So how do you win

So how do you win


By being the last person alive.

Just camp

Diw first

2v2 is the only competitive bracket

Solo = Camp
Squads = Meme


Better question is how do you get it to run

It won't

By tooting the horn and getting banned because you made a streamer cry

1. Find car
2. Drive car to centre of zone
3. Hide in car
4. Keep hiding until only a couple people remain
5. Pop out and kill them

The only way to win is to not play.

If you're one of the faggots that camps in a building for 70% of the game waiting for people to enter il find you and rape your mum and sister

You shouldnt had installed it at all, so that only gives you half points.

Soloing squads = the dark souls of pubg.

>hiding in a car
I can tell you've never actually played the game. Enjoy getting a headshot from 400 meters away because you were stupid enough to sit in a car.

I've won several rounds using this method. You're just bad.

The only winning move is not to play

>I've won by hiding in a car and running away from others
Ok friend, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Just be urself

don't play

Just drive around and wait til it's time then win

Either camp or just drive around and wait.

just play fortnite

Is there any way to make the game not play like shit

you can't just camp, especially because
(a): you have to kill the last fag to win, and you need gear to do it
(b): the last circle is total rape damage, you don't want to even touch it or you'll get fucked even with boost. I wish I could camp the endgame but it never works for me.

hiding in a car. god damn that's pretty funny. that would be the mother of all free kills.

this game is fucking trash
>unoptimized performance
>unoptimized netcode
>ADS takes 10 fucking years to activate and feels like shit
>guns have retarded recoil and spread
>worst weapon handling in general in a while

and the worst thing is they'll never fix any of this

This game is bad

This is better

even with all of that, the game is infinitely more playable than its precursors like day-z, h1z1 etc. The way the games unfold is infinitely more interesting, dynamic and memorable than other big shooters out there right now.

>Better than DayZ or h1z1
You are setting the bar so low you fucking buried it.

>Squads = Meme

No friends? Squads is the best.

I wish there was a way for me to get into quick action matches without sacrificing a win so I can get a good feel for all the weapons and how the gunplay actually works, most of my kills/deaths come from just getting the upper hand on people and not from a 1v1 situation

>guns have retarded recoil and spread
Guns have no spread unless you're not ADSing.
>worst weapon handling in general in a while
Ah gotcha you're just trolling.

I'm bored of the game

By not playing

Same way everyone else wins at modern online shooters: cheat like a motherfucker.

I don't play any online shooter because there's no fucking point these days. Fuck me for actually not wanting to cheat in a goddamn videogame.

it's awful. go and play insurgency or even fucking call of duty

By uninstalling PUBG and playing fortnite instead, it's a better game since it atleasts involves a form of strategy.

Winning does not equal having fun in games like pubg and fortnite.
You can play it safe, lurk around and guarantee at least a top 5 every match but it gets boring quickly.
The sweet spot is getting good enough not do die as soon as you land and play it agressively, like a madman drawing fire from every direction, going for kills.

underrated post

Shoot the other players until they die

you play enough to get points to buy stuff to put on the steam market

>watch a live tournament of the game in an event
>winner lucked out by hiding in the water and picking off his companion and the last person outside the circle
Lots of luck.

Any game without a learning curve isn't worth playing for long

I hate how the way to win is literally "hope you're inside the circle when it shrinks"

The devs actually changed the blue zone recently because of this. A lot of people used this strategy of hiding outside the blue zone and healing yourself to avoid fighting inside the zone so the latest patch made the blue zone hit much harder so now fags can't do this shit anymore.

I may have misphrased it. I meant the winner hid inside the water in the zone and lucked out because the final zone was entirely in the water.

Staying just outside the circle with a vehicle is pretty good until the last couple of circles.

I have lost near the end several times by getting shot by some fag with infinite healthpacks in the blue zone after I killed everyone else, it was such bullshit.

You better hope you find one in the first few moments before the shooting starts

its literally so easy you just gotta not run in the open.

Actually you can memorize their location and pick a low drop high vehicle area to get a REALLY good chance of getting a vehicle with decent gear. Hard to get good gear without killing a few blokes though

I love gang raping solo faggots who think they are awesome for going in alone.

If you're sneaky enough you can run them down.