not the wife for her daughter.

You were making sense up until this part. I mean, the rest is still pure specilation. Sensible speculation, but speculation nonetheless,

But this just doesn't make any sense.

You people seem to misunderstand this is stuff Nintendo talked about openly, im not going to bother searching 80s news articles to find what I already read back in the day.

You dont need much of a brain to know the person who controlled the wallet in the 80s was the man not the woman.

Empirically false by evidence of the Sims, Zelda and Pokemon which all have >50% female usage.

Also, Mayer-Briggs is a literal lie and you're a fool for falling for that rubbish.

>But this just doesn't make any sense.
Try being a woman in the 80s and telling your husband you want a expensive gaming console and see what happens.

>Nintendo decided the best option was to sell their consoles in the boy aisle because the person most likely to be able to afford an expensive console is the man of the house buying a toy for his son, not the wife for her daughter.
In addition gaming was 99% dominated by men making games for men.

OPs image is not surprising at all, this shit all happened less than 40 years ago, literally our parents who bought GI Joes and games for boys and barbies for girls. No shit that effect is still happening today. Give it 50 years and boys and girls will be 50/50.

Nah that’s not true